So I uh... "colored outside the lines" today.

I and many others have shared your experience (ie:: lack of!).

One way to learn what your bike can do is to re-run the same corner repeatedly when the traffic is light, starting at commuting speeds, ie well within the speed limit. Obviously picking one with some measure of safety areas around!

Run that a few times until you can nail what you perceive as the right line with ease. Then pick up speed a little each time keeping that line acurate. It also helps that you are now 'learning' the corner, getting familiar, feeling the rythmn of the road camber and learning where any drains are.

This way you can gradually get to a point where you are comfortable with riding briskly ( but not at silly speeds on public roads ). Only once you know your route, much like a racer knows his circuit, can you ride quickly and safely.

Taking time to practice is what builds confidence on unfamiliar roads when touring. Nobody really enjoys scaring the ka-ka out of themselves.