So.....public health care?


SuperFlanker Moderator
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Apr 19, 2008
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Surrey, UK
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I dont get why this concept is so repulsive to Americans.

As a Canadian our system may have its flaws.....but when I compare our flaws to yours I am shocked to hear the rhetoric AGAINST a public option. The people I hear arguing against it go on with their rhetoric and everything.....while your health care system lies in shambles. Yes.....shambles.

In our system, most of the time you get exactly what you want pretty soon after you ask for it. Even in the worst case scenarios ive never known anyone to be truly shafted by our canadian system. It just works. Sometimes you have to wait sure....but thats just an invoncenience. In cases where waiting will cause severe trauma or get rushed on into the procedures you need.

If this public health option fails, Obama can at least rest easy knowing he gave it all he could to try to make it happen.

And before I hear everyone go on about how a massively powerful government controlling every aspect of your lives would spell the end of everything beautiful in life.....I am just going to ask you this:

Do you not see the extent to which corporations are FAR more powerful than the government that presides over them? The corporations inflict more damage to your quality of life as a country than the government does or even COULD in the worst case scenario of government-run-wild you can concoct. Skyrocketing health care costs are a direct result of capitalism-run-wild. I dont know about you guys....but when I compare the nature of our two countries...I am very proud to be Canadian. We have a strong presence of government in our lives, and sometimes we disagree with it. But as the years go on the policies shift and we all find a more or less acceptable solution to most of life's issues. Such is the beauty of a democratically elected and powerful government. It works, and it does more-or-less what you want it to.

Corporations on the other hand just do what works for them. So, public government run health care for the people......or corporate run health care for the shareholders.....

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here is a fine example of someone making a great argument against public health reform. (she comes in about halfway thru). her amazing verbal skills are showcased at the end of the video.

[ame=]YouTube - Woman Yells Heil Hitler To Jewish Man at Las Vegas Town Hall[/ame]
You are sadly uninformed on the issues surrounding this reform effort.

Your description of our system as a shambles is absurd and I question how you would come to that conclusion given the fact that we have the highest quality of care in the world and over 85% of our population is happy with the current system. According the the head of your Canadian medical association it is your system that is on the verge of collapse, while ours merely faces a consistent level of cost increase. Not that this isn't a real issue that needs to be solved, but you don't destroy something that is effective for over 85% of the population to serve the bottom 5%.

The Canadian Press: Overhauling health-care system tops agenda at annual meeting of Canada's doctors

The US has 10 times the population of Canada. We are in the worst recession since the great depression. Obama has squandered hundreds of billions of dollars and quadrupled the national deficit in 6 months (best case doubling the total national debt in 10 years, but that best case scenario has already fallen fall short of the porpaganda figures coming from the White House and disputed everywhere else as grossly unrealistic) while failing to prevent massive unemployment numbers that were the basis of the "stimulus" bill in the first place. Now we plan the largest entitlement program in the history of our nation on top of that and given only fuzzy math and generalities as answers to our questions. No one knows the extent of what this policy would do to our economy or our quality of care, but it doesn't look good. Adding 50 million people will not reduce the cost unless you are reducing services from others, and we don't even have the infrastructure necessary to service that many additional people- nothing has been done to answer this problem. Reform is necessary to curb cost, improve effciency, and make healthcare affordable to more people. There are millions of uninsured that are eligible for CHIP, medicare, and medicaid but simply dont know it. Why hasn't the administration focussed first on educating and seeking out these people to get them the coverage they are already eligible for today? Weird. The point though is that this is not so simple, and that your assumptions are baseless and inaccurate. The percentage of Canadians seeking care in the state of Michigan should tell you something, you don't see any Americans seeking operations outside our borders, except maybe some Brazillian plastic surgeries. This is a manufactured crisis that none of us were aware of save for the increasing costs of our premiums, and this is not due to some evil corporation simply jacking up the cost, it is due to the increase in services, treatments, lawsuits, and aging population fighting to receive as many life extending procedures as they can and not concerning themselves with the cost since they don't actually pay for any of it. Tough problems yes, but we have yet to see a good solution. You can't speak in generalities when discussing healthcare, we demand specifics that we haven't seen yet. Obama has been campaigning nonstop for a bill he admits he has not read and is not familiar with. He has waffled on the public option while pretending not to, his health secretary is not on the same page, and the majority of Americans do not support his plan. Not exactly confidense inspiring.
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