To Lane Split or Not to Lane Split

To split or not to split

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Just doing a bit of research, and it appears lane sharing is actually NOT illegal in Oz, up to the discretion of the Police. (whether they think you're changing lanes without indicating or passing to the left of a vehicle in the same lane)

If anybody has any further information, especially regarding the legality in S.A., I would appreciate it.


P.S. Ref 1 & Ref 2 (but due to the age, I think they might be outdated...)
Just doing a bit of research, and it appears lane sharing is actually NOT illegal in Oz, up to the discretion of the Police. (whether they think you're changing lanes without indicating or passing to the left of a vehicle in the same lane)

If anybody has any further information, especially regarding the legality in S.A., I would appreciate it.


P.S. Ref 1 & Ref 2 (but due to the age, I think they might be outdated...)

It's also up to the discretion of LEO here in Cali. Some riders do it in an unlawful /risky way every day here and get away with it but I think the consensus on speed and what not, is no more the 15 MPH faster than the traffic flow. Of course if the traffic is not moving we benefit greatly and have a win win.
Thanks Motogiro.

As far as I am aware, IF it's still legal, it is ONLY when traffic is stationary.

The only listing I can find is that in 2006 the Victorian gubbermint restricted the practice of lane splitting, and then removed this restriction due to an uproar of the Motorcycle Riders Association of Australia. (it has congestion and health implications for motorcycle riders - how many of you have been behind a diesel truck when he's taken off and nearly choked to death on the exhaust, for example)

I have written to both the S.A. gubbermint and the S.A. Police (requesting specific clauses of legislation!) - so we'll see what they have to say!

I will happily filter, through stationary traffic, but I hate it when I get caught and both lanes suddenly take off and I still between the two, only happened a few times, but unnerving enough to know I dont like it. i see some crazy stunts where peeps are going hell for leather between traffic and I always think how surprised the cager drivers must feel when some crotch rocket or dipsh!t scooter rider screams past and cuts in/out, funny most of them dont wear much gear, girls in business suits and high heels and guys in polypro bomber jackets, both no gloves on the scooters and the singlet/thong(flip flops)fraternity on road registered track bikes
I will happily filter, through stationary traffic, but I hate it when I get caught and both lanes suddenly take off and I still between the two, only happened a few times, but unnerving enough to know I dont like it.

When this happens to me, I anticipate it to an extent ('cause the light is green before traffic moves, generally), and just pick a gap, usually in front of the car I'm already passing.

To be fair, this is a LOT easier in Adelaide than it was in Brisbane.....

I even had a guy steer away from me, to give me room to pass, yesterday, as he was stopped at the lights - just because I'd stopped beside him so as not to hit his mirror! In Brisbane, I reckon he would have opened his door and hit me!


When this happens to me, I anticipate it to an extent ('cause the light is green before traffic moves, generally), and just pick a gap, usually in front of the car I'm already passing.

To be fair, this is a LOT easier in Adelaide than it was in Brisbane.....

I even had a guy steer away from me, to give me room to pass, yesterday, as he was stopped at the lights - just because I'd stopped beside him so as not to hit his mirror! In Brisbane, I reckon he would have opened his door and hit me!


This happens in Perth too :(

Last time I lane split, some middle aged, silver haired pr1ck in a silver Mercedes (yep, you can tell the type of guy) was giving me the evils at the lights (hey, I have a big blue butterfly on my lid - pretty obvious I'm a girl - be nice ....) lights changed, sped up and moved into me. I was pretty p155ed off so I accelerated past him, cut back into the lane in front of him (don't worry I was way in front of him), then did 1 km under the speed limit until the next set of lights. Funny thing his, he backed right off. Too scared to come near me.

:D GIRL POWER :cheer:
To be fair, this is a LOT easier in Adelaide than it was in Brisbane.....

I even had a guy steer away from me, to give me room to pass, yesterday, as he was stopped at the lights - just because I'd stopped beside him so as not to hit his mirror! In Brisbane, I reckon he would have opened his door and hit me!

And this is the reason I dont lane split here EVER !!!! I take the (IMO) much safer route of reading the traffic & filtering through it :thumbup:
Just received a call back from Service SA (SA Transport) who stated that 'lane splitting' is not illegal in SA.

If a Police officer deems it unsafe or reckless, he will cite you, but the procedure of lane splitting, on a motorcycle, is not illegal in SA.


P.S. Still awaiting a response from the SA Police to the email I sent yesterday - we'll see what they say!
And this is the reason I dont lane split here EVER !!!! I take the (IMO) much safer route of reading the traffic & filtering through it :thumbup:

I only lane split at a set of lights, so filtering isn't possible - but as I said, I'm learning Adelaidians are much, much MUCH nicer than Qlders! (may my tongue turn black for saying so!)

