Suggestions for everyday riding gloves?


Junior Member
Oct 8, 2007
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Champaign, IL
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Im looking for a set of gloves, nothing special, I dont do any track riding, just to and from work and around town.....suggestions?

Pros and Cons???

Links and pictures if you have them would be great :cool:
A* SP1 gloves. $120 - I feel very safe and they can be used at the track too.

same glove except mine is ALL black:

Warm / Dry days - A* Alloys - $60 at local shop
The have nice crash protection and great venting. Nice supple (sp?) leather too.

Cold / Wet days -"]Joe Rocket Ballistic 5.0[/URL] - $40 from New Enough (everything is new... don't worry)
These are awesome glove for riding in crap weather. They kept my digits warm on 10F days for up to a half hour. They claim to be waterproof, but as with most waterproof gear there's a limit. They generally keep my hands dry, but today I rode in a downpour for an hour and a half and they eventually soaked through.
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fyi: the reason for my full guantlet gloves was initially for the track, yes, HOWEVER: they are SUPER handy for those cold days so that no wind blows up your sleeves since the gauntlet covers it all up...keeps you warmer
I have been using the Icon Merc Short gloves. Carbon fiber protection and they feel comfortable as well. I've even ridden in upper 30's without losing feeling in my fingers. Great gloves with EXCELLENT protection.

Just don't buy cheap no-name ones on ebay like I did for the summer. First time I got caught out in the rain in them, they stained my hands blue for two days (the thing is: they weren't even blue gloves).

A lot of the light-weight gloves don't have much of a gauntlet nowadays. If you're buying gloves, get some with a decent gauntlet length. It's that which will keep the glove on your hand in a crash and stop your hands getting shredded by the road!
I bought a pair of Quest bike riding gloves that have padding on the palm area...well I just wear them on the oppossite hand with the padding on the well $20
The carbon fiber reinforced Alpinestar SPS Gloves are great and under $100.

I've had mine for over a year and they feel great; though I am ready for a new replacement (of the same brand/model gloves).
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The best value in street gloves when you consider
Length of service
You can expect many years of faithful service from these gloves.

I dont know how to describe the feel any way other than just perfect.
They are not cheap, but they are worth every penny.


Follow thier size chart its dead on, and they make them in exact half sizes, no small, medium, large, extra large they go

6-10 in .5 steps and 11 and 12. Really just the best glove company around in my opinion.

Ask anyone that owns a pair. I have spent more money on gloves I hardly wear than these cost.

Dont be like me, save the money and just buy the good ones the first time. Its easier that way.

Just so you get some idea of how steep Held gloves can get.

HELD Titan Gloves Black

Here is a review that pretty much uses alot of words to say what I did. LOL

Held Gloves - webBikeWorld
These retail for $60.00 from cortech (got mine free with my bike) but they are absoutely amazing!

Superior knuckle protection, awesome in the wind (has kept my hands warm on 50+ mile rides in 32 degree weather!) Really well constructed, had them for the 6,000 miles I've had the bike with absolutely no complaints. In basic black like mine they aren't too flashy or squidly if your worried about looking all decked out for the track on your daily commute, and the are super comfy.....I have amazing feel at the levers but the palms are leather re-enforced with kevlar slide pads on the wrists and backs of the fingers so I'm sure if you went down with these on you'd be a right sight better than someone wearing an inferior or cheaply made glove. Sizing is consistent and for well under $100.00 you can't really complain about the price.
Held Thrux are what I have. They are good down to about 8*C and wonderful up to mid 30s. AMAZING comfort, perfect ventilation system, yet gauntlet for full protection. very nimble to use to get the DD strap done on the helmet
Highly highly reccomend a full guantlet glove.
The next thing to hit after the palm of your hand is the inner wrist area where are the arteries, veins, tendons that operate your fingers, and nerves run.

Lay your hand out palm up. Take your other thumb and press down on the center inner wrist just after the palm. Wiggle and move your fingers. (guantlet gloves sell themselves as soon as you do that) LOL

The above are of course better than no gloves. Full leather gauntlets are the way to go.
Shift Vertex gloves.

Anyone tried these? I'm considering them at the moment.

I have Alpinestars Octane - great summer gloves and I have Dririder Nordic for the wet days, but need an inbetween glove - longer glove than the Octanes. Last time I wore the Octanes I got a little strip of sunburn on each wrist! :(

Any thoughts?