They said it wouldn't hurt!

wow sounds like you went through the wars, but so funny.

I had mine done about 4 years ago by the good old NHS. Needles (two) in abdomen hurt the most out of all experience, and even that wasn't bad.

Worst bit for me was when dock said whoops :) turns out he had dropped the bit of removed tube back in my sack. Believe me WHOOPS is not a word you want to hear when someone has your crown jewels in their hands.

Went on holiday a day later, drove 500 miles to Scotland. Then spent much of the week walking in the hills, plenty of surgical padding inside the jock strap, plenty of sudacrem (sp) and not a problem. Not even any real bruising (did look like I was packing porn star proportions though with all that padding :) )
1. I would have let the 19 year old watch. It's been a long time since a 19 year old has seen my balls, and I believe that is their loss.

2. I would have been laughing so hard if I farted like that. It probably would have done damage from all of the uncontrollable shaking. Especially since the 19 year old freak who wanted to watch a vasectomy as her first surgery would have been there. I can imagine her accepting the Nobel prize for some other field of study, thanking you for souring her from medicine for life.
Your doc must have sucked. I had my vasectimy on August 28th this year I didnt feel a thing. They first used some type of numming cream on my sack, then gave me about 6 shots with a pnuematic tyoe deal still didnt feel a thing and then gave me the shot with a needle, and still didnt feel anything. Friends of mine have told me that when they pulls the tubes out it feels like they are pulling them out of your stomach, Not so with this doc. All i had was alittle bit of discomfort that night on friday then on sunday morning I rode 2hrs about 140miles to indianapolis to watch the moto gp race.
My advice to anyone going to have this done find a better doc than this guy had.
LMAO! Awww poor Ant! You know what's funny?! Danny never complained about his! We just bought like 4 bags of frozen peas and he was good to go!

Glad you survived it. :thumbup:


:needpics: :D
I'm in tears at work laughing so hard that my co-workers are wondering what's wrong with me... Oh man, thank-you for this. Amazing write-up.