The life of the working man rider


SuperFlanker Moderator
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Apr 19, 2008
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Surrey, UK
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So this doesnt turn into a "narcississistic" thread, let's maybe use this as a place to just be random about what happened in your day on whatever day it is "today". did you come across some kernal of information that you didnt know? did you do something bike related worth mentioning? did something happen in your biking life on or off the road that is worth mentioning? did work really suck? whatever, just post whatever. i'll start:

Midnight. Swore this morning I'd get to sleep as soon as I walked in the door to home. not showered since got back from work. not eaten. had business to deal with after work. and now ive just spent the last hour, not eating, not showering, but retensioning my chain and lubing it. it's a brand new chain and needs to be retensioned every 300-500km until it settles in. apparently this is a major reason new chains snap...people dont realize they need to be retensioned so often at first.

so....yeah. up again at 6am. off to shower. but top priority goes to the bike.

funny thing tho, as ****ty as i feel cuz im hungry and exhausted, i am a bit proud of myself that i am not helpless in keeping my bike road-worthy.

sure i may not be able to execute the big services and all that, but i can do enough and know enough that i know what to look for, and can touch it up and keep her rolling and purring along.

P.S. top saddlerie seat came in today. I am thinking of duct-taping it to my ass. it is that comfortable. and it is red and black....goes great with my red and black colour scheme.

also, michelin pilot pure 2ct's in today. they go on monday.

also, luckyirishboys custom made footpegs arrived today. they go on during the weekend.

also, new bar ends came in today. they are already on.

also, new bleed screw in today. will have to find a way to either get the sheared bleed screw out or get someone else to do that.

all in all, quite a day.

oh, and found out why front tire huggers are so important. no rain or anything today, but turned off onto a gravel road where city trucks were WATERING the road. wtf?? well, i pretty much had to ride for 3-5 minutes and managed to sprat a nice vertical mud-stripe all up the front of my face and jacket. also the bike is filthy in places that have never seen filth before.
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Women don't work. Stop talking crazy.

Krrrrrazy Kazzzzzza and her Krrrrrrrrrazy Komments!!
Well can I just say that about 30mins ago, I rode a 2009 Yamaha V-max. That's right, you read right. Hehe. First bike ever that I've been scared to give full throttle. 1/3 on the gas in first gear and it hauls you into hyperspeed mode. It's INSANITY!!!!!

Then you hit a turn and it feels like there's only 5psi in the tyres. Still....I'd take one for the Sunday rides :)

And that was part of my working day today :D - had to 'test ride' it.
Good day at work & an even better ride home :D... Was amused today when 1 of our guys threw all his toys outta the cot coz he has to do everything in the joint , mind you today was the 1st overtime he'd done in 3 weeks :shakehead: but i flexed a bit of muscle & pulled him into line :thumbup: Im sure he was trying me (the new guy) out :spank:
I saw the "no brains no feeling" theory at work yesterday. I was in a town about an hour's drive from me and was driving past a golf course. My car said it was 2 degrees Celsius outside, there were light snowflakes falling.... and there were guys on the golf course in shorts!

Needless to say the bike is very much parked.
I saw the "no brains no feeling" theory at work yesterday. I was in a town about an hour's drive from me and was driving past a golf course. My car said it was 2 degrees Celsius outside, there were light snowflakes falling.... and there were guys on the golf course in shorts!

Needless to say the bike is very much parked.

Hahaha that would be me :D... I rode to work in -1.3 :eek: the other morning & loved every minute of the hour :thumbup:
Well, work sucked today. Got 1/3 way through measuring a 26 storey hotel - (I'm a construction estimator) and the boss changed his mind - didn't want to do that job any more. Could have told me that 2 days ago :shakehead:......

Mike came home with 2 new sprockets - for the Armchair (Humpy you'll be happy - -1 on the front +1 on the back). His speedo-healer is on its way too. He bought a new chain at the weekend. More money on the XJR..... :spank:

I'm now drinking a glass of beautiful Monteiths Black :D :iconbeer:

That's all I have to say.
Work has been a REAL challenge. I injured myself on an x-ray room installation. Long story short - used the nut driver that fit over my allen wrench to get some extra torque because the allen could only reach longways to the bolt I was trying to get to. This was on a heavy column that bolts to a bridge that runs on rails suspended above people and patients. Naturally, I wanted to make sure these bolts were good and tight. The nut driver broke when I was applying torque and sliced where my right hand and wrist meet below my thumb (see pics). Did I mention that I'm right handed? Anyways, we have been so busy that as soon as they finished stitching me up - I took a service call and have not stopped working since. I had 8 mattress stiches and three single stitches. The tendon on the right in the picture was nicked about 5%.:eek: It has been very frustrating working around this injury. Putting in very long days. Can relate to LoneSoldier's "exhausted" feeling. We have four installations going and the service calls just keep on coming. The only thing that truly motivates me is my team. They are some of the best people I have ever had the honor of working with.

As far as the bike goes, the only things cooking are headers getting ceramic coated matte black and an Evotech radiator guard in matte black on the way.:rockon: Looking forward to getting around to that.:Flash:
Not a whole lot done after the weekend.

