Speedometer Error


Mar 6, 2007
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Has anyone noticed their speedometer reading high. I checked mine against my GPS and at slow speeds like 25 it's about 2 mph off at 60 about 6 off and 7 around 70. My bike is all stock except for the chin fairing.
Mine is off by about 10% so I just add 10% to whatever speed I want to go.
Are they wrong on the right side of the law, because here in the UK I think they purposely do it to keep you under the limit.

As if it does:) :) :) :)
My parents bought a brand new VW Jetta, and it is a nice car...Except we were driving and everyone seemed to be either tailgating us or passing us, and were like WTF!? So I did some looking online and read that many other VW owners were experiencing the same problem. At 55 on the speedo, they were actually going 51-52. It is built into the electronics of the vehicle, I have taken the car past those radar signs at various speeds and the faster you go, the happier it gets. Sub-25mph its almost dead on, but after that it starts reading happier and happier. VW put out documents stating that it is built into the vehicle, and that the odometer and mileage readings are still correct, it knows how far you go, and actually how fast you go, it just lies to you. I have taken the same route in the car as I have in my Jeep, and Dakota, and the trip meters all read the same, but the speedometer is fast on the Jetta. I believe there might be some import laws that mandate the speedometers have to be fast. I dont know why, its annoying, and can be dangerous - tailgaters. Anyways I believe the same thing may be implimented in the FZ-6. Here is some links to a VW forum where they talk about it: http://forums.tdiclub.com/showthread.php?t=147971


Anyways, enough about cars, I agree that it is very annoying. I try to be a responsible rider most of the time and go the speed limit on my speedo, but then I get cars tailgating me, and they're probably like "That damn motorcycle rider is a dumbass! Isnt he supposed to be speeding, hes on a damn motorcycle!"...Oh well....What can we do
I've noticed the same thing in just about every thing I've ever owned except for my Vette and the only way I know it's showing the correct MPH is because I had it dynoed a few years back and it was spot on at 140. As for the FZ6, I always ride with the flow of traffic or just a hair above so I don't really rely no the speedo that much.
As far as cars go my 04 Ram is right on compared to the GPS. If the speed is off does anyone know if the tach is off too?
I don't know if the tach is right but I did read an article in the May 07 CycleWorld Mag in the Q&A section by Paul Dean about the R6 that basicly said that even though the R6 redlines at15,900 RPM it's real redline is more like 17,500 RPM. I know our bikes will never get close to these numbers due to the fact that their cam specs are made for more mid-range torque but it did give me some insight on how the factory likes to fudge on actual redlines. As for the tach being right, it most likely is. The tach is electrical and should work off the coil whitch are usually pretty accurate.
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Same here. On the freeway (I-5 in Oregon), it seems to be off by almost 10 mph--75 indicated seems to be about the normal pace, maybe just over 65. Just looking around at the traffic it seems that 6,500 rpm in sixth gear is about 65 mph--using the tach seems closer to reality than the speedo. For the first time I'm looking for one of those speed gun "Your speed is XX" trailers.

But I don't worry about it much. It is hard to keep the speedo steady at a given speed since any throttle movement results in a change in speed. On back roads I don't care too much. On the freeway I just pick someone going a reasonable speed and latch on a reasonable distance behind them. Remote cruise control?

Ruby Rabbit was the name of my Shift Red '06. But I dropped it in the driveway and broke the main fairing and a side piece. Since I had to take off the plastic to put the new ones on, and since I was never that hot about the color. I had it painted. Now it's the Yellow Jacket and I think it looks much better. I'd say it's even faster, but it's probably just the speedo lying to me.
my speedometer seem to read high as well, which means that my odometer reading will read higher that it should.
Toyota or Honda had a problem with thier odometers and had to extend warranty coverage on some models BUT, Yamaha gives a one year warranty and mileage is not an issue so, if they are off I don't think there is any true recourse except maby for depreciation.:confused:
one thing to consider is that a worn front sprocket + worn tire will reduce the amount of error. non-original tires might vary slightly in size also.
i think that there would be alot more people bitching to the mfgr's if their speedos read low and were getting tickets when they thought they were doing the limit.

According to the review in the April issue of "Motorcycle Consumer News," at an indicated speed of 65mph, the 2007 FZ6 is actually doing 62. Interestingly, it was more accurate than the Ninja 650 and Suzuki SV650 that were also reviewed in the article.

online info

From what I've read online, this is a problem with FZ6 in general. There all off, but I don't know by how much.
I go by cops all the time at a indicated 70 in a 55 and they dont go whoop whooop and whip a Uey. LOL
Most vehicles , wheather it be autos or motorcycles are off a little. Theres a highway I ride and drive all the time and the posted speed limit is 55MPH. Everybody runs about 65MPH on it and when I'm riding, following the flow of traffic my bike reads about 68 to 69MPH.
I've also noticed my speedo is off quite a bit, so i fashioned my GPS to the tank bag, and went for a long ride, the results (what i remember seeing):
Indicated : GPS
25: 24
40 : 37-38
80 : 75
90 : 85ish
120 : 116

it's not like i logged a lot of data. just the comparisons i remember. The GPS accuracy was ~6-8ft the whole time.