Sometimes I seem so confused....



Hehe. Got your attention didn't I? Confused? A Motorcyclist living in the frozen north? Are you looking at me?

My wife and I have, in the last three years, come to the conclusion that life is too short. A number of people we know have gone through the cancer thing (some survived, some didn't), my sister in-law had a truly massive stroke, my parents split after 43 years, etc. My wife spent all of last summer and fall living in Vancouver going to school and she has been back since December. She really needed to get working on her Master's Degree. We have had a great many emotional discussions about relationships (ours in particular) and life in general. Things are really good right now.

Right now, Linda is in London, England (am I still allowed to call it England?) and I am here with the two kids again. Linda returns Monday evening and I leave Friday morning to Vancouver. I am excited about Linda coming home and I am very excited about picking up the new bike.

Here's the confusing part (thanks for reading this far):

I keep having thoughts of dieing while riding. This is confusing because I have never had thoughts like this before. It has been three years since I last owned a bike but I have been riding my father's bikes every summer. It's funny but for the first time in my life I am beginning to sense my own mortality. It sucks! It is not going to stop me from riding or anything but it does seema little strange. Life is good and adding my own motorcyle to the mix really is the cherry on the top of the triple banana split with real whipped cream!

Anyone else hit a point in their lives where they realize that they could DIE? I have always known that I would die but it seems to have slapped me i the face for some reason. Yes. I did just turn 40, but I am so immature I didn't think it would affect me....
Yes I think about it as well. I do not like the idea of my death. I know that everytime I ride it could be the last thing I ever do. It does bother me.

Here is what I know. If I am killed riding, no matter what right up untill that moment I will of been as alive as I have been. I will of been happy, and full of life. I justify it to myself with the thoughts that many people have nor ever will experince the joy I have had riding. Many people will die today, doing something they did not even enjoy. Many will leave this place with regret they never had any adventure. Others will not even know the yearning to experince life as more than a observer.

When I ride I am in the moment. It is one of my three favorite things.

People die cleaning out the gutters, if I have to go, I would like my last experince to be something special. Lots of lean on a well maintained motorcycle, is special to me.
you're not alone in your thinking. Life is too short to worry about the things you cannot control. Sure, adding a motorcycle to the mix may add some danger, but you really have no control over your mortality, just ride responsibly with the proper gear and don't worry too much about it.

I think it's the fact that you have children that makes you think like this, because although I love my wife and we've known each other forever, I think of my son and how he would be if I died. I bought my first street bike in 1985, but didn't ride for a few years after my son was born. When I picked up my FZ6, I pulled out of the dealership, got about 100 feet down the road, and had the same thoughts.

Tell your family that you love them everyday, pick up the bike, and enjoy that trip home.

I get edgy before a ride and think "what if"

I say a prayer and go. Funny how I don't ever think that when I drive a car. Never do but the bike yes. I guess it keeps a healthy respect for the machine and makes me ride smarter and take less risks than I used to. But all the nukes could go off tomorrow and I would be pissed that I didn't go for that ride the day before. So I go and I live my life and cant wipe the smile off my face my bike gives me when In riding.
i have mentioned in a previous post that the day i am not scared of dieing while on the bike is the day i give up riding. I think it is in the "Crash Pics" thread.

If you know you could die while riding then you will do your best to ride to prevent that outcome.
the day i am not scared of dying while on the bike is the day i give up riding.

Well said, hun. If you go through life terrified you will never enjoy anything, but on the other hand, if you are not afraid of things that are actually scary, then you have some things that need to be worked out. Fear is healthy, it is a natural response to certain situations. If you have questions, the book "The Gift Of Fear" is fantastic.

That being said, I also worry every time I throw a leg over the bike, but never to the point where I make myself unsafe.
Thanks everybody. I bring this up only because this is the first season I have had these thoughts. I think that Chuck may be close to the reasons for these thoughts: my children. I am very close to them.

Having said that, I trust my skills and situational awareness when I ride to get me through any of my rides. This is just such a new feeling and thought process I needed to share with people that think like me in at least one way!
Chuck Yeager, the famous test pilot and first man to fly faster than the speed of sound, says that he knew he could die. There was no denial for him. He did not allow himself the luxury of denial. This acceptance of reality can cause fear, but it is a healthy, controlled fear that will keep you alive:
"I was always afraid of dying. Always. It was my fear that made me learn everything I could about my airplane and my emergency equipment, and kept me flying respectful of my machine and always alert in the ****pit."
- Brigadier General Chuck Yeager
Yeager, An Autobiography
When I first read your thread about riding down from the Yukon to get a new bike I thought HOW COOL! Wish I could do it with you.
I agree with Admin about getting edgy before a ride that takes me away from those who are close to me UNTIL I throw a leg over the bike. Once you let out the clutch it is all good! Life is a journey, love those you love, be a good soul and live life to the most!
Only you can determine if this something you want or need to do but unless you do it how will you ever know?
None of us have a guarantee to be here in tomorrow. The worst day riding is still better than the best day working, eh? If you go into this trip with a good attitude, you will never regret it, it's a journey, embrace it, love it-just do it!
As a kid in grade school I remember learning about Gen. Yeager and just last year I met him at his home (he lives in the same area as I do) Never thought that would happen but it did. Do It while you can, cause with any luck,someday (sooner than you think)you will be to old to do it.