sv 650vs fz6r

The FZ6 is a good beginner bike IMHO. I bought mine new, first bike I ever owned let alone had ridden. I took it very easy for a couple weeks and started getting more confident in the motorcycle and my own abilities. Hell, the day I got the 600 mile service done (I had 700 something on the clock) I pulled my first 130mph run on a WIDE open highway. I was very nervous but I needed to show myself I could do it. I say follow whatever you want to do. Sit on the bikes, whichever feels the best to you get it.

sounds familiar to my story... yea.. i pin'd it once to see how fast.. very nervous as well..but i think i did it over the course of 4 months.. hey.. i accept the risks.. but im not stupid about things either.. :thumbup:
So, you went 130 after 700 miles of riding? :spank:

look man.. your avitar thingy has a pic of an sti.. lets not talk about going fast..
but hey.. dont tell me you never top speed'd your bike.. never found out where it runs out of steam??? ;)

yea, but i see the point of "there is a time and place".. plus you really do have to accept the fact that you are basically going fast on a motor with 2 wheels.. no airbag between you or the road or a tree or .. you get the idea :thumbup:
I don't much about the FZ6 but those new 2009 Ninja 250s look exactly like a 600...fooled me when it showed up to Ride Night. The guy got lots of compliments...and as I say every week at Ride Night: I wish I still had my 250 (WITH the fz of course ;) )
well.. i agree and disagree.. i think the fz6 is a great first time bike, but with one catch.. HAVE TO BE RESPONSIBLE.. dont over ride your limits and there is no shame in only using the rpms up to 6-7k... i think the first 2 years of owning my bike, it only saw 8-9k rpms maybe 3 or 4 times.. no reason you cant learn on a fz6, but you have to take things slow and be responsible... just cuz i can do 140 mph doesnt mean its a good idea... and besides.. now i have learned to use the whole range, but still end up spending most of my days between 4k and 6k rpm.. more than enough power to get you going and keep a smile on your face ..

Have you had a "Hall of Shame" moment yet? As your first bike, the probability of a drop or even a crash is greater, so getting a used bike which we call a starter bike gets all of the abuse out of the way, hopefully.

... I only got my license last summer and since have put on 2300 miles on a brand new FZ6 (obviously first bike ever) and I must say it was and still is a great starter bike. 2300 miles and it was never dropped... (knock on wood). Plus for $4,400 OTD I couldn't pass up on the deal.

Once again, just a matter of pride. Knowing that it's probably going to tip over, get knocked down, it's much more forgiving on a used bike rather than a brand new spanking bike.

Even seasoned riders on occasion has their bike tipped over or knocked down due to some reason. It's happened to most of us.
man you guys are confusing me so bad is a 600cc bike a ok starter bike??!!!........i skip school and im still getting head!
i had an 2004 sv650 for 2 years and loved it. put on 10k miles in the twisties and took it to the drag strip once.
at the drag strip i ran 5 runs and my best time was a 12.56 1/4 mile and i was 220 lbs. at the time.

i am yet to take the fz6 to the strip but probably towards the end of summer as i have new tires right now and don't want to run em like that yet.

good luck in your decision. i don't think you will be disappointed either way.
VEGASRIDER - yea.. i do have the statorcase scratched up mod... also scratched the front adn rear plastics, both turn signals on the very tip end, and the mirror was a little scratched.. oh and the clutch lever broke and hte bar end was really mangled... but i replace the bar end, and clutch lever, and lightly sanded some of the scratches... cant even tell except for the stator scratchs...

and thats it.. one time.. very bad.. little tears down my face for few.. and i accept that it has been dropped once.. i suppose the 250-500cc crowd is right for the most part, but i guess its all up to the buyer.. if you can have alot of restraint to twist the wrist.. go for the fz6..
man you guys are confusing me so bad is a 600cc bike a ok starter bike??!!!........i skip school and im still getting head!

It depends. If you have been riding dirt bikes for some time and have the basics down, yes a 600cc bike maybe ok. If you have not ridden on two wheels before, a 600cc bike is not for starters. 100hp in a 400 lb frame can make things happen fast, too fast for a reference. The first time you ride any bike, your mind has little idea of how to compute things. A 50 hp bike is faster than most cars, and you can get into trouble much quicker than in a car. Buy a 250 or 500 and ride it for a season or two, then when you have the basics down, get a bike that fits you. A 600cc bike now days is a very serious machine, it has double the horsepower of my 1982 Suzuki GS650G I had. Start small, there is no shame in starting out on a used, smaller bike. I have been street riding for 14 years, and before that I had a mini bike and a Honda Trail 70. I got the mini bike when I was 10. I bought my first actual motorcycle when I was 16, a POS Honda CM250. Everyone has to start somewhere.
^^Exactly. I think you'll hear the same advice from seasoned riders (I'm not one). I started on the Ninjette and loved it, I learned so much from that bike. Every move counts; corner speed, entry, and exit become an exercise. It makes you focus on technique, and when you go to the bigger bikes you have a great framework to build on.
Another key point: most former 250 riders miss their old bikes and want another one. I'm one.

but hey.. dont tell me you never top speed'd your bike.. never found out where it runs out of steam??? ;)

Yeah, sure. But not after 700 miles. I probably had more that 10K on the saddle before I tried. I had to go to Wyoming to even do that. I found a stretch of road that had NO cars on it. I even lapped the road before I tried to make sure there were no bumps, crests, rocks, etc. You have to remember that traveling at 150 MPH means you are covering 220 feet per second, or 13,200 feet per minute!
I never hit 100 until I had more than 5K.
I think it's nuts to go that fast on a machine I hardly know.
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I think it's nuts to go that fast on a machine I hardly know.

^^ Words to live by.

I never hit 100mph until I had almost 2k miles on mine, and that was a passing situation. I do not think that going over 120 during break in is exactly smart. You are putting a lot of stress over a long period of time on parts that are not seated in yet. It takes more than a few thousand miles to understand your ride too.

To each their own, but I value my life and my machinery. I treat each so that they will be there tomorrow.