Should I buy this?

Nice man. You are going to enjoy this bike. I bought my first FZ6 a few weeks ago, and I think about riding all the time now. I have ridden GS500's as well. There is NO comparison to be made with the FZ. Happy that you were able to score a good deal. (Mine is a used '06, but only had 5k on the clock)
Unbelieveable that they would leave a brand-new bike to sit for 3 years while the world carries on around it and update models come and go...they're either stupid or lazy.

You made a great choice. I completely echo solar's comment - it's a fantastic machine (I also recently bought a 2006) and I look forward to getting on it everyday. I would have liked to buy new or near-new but wifey says no loans so the '06 was more my price and I'm more than happy with my choice.

Still learning the bike and how to handle it, but so far everything I've wanted to know I've found on the vast encyclopedia that is the archive. Great stuff!
Unbelieveable that they would leave a brand-new bike to sit for 3 years while the world carries on around it and update models come and go...they're either stupid or lazy.

You would be amazed at how often this happens!!! They are left overs, and since new motorcycle sales is a unique market it happens a lot. Typically the people who buy brand new bikes want the latest and greatest, and if all the dealers stock of the previous model year hasn't sold before the newer ones come out then it is extremely hard to sell a one year older bike for roughly the same price as a newer one. It's not like a car dealer where you can get huge rebates on the previous model year, normally you don't see big discounts on the price until it has sat at least 2 years. That's a big reason why most dealers don't keep a huge selection, they get stuff in as they sell stuff. I've herd of people recently buying brand new 1980's model bikes still in the crate for the same reason. So in reality it's the market and the economy to blame for bikes such as this one and in the end the buyer still wins!!!
better late than never?
heres some pics...sorry it took so long.
it was at night so the "flashy" style photography is all you get for now other than my avatar.

...ok change of plans. i don't have a photo bucket and not sure how to just upload on a here ya go:
Yamaha FZ6 Forums - International FZ6 Motorcycle Community Forum - AthensGA37's Album: My new toy

let me know what you think...obviously its stock there..but it will change soon!

Sweet bike is badass! :rockon:

Hope you're having fun getting to know the bike, I know I am.

This has some good info 2009 Yamaha FZ6