Too much work.

Problems with my girlfriend.

Bike related:
I was very happy on Monday after I installed again the brake Pazzo lever (after I messed up on the installation during the weekend) and it is now working great. I'm looking for an alternative to mount my phone (and possibly camera) over the instrumentation panel.

Jman: get better soon :thumbup:
Today was a public holiday here and didn't get above 5 degrees Celsius so stayed indoors until about 3, went to the pub to watch Spain stumble in the world cup then came home for soup and toast :)

While at the pub a friend arrived on his Speed Triple and he didn't look like riding today was fun at all...
Rotten day at work Monday and yesterday, barely better today. Boss has been breathing down my neck, sarcastic, condescending......ugh. Not my fault as the client gave us bad info but I guess it's easier to take it out on me.

Waiting at a stop sign to pull out into traffic yesterday, some moron got tired of waiting and came out from behind me to go around and cut me off as I started moving. Fortunately I saw him in time (I always check my blind spots). Monday I was stuck in traffic - 3 lanes stop and go. A woman decides to change lanes and almost ran me over. Fortunately I saw her, had a feeling and was able to speed up in time (nowhere else to go, no shoulder and car on my bumper). I did give her "the look" and she stayed well behind me after that.

Had an argument with my best friend yesterday.

Raining today with thunderstorms later - no bike.

J-man - I now realize that my week hasn't been so bad after all. I hope you heal quickly and got good pain meds!

Is it Friday yet?
Work has been a REAL challenge. I injured myself on an x-ray room installation. Long story short - used the nut driver that fit over my allen wrench to get some extra torque because the allen could only reach longways to the bolt I was trying to get to. This was on a heavy column that bolts to a bridge that runs on rails suspended above people and patients. Naturally, I wanted to make sure these bolts were good and tight. The nut driver broke when I was applying torque and sliced where my right hand and wrist meet below my thumb (see pics). Did I mention that I'm right handed? Anyways, we have been so busy that as soon as they finished stitching me up - I took a service call and have not stopped working since. I had 8 mattress stiches and three single stitches. The tendon on the right in the picture was nicked about 5%.:eek: It has been very frustrating working around this injury. Putting in very long days. Can relate to LoneSoldier's "exhausted" feeling. We have four installations going and the service calls just keep on coming. The only thing that truly motivates me is my team. They are some of the best people I have ever had the honor of working with.

As far as the bike goes, the only things cooking are headers getting ceramic coated matte black and an Evotech radiator guard in matte black on the way.:rockon: Looking forward to getting around to that.:Flash:

Holy crap man :eek: , that looks painful but impressive at the same time :D Heal fast mate :thumbup:
Justin, that looks absolutely awful and excessively painful. Try not to overdue it so you give it time to heal up properly. (Don't mess around with your health!)

My day has been good. I got a wonderful update today on Gabby, the dog that Jeff and I fostered for over a year. She is spoiled rotten and I am very happy about that! :D (her pics are in my photo album, the brown girl!!)
Yesterday I got my re-done stock seat back from Spencer Moto Care (thanks to Dean Owens for recommending them) and was lucky enough to ride to work today (first time in weeks due to storms) to try it out. So far so good, but it will take a few long rides to really test it out. They took out the stock foam, used it as a mold, replaced it with lots of good stuff to change the pressure points, angle, etc. Only $75, so I am hoping it saves me from my craving to buy a TS Seat!! (Yes, I know it won't be AS good, but still better than stock.)

Lone, I am enjoying this narcissistic thread!!! :BLAA:
Thanks for all the kind words, folks! :)

LOL, I haven't taken any meds because I want to know if turning a certain way hurts - not to cause further damage by moving it that way. I have lost a lot of feeling on the top of my thumb, but the rest seems to be healing rapidly, though. These stitches have GOT TO GO!
Justin, that looks absolutely awful and excessively painful. Try not to overdue it so you give it time to heal up properly. (Don't mess around with your health!)

My day has been good. I got a wonderful update today on Gabby, the dog that Jeff and I fostered for over a year. She is spoiled rotten and I am very happy about that! :D (her pics are in my photo album, the brown girl!!)
Yesterday I got my re-done stock seat back from Spencer Moto Care (thanks to Dean Owens for recommending them) and was lucky enough to ride to work today (first time in weeks due to storms) to try it out. So far so good, but it will take a few long rides to really test it out. They took out the stock foam, used it as a mold, replaced it with lots of good stuff to change the pressure points, angle, etc. Only $75, so I am hoping it saves me from my craving to buy a TS Seat!! (Yes, I know it won't be AS good, but still better than stock.)

Lone, I am enjoying this narcissistic thread!!! :BLAA:

Hope the new seat rocks.:rockon: Glad to hear it worked out for Gabby.
Lone, I am enjoying this narcissistic thread!!! :BLAA:

It's a great way to unwind stress, I find. Just talk about yourself! We are inherently selfish people and it is a good community-building element to be able to talk about whats going on with random things.

Btw, my stebel came in today!

And rode to work and back in the top sellerie is beyond awesomeness.