Sears has motorcycle trunks on sale $32.49 or $42.49

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They are the same ones sold at JCWhitney, but half price. I just ordered the large one. $58 to my house.

I'll post pics when it is mounted...

(just an aside.... could the 31 litre bags be used as side cases?)

this sounds very good. I have in mind getting one of these things for longer trips to have an option of storage.

I'll be waiting fr your pictures.

Automotive items at

They are the same ones sold at JCWhitney, but half price. I just ordered the large one. $58 to my house.

I'll post pics when it is mounted...

(just an aside.... could the 31 litre bags be used as side cases?)

Make these bad boys for the sides ill use them when I travel.
Wow! Yes please do post pics, and let us know how you mounted it. Looks like you need to buy brackets elsewhere?
(just an aside.... could the 31 litre bags be used as side cases?)

Well, they were cheap enough that I bought two with the intention of trying to mount them as side cases. I've done some conceptualizing about how to mount them, but nothing concrete yet. I did figure out that you can take the hard plastic backrest off (no need for a back rest on a side case) and plug the holes with some plastic plugs I found at Lowes. Also covered the iron cross emblem with some black plastic decal material. Plan to take the orange trim piece off and paint it.
Here's a quick video I found showing the large case, looks pretty good to me! check it out.

[ame=]YouTube - Sears Luggage Trunk (Top Case)[/ame]
Thanks for the video! You mentioned you had to create a "custom rack" for it, how easy/difficult was it for you?
Okay folks,
I received my $32.99 ($53 after shipping), Sears trunk. It is 100% what I thought it would be for 50 bucks. By no means is it a factory or high end trunk. It is a 50 dollar universal, (I use the term universal lightly, the brackets that came with, do not work), trunk to slap on with the realization that in 2 or 3 years you may need to purchase another.

My question is... Has any of the real smart folks on this site figured out a way to mount the trunk??? I am going to post the 30 minute mount job that I tossed together, but I am hoping that someone figures out something better.

Basically, I have mine mounted with some bungee cords. Yes, these will work 80% of the time, because there is no shacking and the mounting bracket that came with the trunk is fastened tight against the seat. Only issue is, a sharp knife and he trunk is gone.

Please see pics.

Like I said, this is a quick mount that is stable and works, and will shack the bike as much as the truck when to shack it. I isn't going to go anywhere, until a guy with a knife wants to take it. But, I guess he can have my dirty undies if he wishes...

No sure if this helps, but here it is..

Thanks all.

I am really sorry to the readers! I should have proof read this... I is horrible.

Shack.. Besides the structure that stories your bike and such, should have been "shake"...

A "truck" is nice, but in this post, it should be a "trunk".

Thanks for the pictures. It looks like a good deal on the case, but I think I'll wait until a more permanent mounting solution comes along.

I am really sorry to the readers! I should have proof read this...

Just FYI, you can go back and edit your previous posts. Click the 'Edit' button when reading the thread.
I don't blame anyone for waiting on a better mounting job. It just was not a big deal to me because I will only have it mounted on the bike 15 to 20 days a year. For the over night bike rides and things like that.

But will redo mounting when something better comes along, as long as it doesn't drill any new holes or anything like that into the bike.

Thanks for the edit help also!!
That is a bad ass low budget mounting system. I like it a lot! Did you ride a KLR before? :D

I have one of the same cases purchased from JC Whitney but I have mine mounted on a SW-Motech rack with the Givi monokey adapter. I had to trim less than 1/8" from the mounting slots on the bottom of the case to get it to fit. It's a cheap case for a reason, but they work well. Mine's been on the bike every day for the last year and it's never leaked or given me any problems. I'll probably upgrade to something nicer at some point, but I'm impressed with how well this one works for the price.
FuriousGeorge, I've got the Givi Monokey plate (I used to have a V46). Are you saying these cases WILL work with the Monokey plate (and you're not meaning the Monolock)? If so, I'm all over it.

Is there any way you can post a picture of the underside of the cast so I can see the way it mounts?
Got mine today and yup, there's a reason it was $33.00. Cheesy but functional..

That Iron cross or whatever is gone as well as the tricycle reflector.

I did a little mounting plate adapting for a level base. All I have to do now is figure the bungee system and I'm good to go. I throw some pics up later.

If you have a Corbin you'll probably need to level the mounting plate.
I got mine too. It is just as others have said. Plain, but functional.

I already have the Givi topcase rack system on the bike. All I had to do is remove the Givi plate, install the new plate and mount the trunk. For $50.00, it will do just fine for what I need....
Skrapiron, thank you for your post! I've been trying to figure out if I could just remove the Givi Monokey plate that I've got on the mount and put the plate that comes with these cases on there. You answered that question with a resounding YES!

Looks like I'll be ordering one of these tomorrow!

Is there any way you could post a picture of the plate attached to the rack without the topcase on there? I'm trying to get a feel for how it would mount to the arms.