Save a dying YBR 250


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Jun 6, 2011
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Hi there, I found this place like one of few where there is talk about Yamaha YBR 250's.
Please help me with a good advice or anything else to solve my problem. I've bought a YBR 250 before a year, it's almost new ('08 - 2000km) and even like that it has a huge problem.
After 15 min ride, the spark is black and dirty. After a longer time it get cut off and it's not working anymore.
The Yamaha service technician told that on the injection pump there are three sensors and one of them might be broken.
Therefor it's pushing full gas into the shaft which the spark plug cannot burn and it gets also overheated - after what it get broken. We try to open the whole pump, cleaned it from interior but without big difference. Since then it is able to work longer but still the spark plug is black and dirty. They adviced me to buy a new pump which is about 500 Euros a sum which I cannot aford.

Here's my big please for help, if anyone had similar problem or would know any relevant info how to solve this, it would be really apreciated. Even if you have a crashed or broken YBR 250, let me know, I would have interest in buying the injection pump.

Thank you in advice.

skype: frizi_
I would check out e-bay. Pumps will be much cheaper than €500.00.
Have you got the correct heat range spark plug?
I had an old YB100 that had the wrong plug and it caused major overheating which caused the engine to seize.

Hi, thanks for the reply. The spark plug is 100% good, i've check that on internet. I'm usin DR8AE spark plug which was previously

How could I find the injection pump? regarding what to search. Even if I try to search for YBR 250, mostly there are parts for YBR 125.

Thank you!
I've been looking for 2 hours on the internet for the type of the fuel pump/carburator or what ever it is the broken part. No idea, does anyone know how it is called so I could refer to it via search? I found that it might be 5d1-13750-01 but I dont have any relevant results to this.
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I think that the best thing to do is have Yamaha identify the part and give you the part number. This way you can avoid having to buy loads of parts in the hope that one will work.
The technician also said that the part might be broken?
Get them to find out what is actually broken before you waste to much time searching.

Have you looked here for parts?
My Yamaha Prompt - Parts Catalog

Good luck
How to say this in a nice way.... Yamaha YBR 250 is a OEM model of the big brand. In the Yamaha service tjey told me that they will change the part which will cost me that sum or I can throw the bike away. I mean, I am so disapointed by YAMAHA, a Japanese high quality manufacturer that I cannot express this in words.

The YBR models are not listened even on the spare parts list :]. I mean, this situation is hopeless. Each door that I'm knocking at it's closed right away. I called three other services in Czech republic with negative result. I've contacted Mikuni CZ & DE where they told me that I have to ask Yamaha (how sweet :]).

Thanks for the hint regarding the engine temperature sensor, I will mention this to the mechanic. I mean, he is doing his best, looking for the bug but there is no much experience with YBR's. The only solution that was mentioned is the change of the 500 euro pump. I see why they are that rare and this way they will be even less YBRs on the road.

BTW, I have every documentation that the service has and I couldn't find the stupid, two left handed manufacturer that messed up the cheap pump.
Guys, thanks for cheering me up and trying to find a solution. I'm pretty sure that I'm at a dead end.
How to say this in a nice way.... Yamaha YBR 250 is a OEM model of the big brand. In the Yamaha service tjey told me that they will change the part which will cost me that sum or I can throw the bike away. I mean, I am so disapointed by YAMAHA, a Japanese high quality manufacturer that I cannot express this in words.

The YBR models are not listened even on the spare parts list :]. I mean, this situation is hopeless. Each door that I'm knocking at it's closed right away. I called three other services in Czech republic with negative result. I've contacted Mikuni CZ & DE where they told me that I have to ask Yamaha (how sweet :]).

Thanks for the hint regarding the engine temperature sensor, I will mention this to the mechanic. I mean, he is doing his best, looking for the bug but there is no much experience with YBR's. The only solution that was mentioned is the change of the 500 euro pump. I see why they are that rare and this way they will be even less YBRs on the road.

BTW, I have every documentation that the service has and I couldn't find the stupid, two left handed manufacturer that messed up the cheap pump.
Guys, thanks for cheering me up and trying to find a solution. I'm pretty sure that I'm at a dead end.
I am sure that your bike was imported widely into the Asian market.
I know its a long shot but how about sending them an e-mail or even going straight to Japan customer services?
I will keep on looking, good luck.

Thank you Nelly. I would really know they point of view at this problem by the Japanese manufacturer. So far, I didn't check for international support and looked only localy in three countries. Tomorrow I will rise my phone charges and will call to Japan or even US. I have to get an answer why I have to change the whole pump or even the whole engine so the bike will work as it should. The best part of this is that the bike has 3 years (no warranty) and it has only 2000km on the dash :].
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You know that BR in YBR stands for Brazil. It´s made here by the local Yamaha. Bad news is that parts are 3 times more expensive here than anywhere else, at least for bigger bikes like my fz6. You can try the local owners forum Fazer Online - Índice (it´s called fazer250 here), but most users will be portuguese speakers only. Worth a try, or try translating with google. Good luck.
Today I had a word with the Yamaha dealer with which I made a great agreement regarding fixing the issue. Hereby I would like to mention that I didn't wanted to dissapoint or discourage anyone from buying or using Yamaha motocycles, neighter YBR's :]. Thank you for the great help and for your support. Enjoy your ride on your motocycles!