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Adirondack Jack

Don't call me " Jun ior&a
Jul 21, 2009
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Keene Valley, NY
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It was an OK day here. 50 deg. and partly sunny. I caved in and geared up for the first ride of the season. Even though I know it's too early to ride, the main roads are nice and clear of sand and salt. I go. At 30 miles from home I decide to head back home by a different route. Figure I'll stop at a great sandwich shop for lunch. After I ate I noticed some dark clouds on the horizon. I cranked up the bike and headed for home, committed now to a much higher elevation route to the barn. I didn't go 5 miles before I was in a cold rain. 5 miles more and it was snow. Winding off a mountain pass with big flakes coming down like crazy was pretty hairy! Just got done wiping the bike down. I got what I deserved for pushing the start of the riding season, eh? But ya know what? It was so worth it! :rockon:
Man, I know how you feel.
I got stuck some years ago on an overnight ride with friends in September on the back side of Yosemite.
First day was great but the morning of the second day a huge black cloud was covering Yosemite and the only way home was through the park in 29 degree weather, snow and sanded roads. Needless to say I had no winter gear with me and it was the scariest, coldest, longest ride of my life.
I was actually happy when the snow and hail finally turned to rain for the rest of the 200 mile ride home.
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I rode today and I'm guessing I'm going to beat this home by about 30 minutes or so. ;) I DO have my rainsuit packed though. :thumbup:

I give you the "Balls 'O Steel" award for the All-Weather start of 2010! :D Glad you made it back safe!!!