Sneezing with a Full-Face Helmet...


Elite Member
Jun 26, 2007
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Ogden UT
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Well, this is probably the Stupid post of the Month, but...

Something vegetal in Utard is ripening this time of year, and I get a slight sneezing fit sometimes.
Hit me on the road last night. I am getting a little better, at least I raised my LEFT hand to my mouth as I sneezed.
But, ew, I gotta figure out how to do that a little different! :D
Mmmmmhhhhhhh helmet goooo..

You got me man, I aint got a clue.
That has got to suck.
Yes, my sneezes are some times quick and unexpected and I splatter my visor and glasses! yeck!!! I one time barely made it home when I had a sudden onset of the stomach virus. Man, am I glad I made it home before barfing!!

I have had the urge to sneeze, but fortunately I have been able to supress it. I cant imagine the mess.
I sneezed once in my helment. I will never do it again. It was a small one that I managed to supress rather well, but it still resulted in a pit stop at a gass station to clean the visor. Then a stop at home with a wet rag and disinfectant.....

Thankfully the part of my helmet in front of my face doesnt have much padding so all I had to clean was easily wiped off.
Well, this is probably the Stupid post of the Month, but...

Something vegetal in Utard is ripening this time of year, and I get a slight sneezing fit sometimes.
Hit me on the road last night. I am getting a little better, at least I raised my LEFT hand to my mouth as I sneezed.
But, ew, I gotta figure out how to do that a little different! :D
Could you try using a breath guard whilst this episode lasts? Don't know what lid you use but most lids have the option these days?
I have a flip face helmet (HJC symax). My first sneeze happened at a red light. Flipped face 1/2 way up and no problem. My second sneeze happed while I was going about 40 mph. Flipped the top up 1/2 way and sneezed....the only problem was that in the 1/2 up position, the bottom part blocks my vision. Fortunatly nothing happed during my 15 seconds of blindfolded motorcycling.

Now, I just try to open the visor, or supress it. My helmet has a breath guard, so the few times I have sneezed, nothing got messed up
I usually just let it go and it gets the inside all gooey. There was one time I had a massive nose bleed at a stop light and had to wait some time for it to change then had to get the ike situated and then start peeling gear off to get to the side of the road and let it stop. That took about 15 mins or more for that to stop. Pissed me off to no end.
