Talk about evasive maneuvers!

The Dude

May 18, 2010
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South Central PA
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Here's another guy who actually HAD TO "lay her down." It looks like he escaped w/o a scratch, but only by the skin of his teeth. I would imagine his bike and his underoos were a total loss.

[ame=]Lucky motorcycle rider[/ame]
Holy crap...

I wonder two things. First, what would I have done? Would I have sped off into crossing traffic on my bike? Or would I have done like that guy did and gotten off my bike and run into crossing traffic?

Then I wonder which would have been the smarter of the two? Most of us are probably a bit more agile on our feet, but assuming he was in gear, you could definitely get out of there faster on the bike...
Didn't read any of the text and didn't notice the guy on the bike until I watched the video for the third time! I'd have wet my pants seeing that truck coming at me!
Yikes! Instincts take over in a situation like this, most of you all would do the same thing this guy did (although he ran straight across the street without looking, it's a good thing opposing traffic had slowed to a crawl!)

The one time I dropped my bike it was a similar situation: an oncoming pickup ran a red light when I was turning left on green arrow...I laid the bike down in the middle of the intersection at ~7 mph and rolled away from it as fast as I could... fortunately the pickup locked up his brakes and stopped inches from my downed bike. Had the truck not seen me and hit me broadside still in the saddle I would not be posting this. Only damage was a 1" scrape on the edge of my front fairing, a messed up frame slider puck and dirty shorts!