"The Man without a Face"


Jul 16, 2008
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Ocean State
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This came to my attention from my father who texted me to watch t.l.c. tonight of a show called "my shocking story." I was really shocked of this unfortunate fellow portuguese man (which i happen to be half of). But most of all, how could you live with something like this. I mean maybe he should have seeked helped sooner but to live through that, i just couldn't imagine doing so if i had no other choice such as surgery and such. Just wanted to get some other reaction especially if you think you could be as strong with living with that and of course reminding just how lucky some of us can be. Shouldn't wish to be anyone else but yourself.

The Man without a Face
I watched the one The Woman With Half a Body a couple weeks ago.... I had the same reaction... just glad that I got dealt the cards I did in the poker game of life.
Another triumph of Religion over Science. :(

(sorry, it's been one of those days...)
I've seen this guy's picture before, but never read his story. My first reaction is, "Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, over."

He started with a bulge on his lip, and they could have fixed it then and there, and he DIDN'T LET THEM because of his religious beliefs.

My sympathy for the guy is rapidly decreasing. I do feel sorry that he was brainwashed into believing that God wanted his face to turn into a swollen mass of tumors. I cannot fathom why somebody would believe that.

Frankly, he stands a good chance of dying during an experimental surgery because he refuses to use a tried and true technique (blood transfusion.) And even if the surgery works, he will never look normal again.

I guess it's his face and he can do what he wants to with it.
thats interesting. thats a valid point you make fred. the portuguese are deeply deeply religious. idk if you ever heard of fatima? so it's a huge influence there. and i never seen that "tree man" with the warts. "woman with half a body". jesus how many more out there?
That makes it a good idea for a new sitcom. Instead of Heros we can have mutants star in it. Bad nimzo, bad :spank:
I'd never heard of Fatima before. I did a bit of wikipedia digging on her, and on the Witnesses' no transfusion rules. They're taking a broad interpretation of Leviticus 17:14 which just says not to eat the blood.

This summer I went to the Mutter Museum in Philladelphia.
:: CCP - Mütter Museum ::

If you ever want to feel good about being even partially healthy, take a stroll through that place and you'll see just how lucky you are. Some of the stuff in there is pretty overwhelming.
nice contribution. i will certainly be considering a visit to that museum in Philadelphia. i think i may have heard of it before.

anyway, yeah it's amazing how some people feel that they don't have a choice and that essentially the choice has been made for them already through the ordeals of their religion. i believe that one should have their own say on religion and not let it become a control of how you live your life. but some traditions just have a strong background.
I'd never heard of Fatima before. I did a bit of wikipedia digging on her, and on the Witnesses' no transfusion rules. They're taking a broad interpretation of Leviticus 17:14 which just says not to eat the blood.

This summer I went to the Mutter Museum in Philladelphia.
:: CCP - Mütter Museum ::

If you ever want to feel good about being even partially healthy, take a stroll through that place and you'll see just how lucky you are. Some of the stuff in there is pretty overwhelming.
My ex-GF was an RN, and she wanted to see this place when we flew out there to visit Lippincott, her publisher. Freaked me the hell out.
What's unbelievable is they are rented out for wedding receptions and parties all the time!! :barf: