The squids have spoken!!

The Toecutter

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Dec 17, 2008
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House agrees to ditch helmet law - The helmet law here in Louisiana has been repealed.I will wear mine regardless and my jacket gloves pant's and boot' states motorcycle fatality rate will surely be on the rise now and i'm sure my insurance premiums will follow that trend in an upward motion!:banghead:
The funny thing is I was just saying on the insurance thread that my insurance had dropped in price from last year.then I see this on the news 2 minutes later!!
That sucks. I can't stand the fact that insurance companies change everyones rates based on things like this or because others are having accidents/claims.

Why should I get punished for the masses.
House agrees to ditch helmet law - The helmet law here in Louisiana has been repealed.I will wear mine regardless and my jacket gloves pant's and boot' states motorcycle fatality rate will surely be on the rise now and i'm sure my insurance premiums will follow that trend in an upward motion!:banghead:

You should see my friend's gear after he went off the bike in a low sider 2 days ago. I was behind him at the time. There is no excuse for not trying to protect yourself. He did good and we started to count all of the places he should be missing pieces. He only got one li'l scratch on his thumb. He literally saved face with his helmet......
I'd be real interested to know if your rates do go up. Please keep me in mind and let me know if they do!

The CBA of NC is trying to eliminate the mandantory helmet law here in NC. My personal stance is fine, as long as I don't have to pay for it. They claim it wouldn't have an effect on insurance rates, but I disagree and feel that the insurance companies will view it as an easy way to get a rate hike.

They say that not using a helmet reduces your chances of brain injury... They neglect to mention the increase in deaths...

Ive worked with people that sustained severe brain injuries without a helmet... They always say that I don't meet the others because they pulled through...

People are ridiculous...
Some people have no idea of the effect that gravity will have on their skull when it hits the pavement! They say "I'm a safe rider, I should be able to ride without a helmet if I want!" But 9 out of 10 times those people are the ones that have insufficient insurance, and when they become a vegetable in the the hospital, those of still able to work will have pay for them to be fed through a tube. Regardless of the law, I'm a helmet and saftey gear wearer for life! Some people are too stupid for their own good.
Why this country is backwards with regards to helmet laws, talking on cellphones while driving and ofcourse GUN Control?
longtime lurker first time poster.:thumbup: great site for lots of info. but on the helmet law... i dont really care if people do or dont wear a helmet but i cant even think of not having one on just for stopping the bugs. id rather stop and clean them off my visor then have to stop and floss them out of my teeth. but thats the price u pay to be one of the cool kids i guess...:rolleyes:
I see this as chlorine for the gene pool. If your to dumb to wear your gear your asking for trouble. It still sucks that the insurance can use this as justification to raise rates
i will always wear all my gear. but i believe people should have the freedom to be stupid... as long as it doesn't injure someone else. if you want to ride without a jacket... feel free. if you want to ride without ankle protection... feel free. if you want to ride without a helmet... feel free. when people are too dumb to govern themselves who do we pick from among he people that are smart enough to govern everyone?
I am also on the wagon of wearing a helmet! Always will!!! I look at it as simple as bugs and rocks, etc hurt like hell!!! Also They keep it up with things going up people will just stop being insured etc.....
I absolutely will not ride with out a full face helmet, quality full face helmet. That stated.

I disagree with helmet laws, I disagree with seatbelt laws, I do not agree that the government has the right to mandate safety.

Now that said if you ride without a helmet you are a idiot. That freaking simple. Just dont like laws.
I absolutely will not ride with out a full face helmet, quality full face helmet. That stated.

I disagree with helmet laws, I disagree with seatbelt laws, I do not agree that the government has the right to mandate safety.

Now that said if you ride without a helmet you are a idiot. That freaking simple. Just dont like laws.

i think if you lived closer we would definitely be hanging out. agree completely.
its beyond retarded to ride without a helmet. but its even more retarded to let people do that.

If they want to feel open and free just wear an open-face. Not like your hair styles gonna be kept in tack going 80kph or above with no helmet.

should government make decisions for people? most of the time no. But it should protect its people in so absurd a case as this. deaths wont increase a little bit....they will increase a LOT as the years go on and new riders get into the fray as well as current throwing helmets away.