Scorpion EXO1000 Helmet Closeout

How do their sizes run compared to HJC? Haven't tried on a Scorpion but I wear a size small in HJC even though I wear a 7 3/8 hat...
Man, thats a great deal!

I bought mine a couple months ago for 158.

Caution: They are heavier than most helmets due to all the bells and whistles incorporated into the helmet.

But, I LOVE mine (Solid Silver) med.

P.S. I got the dark inner visor.....not that dark, but cuts most of the sun glare.
I can't be 100% sure but I think they run a little smaller compared to most brands. I've always worn a Med. helmet but my Med. scorpion is just too small for my melon. A large would have been perfect. They probably have a sizing chart but I neglected to use it.
I always thought this was the most overrated helmet on the market. BUT at that price, it's VERY worth the money!
I can't be 100% sure but I think they run a little smaller compared to most brands. I've always worn a Med. helmet but my Quick Links Med. scorpion is just too small for my melon. A large would have been perfect. They probably have a sizing chart but I neglected to use it.

My previous helmet was a Zox in size large, after a year the padding compressed so much that is was way to loose. After reading the size chart, went with a med. exo-1000 and it was tight for a few weeks then broke in REAL nice. It fits great now.
I've used an EXO-1000 since they came out in '07~'08 and it was head-n-shoulders better than the cheepie that came with my bike.
One warning to anyone buying one: Some of the "snaps" that hold in the helmet liner are true snaps, and others you have to slide the attachment to one side; if you don't the snap in the shell will break out, which I've done twice now. :(
Its past due for a replacement, and I'd like to check out the replacement (can't remember the model #) but they're not on the market yet (the -1000 was a few months late too). If the snaps are the same in the new one I'll look elsewhere; I'd pick up another -1000 at that price but they're already sold out of XXXL's (shaddap back there in the peanut section! :eyebrow:)
I wanted to throw out a quick "review" of the EXO1000...

Firstly, processed and fulfilled the order quickly and efficiently. (Shipped via FedEx)

This is my 3rd Scorpion helmet... 400, 700 and now the 1000.

- Those wondering about fit/size, all are XLs but the difference regarding size is the shape of the shell. The 400 and 700 are more round where the 1000 is more oval, giving a noticeably more snug fit. But after wearing it a few times now it's become acceptably comfortable as the padding has broken in a bit. Still a snug fit but I've come to like it... the helmet stays put and isn't as prone to moving around on your head.

- Fit and finish are great. I think it looks great. (I purchased the light silver)

- WebBikeWorld review made reference to it being a noisy helmet. Even though I almost always ride with earplugs I notice really no difference between the 1000 and my previous helmet (EXO700), in fact I think the 1000 may be slightly quieter.

- WBW also makes note of the weight of the helmet. While it may be considered "heavy" I didn't find it to be any more noticeable than my previous helmets. I think the previous 2 findings may be due to...

- Aerodynamics of the helmet seem to provide a very stable airflow. Very little buffeting. Getting a chance to ride in windy/crosswind conditions may change this finding.

- Venting can always be better but seems adequate. Ask me again after putting in a day of riding in 90+ degrees. I'm a visor up/sunglasses kind of rider so this isn't a huge issue with me. Speaking of... the built-in flip-down sun shade is fun to play with and I can certainly see coming into play on those "sun low on the horizon" situations but if you wear polarized glasses you definitely get the "checkerboard" pattern/rainbow effect. It's also not the most optically true either so there is a small amount of distortion. Pretending you're a fighter pilot is only a lever-flip away. :thumbup:

I've found that when evaluating any mods/upgrades/gear the impressions are based on a rider's individual situation (Bike setup, height, etc) so keep that in mind. As for me, my experience with Scorpion helmets has been nothing but positive and my new EXO1000 hasn't done anything to change that.

The bottom line is that there may be better helmets out there but for $100 this is an automatic buy.

Thank you for bringing it up. I was going to until I saw that you did.

This website is AMAZING! Their reviews are spot on. I went and tried on the exo-1000 at the local shop to see if it would be worth getting a second helmet. Maybe I am spoiled by my GMAX, but the EXO was not good at all. The optics were poor, the helmet did not feel well fitted (my head's fault, not the company), it was Extremely heavy, and overall did not leave me with a good impression.

It will definitely work well for many, but I would always suggest trying on a helmet before ordering one
Speaking on helmets, are there any that have speakers built into them? I'd love to just be able to plug my MP3 player into the helmet for tunes....
I'm looking at fastrack II by Oneal it's another companies helmet don't quote me but the name is seven something it's sold at cycle gear it's blue tooth with speakers and exterior controls it's worth a look up I'm going to buy one I'll post a write up in a week or so