sincere apology


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Aug 12, 2007
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Lou, Ky
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sometime in the past I posted my opinion that riding 2up on the FZ6 would have to be uncomfortable for the passenger, due to the seat being hot and what not. Sunday 16, I took my wife on a ride, a good one too. When we got home, I grilled her on her experience and she told me, no the seat was never hot, she was not uncomfortable, and she would love to ride with me again. One caviat to that though, she said I needed to buy more life insurance because i'm too fast. LOL yeah I did a burst here and there where it was straight and safe to 90 ish, but didnt veer too much over the speed limit. Everytime she noticed the od was over the limit she would tug at my jacket pretty annoyingly. Of course when she did that I would drop a gear and open her up a bit more showing how happy I was having my jacket tugged at. Oh, also I stopped at my brother and he and I were riding with him on his honda cbr600rr. We adjusted my chain, which had a bit of slop, and basically had a great time. I just cant get over what a rush riding the honda is, it has 118 HP, and WOW, throws you around. But I love my FZ6 as it is WAY more comfortable and keeps up pretty good. On a straight the honda ate me UP.
My wife is 5foot 3 inches and weighs 110 lbs.
Glad you liked it 2 up....

ya might have made a mistake though... she may always want to go with you ..... I took my wife on a ride and she said the FZ6 was TOO FAST....


now if I want to ride alone I take the FZ6 and if I want her to go I ride the elctraglide.....
My GF doesn't ever want to ride with me... she's a former Emergency O.R. nurse...
If she works in the OR ask her how many riders she has had to cut gear off of.
Here in KY 6 passengers were killed in 2006.
It might help a little bit, another thing that helps is asking her to go with you to a parking lot in the car and watch you practice, then see if she will get on safe and away from traffic and practice real gentle. It might work.

My new girlfriend was sorta scared, so I went real easy for a while, as she got used to it, more lean angle, accelration and braking. Now she gets excited and asks to go to the twistys. She had only rode a cruiser once before and without gear.
I figured it was my responibility to let her feel comfortable, and make sure she would get to enjoy it.
I think its more her distrust of my general driving than her OR experience (never mind the fact that she's had four car accidents in the last 7 years, I haven't had any).
And since our combined weight would go over the max allowable on an FZ6 (I weight 230 and will say no more) I'm not going to push the issue. :p :D
For my GF's birthday she got a jacket and gloves. Then we went for little practice rides on side streets and in the country. After a few of these she was comfortable enough to try the freeway so we went on a little jaunt to a friend of hers house (about 20 miles one way), after that we went to Monterey for the beach and Aquarium (AWESOME!) about 200 miles one way and she has been great ever since, even in the twisties. So far she has logged close to a thousand miles on the back. The only time she felt the seat was too hot was sitting in stop and go traffic in 105+ weather. Once we got moving with a bit of lane splittling the seat cooled right back down for her.:thumbup:
I think its more her distrust of my general driving than her OR experience (never mind the fact that she's had four car accidents in the last 7 years, I haven't had any).
And since our combined weight would go over the max allowable on an FZ6 (I weight 230 and will say no more) I'm not going to push the issue. :p :D

Gottcha. LOL
For my GF's birthday she got a jacket and gloves. Then we went for little practice rides on side streets and in the country. After a few of these she was comfortable enough to try the freeway so we went on a little jaunt to a friend of hers house (about 20 miles one way), after that we went to Monterey for the beach and Aquarium (AWESOME!) about 200 miles one way and she has been great ever since, even in the twisties. So far she has logged close to a thousand miles on the back. The only time she felt the seat was too hot was sitting in stop and go traffic in 105+ weather. Once we got moving with a bit of lane splittling the seat cooled right back down for her.:thumbup:
I didn't realize you were so close to Monterey. The aquarium IS awesome, expecially the jellyfish displays! :thumbup: