Skydiving Photos

Great PIX - thanks for sharing.
I can't even begin to imagine what kind of adrenaline rush you felt jumping off the plane. Cheers.
nice pics... i went a couple years ago and got a video of my dive.... if you havent gone i highly suggest it!!! it is an amazing experience
Awesome! I jumped once in Illinois in fields out there. What an incredible experience. To jump on your own it takes many jumps and alot of money. My husband keeps trying to get me to agree.. being from the 82nd Airborne, he has had many jumps and many knee surgeries. I think it is over 25 jumps to get FFA licensed to jump by yourself.. I would love to jump again.. I also, have done paragliding in the Swiss Alps. ;)

Like air better than water.. and speed better than slothfulness
Great pics.

I too have done a jump (tandem), and (as above have said) it is the most awesome feeling in the world. It's just a pity that it's all over so quick.
I jumped from 10,000 feet, 5000 feet free-fall (over in about 30 seconds), then open the chute and glide down the rest.

I am also a recretional scuba-diver, and while that is fun, would definately rate Skydiving better... although, it is very expensive.

Awesome! I jumped once in Illinois in fields out there. What an incredible experience. To jump on your own it takes many jumps and alot of money. My husband keeps trying to get me to agree.. being from the 82nd Airborne, he has had many jumps and many knee surgeries. I think it is over 25 jumps to get FFA licensed to jump by yourself.. I would love to jump again.. I also, have done paragliding in the Swiss Alps. ;)

Paragliding in the Swiss Alps! Wow! :thumbup:

Skydiving is not a cheap sport for sure, but then neither is a lot of other hobbies I have gotten myself into. It does take around of 25 jumps to get your "A" license, but only the first 7 or so of these are assisted. Jumps 9 through 25 are supervised training jumps but you are jumping unassisted. With your "A" license you can jump at most any DZ unsupervised.

At this DZ, you can get your "A" license for $1800, which is about as cheap as it gets.

Although recreational skydiving is certainly has its dangers, I'm guessing its a little easier on your knees than Ranger jumping. Don't those guys jump with over 100lbs of gear?

Yes, they do jump with a ton of gear. He actually had to med out because he broke his leg in 3 places, tore his ACL his leg was a mess. But they (Army) didn't see anythign.. so he walked around on it for 9 months. Finally he went to a doctor who looked at his MRI and said, so how long ago did you break your leg? :jawdrop: But he still loves to jump.

When the instructors were doing the pre-jump training.. the instructor said, okay, Now we are going to learn how to Flare.. I said "I don't really like talking about my flare" and our friends (all Office Space fans) laughed hysterically. hehe I would do it again in a heartbeat.

It is over so quickly.. I didn't want to top free falling... I felt tap, tap tap, TAP TAP, PULL THE CHUTE! hehe It was like 4000 ft
oh man you suck!!!! i have been wanting to sky dive for soooo long...i found a place in dallas that if you take a 6hr training you can go first jump solo!!! i'm thinking about taking a nice little road trip out there to have some fun some weekend!
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I did a tandem a few years back in Seattle. It was really fun, but I didn't find it terribly scary. I thought bungee jumping was scarier than skydiving, although certainly more safe. In a tandem jump, it's just another of the many things where I routinely trust my life to the "professionals" without thinking much about it. I just latched on the instructor, and he jumped us out of the plane. It's sort of a passive thing. In bungee jumping, you are the one who lurches off the cliff. That takes a lot of your own brainpower and that to me makes it more significant. Plus I was really hung over when I bungee jumped.

I prefer SCUBA to skydiving or bungee. It's been years since I've done it at this point, but I loved the "otherworldly" feeling of it. Plus it lasts a lot longer!