Thank you MSF guys/gals


Junior Member
Nov 9, 2012
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Scottsdale, AZ
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Hi guys,

I just wanted to put a thank you out to all the MSF instructors on here. The skills you teach saved me again today.

As most of you know I've put 2 bikes down within 2 months as a new rider. The skills I learned in the MSF class definitely saved my life in the first crash and the second probably helped it from being worse than it could have been.

I was going for a quick ride to late lunch today because there was a break in the rain and the roads had dried up enough. I was cruising up the freeway and was preparing to move over to the exit lane and an FJ cruiser was in front of me merging over as well. He managed to drive square over what looked like a large cabinet door. Thankfully it only lifted up a little bit and didn't come flying up in my face. It slapped back down on the ground and I had no way to dodge, let alone think about it with the roads still a little moist after the recent rains. I did exactly as I was trained in the MSF BRC course. I got up on my pegs, got light on the handlebars, keep the throttle constant and blip the throttle as I hit. I made it safely over and kept on riding.

I know most you of you MSF instructors do it for the love of riding and keeping as many fellow riders safe. I just wanted to let you know that with those skill today I didn't panic and stayed shiny side up.

Thank you and if you are ever in AZ the next round is on me. :cheers:
Good save. Yep, gotta appreciate the MSF instructors working hard to help new riders get off to a safer start. Can't wait until it warms up a bit and I'll book "Rider Skills Practice" as my 2nd course.
Bet the people who saw you were like, that guy..... yeah hes good.... he probly does movie stunts. LOL good save man!!! way to think and not lock up. you avoided some deadly SRs (Keith Code).:rockon:
Bet the people who saw you were like, that guy..... yeah hes good.... he probly does movie stunts. LOL good save man!!! way to think and not lock up. you avoided some deadly SRs (Keith Code).:rockon:

Survival Reactions are what got me on my 2nd accident, It was a tiny corner and I just froze up and committed to eating dirt.

I'm getting better at riding. The irony is I just filled up before this happened and was thiking, "I've made it 1,000 miles without incidence, good for me." LOL
Hey no big deal, i ate asphalt not too long ago. 5-10 mph. I've been off the bike for 6 months. Tuesday will be my first real ride since. Get back on that horse!!!
Was the second accident on your brand new FZ1 or was this the FZ6 accident?

Glad you made it through the obstacle safely. Sometimes there is no avoiding it!
Was the second accident on your brand new FZ1 or was this the FZ6 accident?

Glad you made it through the obstacle safely. Sometimes there is no avoiding it!

Yeah, it was on the Fz1. I was going full retard as my friend put it, basically I got the new bike and hit that throttle like a junky hitting that needle. It's up on youtube. The second crash finally scared me and I've slowed down. I've found that micro adjustments of the throttle and being under full control is a lot more thrilling that just ham fisting it like an idiot.

In summary, I came up over a little hill crest and there was a baby corner, I was going too fast, froze on the bike and just decided to hit the brakes and go off the road. It was pretty much right out of the Twist of the Wrist video about survival reactions.

The only other really stupid part about it is I didn't adjust the suspension before riding it. I finally got that done last week, and it is night and day different riding experience. Before every corner I felt like the front would wash out on me, even at really low speeds. Now the bike just eats em up and feels planted.
Yeah, it was on the Fz1. I was going full retard as my friend put it, basically I got the new bike and hit that throttle like a junky hitting that needle. It's up on youtube. The second crash finally scared me and I've slowed down. I've found that micro adjustments of the throttle and being under full control is a lot more thrilling that just ham fisting it like an idiot.

In summary, I came up over a little hill crest and there was a baby corner, I was going too fast, froze on the bike and just decided to hit the brakes and go off the road. It was pretty much right out of the Twist of the Wrist video about survival reactions.

The only other really stupid part about it is I didn't adjust the suspension before riding it. I finally got that done last week, and it is night and day different riding experience. Before every corner I felt like the front would wash out on me, even at really low speeds. Now the bike just eats em up and feels planted.

I'm glad you've learned from this accident. To be honest with you, this was exactly what I was trying to warn you about when you told me you wanted to get an FZ1 after wrecking the FZ6 to soon after the MSF course. Ultimately, the important part is that you are okay. Keep it shiny side up from now on buddy!