So tiny!!!


Mrs. Reiobard
Mar 28, 2008
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Hillsboro, NH
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OK, guys, I just had to share this. Rob decided he was going to show the world just how tiny our little Cadence is, and he put his wedding ring (a size 13) on her wrist as a bracelet. She will never believe that this could have ever been done, and I doubt we'll believe it in a few weeks, so I'm glad we got the pictures.



And we also got some good shots of her just hanging out....



Awww. She's so cute.
Wow, that is tiny. Everything looks to be going well. How long before you can enjoy yourselves at home... (or are you guys already home??)

Thanks for posting the pics Keira, and once again, Congratulations to you and Rob on the new addition to the family.

Awww. She's so cute.
Wow, that is tiny. Everything looks to be going well. How long before you can enjoy yourselves at home.

Thanks for posting the pics Keira, and once again, Congratulations to you and Rob on the new addition to the family.


We are hoping to be going home this upcoming week at some point, but it is hard to pinpoint, she is gaining weight well and all systems seem to be a go, but the feeding is still assisted, so as soon as that catches up too then we will be on our way!!!
That is so AWESOME! Thanks for sharing. She is absolutely beautiful. I cannot wait to see her in person. We were going to come out this or next weekend (planned before the baby was born) but those plans changed!

Congrats again! Take care and get all the rest you can while you have the time. ;)
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My wife and I have two a 7 year old Boy and a 3 year old girl, we have been talking about me getting the clippy clip. Your pictures are making me have second thoughts. I thought I didn't want anymore, and I really don't think I do but WOW when you see them like that you forget all the negatives.
WOW guys..................that about covers it ..............WOW !

Edit:I don't think she is that small,I reckon Rob has fat fingers :D

why you calling me fat? that isn't nice...

Looks like we might be able to take her home tomorrow :rockon:
Congratulations! You have a lot to look forward to. My daughter just graduated from college and turns 24 next month. In the year 2033 you will wonder where the time went.
that's pretty full on......doesnt Dad look super proud too, the photo of dad and baby, just made my are the best!
