Sad, sad day...

Ghost Weim

Time to ride!!
Premium Member
Oct 11, 2008
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Southwest WI
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I came into work yesterday morning to find out that one of our OB nurses was murdered by her husband very late the night before. They were going through a divorce and he showed up at her house with a shotgun and did the very nasty deed. Luckily they aprehended him fairly quickly and he did confess - hope they throw the book at him.

The worst part of it was they brought her body to the hospital - and staff who were close friends worked on her but there was no hope. She also leaves behind two children. So sad...

Staff are very shaken, I brought in clergy as well as EAP (I am the HR Director there) but it will be a difficult thing to cope with. I thought I was pretty stoic, but woke up many times last night thinking about her. What a loss - great person and wonderful nurse.
Terribly sad new :( . RIP to your coworker and hopefully everyone that knew her can hold on to the good memories and get through this tragedy. I can't imagine what her two children are going through, but I hope they have people they can lean on to get through as well.
OMG, thats horrible. Sorry to hear of that Brenda.
You hear of stuff like this happening all the time, But... it hits so hard when it's someone you know.

Thoughts go out to you and your staff from us Aussies.
Very well handled B, may she rest in peace. God bless her children. What an ar5ehole.

Sorry to hear. We had a similar thing here on July 4th! I girl I work with was brutally murdered on her front steps. Still haven't found the murderer.
Dear God! That is horrible and tragic! Those kids lost their Mom and will never see that selfish bastard of a father again. I hope they burn him in the chair.

Our prayers for the kids and family!
OMG! :( I feel so bad for the kids, hopefully they did not witness it. I hope family will take care of them. I do not think that I will ever understand how you can hate someone so horribly to kill them. There are special places in hell for guys like that.

My prayers are with the kids and remaining family.
That is Horrible....I don't even have word's to describe how sorry I feel for those children.....they lost both parent's thanks to one .....He will have his Judgement Day The same as the rest of us......:(
I"m so sorry for your loss. I hope the kids have extended family to lean on/live with (if they are younger). You and your staff (and of course the family) are in our prayers. :(
What a horrible outcome, if the guy couldn't deal with the divorce then he should have used the gun on himself....

Very sorry to here about your co-worker, that is absolutely horrible.:(

I hope they take an eye for an eye!:spank:

By the way...EAP? Employee Assistance Program? You said you were in HR.....

Very sorry to here about your co-worker, that is absolutely horrible.:(

I hope they take an eye for an eye!:spank:

By the way...EAP? Employee Assistance Program? You said you were in HR.....

I agree - hope he is strung up.

Yup - Employee Assistance Program - they did a great job with some organized grief groups for our staff members.
wow.....that is just terrible. I'm so sorry to read about this. My condolences to you, other friends and family.

wow....what a shock.