Team Rainbow Trout needs all FZ6 riders to unite!


Junior Member
Jan 11, 2009
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calgary alberta canada
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Me and 4 other of my closest friends have signed up for the "Ride to Conquer Cancer" and our online profile is now accepting donations!
We are 5 out of shape, lazy SOB's who all feel like we it finally owe it to society to actually do something. Biking over 200kms (120 miles)in 2 days in the Canadian Rockies is just that thing.
5 bikes and helmets from Wal-mart later and we are ready to rock. We plan on making an example that you dont need to be an avid cyclist to sign up for one of these things and anybody is capable of raising money for causes like this. Not having $1500 bikes and full rider gear we feel is more reason to get your donations; this is going to be a real feat for us all, and by no means will we find it as easy as some of the more experienced marathon riders will.
All other background info can be found on the following link, which will direct you to my teams profile. To donate, just click "Shaun Aicken" and then "sponsor" any amounts are greatly appreciated!
The profile is a little ghetto right now because we just made it tonight, all the other members will have joined by the end of the week and we plan on having that meter go through the roof. We are going door to door everyday for a month, and have a couple far crazier ideas up our sleeve to surpass our $20,000 goal.
The picture is what will be on our team jerseys and we plan on having any donors sign our jerseys so we can be a walking canvas of what we raised.

Cancer, after all, is an international plague. Good economy or bad economy, people will still be getting sick and need everyone to pitch in and help mankind.
I hope some of you can chip in a couple bucks and help me reach that $20,000 goal.
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cmon guys 33 views and nothing?
one donor I dont know, may be from the club, may be from another.

In case your still not convinced its worth your 5 bucks, its 100% tax deductible in canada and you can even finance your payments over a pretty good period of time.
I have 2 companies who have said they may be willing to double whatever I make by the end of april so your $5 turns into $10! (lots of red tape on these things, but even if one falls through I have a backup)

Blog updates will be every once in a while, ive been training VERY hard already. Team got together yesterday and made a bunch of jerseys sporting our logo and names. Youll probably see us wandering around the city if you live in Calgary (trains, U of C, SAIT, MRC, 17th to name a few) feel free to say hi. Id love to shake your hand and have you sign the shirt if you have helped me out
I'll toss something towards the cause, but that site is not easy to navigate. What forms of payment are accepted?
sorry guys, here are some quick instructions on how to find where you're going.

The above link will take you to my Teams Profile.
Locate my name in the center of the page, Shaun Aicken
click on it and it will take you to my personal profile
The large yellow "Sponsor" button is what you are looking for.
The first page is where you can choose what amount you'd like to donate as well as entering any personal info you wish people to see
The next page is your billing info and your address (private, I have no access) so that if you live in an appropriate zone you can receive a tax receipt

Sadly, online they can only accept VISA, Mastercard and American Express. No Paypal yet. if you wish to send in a cheque I can email you a form (huge form) that you would have to mail in.

I realize its a decent amount of work, but I truly am grateful for every cent anyone can spare!
sorry guys, here are some quick instructions on how to find where you're going.

The above link will take you to my Teams Profile.
Locate my name in the center of the page, Shaun Aicken
click on it and it will take you to my personal profile
The large yellow "Sponsor" button is what you are looking for.
The first page is where you can choose what amount you'd like to donate as well as entering any personal info you wish people to see
The next page is your billing info and your address (private, I have no access) so that if you live in an appropriate zone you can receive a tax receipt

Sadly, online they can only accept VISA, Mastercard and American Express. No Paypal yet. if you wish to send in a cheque I can email you a form (huge form) that you would have to mail in.

I realize its a decent amount of work, but I truly am grateful for every cent anyone can spare!

Will you be accepting paypal at any point? I may be paranoid, but i am not going to put my CC info on an out of country website. No offense or anything intended.
Its completely understandable. No Paypal plans in the future as of yet, its also hard telling people I cannot accept their cash when they are completely willing to donate but dont have the means to use a credit card
One day im sure the technology wont bite us in the ass.
No worries!