LOL! (it's ok, I still follow REAL footy!)

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So this morning, some pillock on a big black cruiser hit the back of a small white car in the white line. Long straight road, car looked parked at time of impact, so it didn't "not see him" ... Personal opinion is that he was travelling at about 80-100km/h as they mostly do, daydreaming (the other major threat with that open road in front of you) and thought he could just ... not even slow down, just zip past the car. Guessing a car in the fast lane didn't expect him, and there wasn't a gap where the biker thought there would be, and hit the back of the parked car square on. Lots of glass now, lots of small broken sharp plastic and metal bits that will still be there tomorrow.

Astonishingly, after having passed the scene, another :cheer: on an even bigger hog comes cruising past me in the white line ... clearly he is a dumb :cheer: who clearly hasn't even considered what he just saw

:confused: Are they all retarded??????

Humperdinkel: And this is the reason I dont lane split here EVER !!!! I take the (IMO) much safer route of reading the traffic & filtering through it

Whats the difference between lane splitting and filtering?

Deus Ex: PS: These are actual numbers here in Athens/Joburg. We have a huge traffic problem...
Same here, lady cager at my office stays closer than i do, takes her up to an hour more each way, every day. :eek:

For the guys who advise not splitting IF you're not comfortable :thumbup: i absolutely agree. But don't do something even sillier, like these guys. I had a convo with some guys here, who claim they cannot "thank" cagers who move over, because it happens too fast to take hands off the bars. I explained that if you cannot raise your left hand while riding, and acknowledge individual cagers that move over FOR you, you're going too fast.

Lane splitting taught me PATIENCE :rockon:
Whats the difference between lane splitting and filtering?

Filtering, if I'm understanding it correctly, it hopping from lane to lane in front of vehicles (essentially overtaking - but with less 'buffer') and lane splitting is just that, essentially turning two lanes into one, or riding BESIDE another vehicle, whether stationary or no. (as said though, I only do it at traffic lights, where the cagers can't suddenly change their mind about what lane they want to be in and turn into me - and never to the left (or right, for you wrong side of the road riders....)

Humpy, please correct me if I'm wrong.

Hi rick, my def:
Splitting= travelling between two lanes of moving traffic, on the line or weaving between lanes, ducking and diving.
Filtering= edging forward between two lanes of stationary traffic. The popo will say you can pass on the right hand side of a car in the same lane. As soon as you cross into the right lane you are technically passing that car on the left hand side-a big no no. Apparently thats how most of us get pinged. Its how they see it at the time and I think how they see the riders general demeanour. If you ride like fool and cant acknowledge a driver giving way or start cutting in abruptly then you ask for it Not me so far fingers xed, I am a bit of a wuss and try to "keep things nice"

Sent from the phone: sorry 'bout my spileng, fat know!
I just moved to no Cali where splitting (er lane sharing) is legal. I did it once when traffic was going about 5 mph on the freeway. I was only going about 15 mph, but it kind of freaked me out. I'm going to try to slowly learn how to do it (comfortably) because it is a skill that I would like to aquire.
I just moved to no Cali where splitting (er lane sharing) is legal. I did it once when traffic was going about 5 mph on the freeway. I was only going about 15 mph, but it kind of freaked me out. I'm going to try to slowly learn how to do it (comfortably) because it is a skill that I would like to aquire.

Slow is where it's at - and bar end mirrors will close a gap that would otherwise normally exist.

Remember, the bike will go where you look, so if you're concentrating on the mirror of a car you're passing, you'll find you'll inadvertently lean that way a little.

Look straight ahead, between the cars, and that'll tell you if you can fit (that is not to say you can't glance left and right, but don't obsess and concentrate to the side)- and go slow, that way if traffic suddenly starts to move, you can find a gap a lot easier.

When lane splitting at a set of lights, I'd be lucky to be doing more than 3mph (walking pace) - gives me time to react, time to slot into traffic - and doesn't scare the bejesus out of the cars you pass.

I'm slightly stunned here, and must honestly thank each of you that has contributed:

Lane split 73.53%

Ride in line with cages 26.47%

Use the shoulder 0%

This blows me away, that not a single person here would use the shoulder, yet EVERY noob on my route goes there by default ...

Not something i can fix, but it's clear something is very wrong this side.

peace guys
Instead of launching a new thread, may as well use this one.

So there are 2 ways i want to tackle this:

1. A short article for dissemination, hopefully some of the new guys will read it.
2. A poster which can be printed out, and vaguely comprehended by some half asleep plonker at 2x the speed of sound.

Suggestions!!! :welcome: