Top Sellerie Seat Poll

Based on feedback you have seen, will you still condiser Top Sellerie for your FZ6 seat purchase?

  • Yes, I will buy from TS

    Votes: 19 39.6%
  • No, I will not buy from Top Sellerie because of their poor customer service history

    Votes: 29 60.4%

  • Total voters
For reference, I was very happy the first and second time ordering from them. All three seats I've orders were all perfect and AS ORDERED without any shipping damage.

The second order, the only issue was the timely arrival of my original seats. This was partly my own fault for waiting a week before shipping them. Had I shipped immediately, I would not have incurred the second charge.

The third order was simply an unusual situation for both myself and TS and while I do not agree with how it was handled, I am very happy with the final result. They were very quick to reverse the incorrect charge this time and did not hold it over my head regarding the second set of original seats being returned.

My only gripe now would be that I lost $13.00 twice for the CC company to "convert" my refunds to U.S. dollar from Euros, and on the first charge, I lost money due to the 5 days difference from charge to refund as the market changed.

Compared to Justin's issues with them, I consider myself LUCKY to get away that cheap! (Sorry Justin... :( )
So you are thinking of buying a Top Sellerie seat...

You hear all about how good these seats CAN BE, but then hear about the company's terrible customer service issues.

Will you still make a purchase from Top Sellerie?

Mine came in three days,top quality ,top seat:thumbup:
No offense meant, but I'm not sure how you could say the customer service is great unless you had something go wrong and had to deal with them.:don'tknow:

I don't understand your statment? Why should something have to go 'wrong' for one to be able to judge customer service?? To me, if a transaction goes smoothly and as it should (I pay you - I get item - everyone happy), that still qualifies as good customer service. It's GOOD becasue nothing went worng!

Customer service is the provision of service to customers before, during and after a purchase.

So if they sell a good product to begin with, that's 'good customer service'. Being able to buy something I want, and get it with zero extra hassle or issues is idealy how ALL transactions should be (in a perfect world) and is good customer service.

I agree that how a company handles any "issues" that may arrise during the process obviously goes a very long way, but I think it's unfair to question a company's customer service just because nothing went wrong (that's how it SHOULD be).

I really want to pull the trigger on getting a TS seat - a pre-made on sale one. From what i can tell it's hit or miss. Like almost any product review, you have both sides of the specturm. Great with no issuse, or horible with lots of issues.

I would suggest to protect yourself as much as possible, email with questions BEFORE you order and keep all corrispondance just in case.
I don't understand your statment? Why should something have to go 'wrong' for one to be able to judge customer service?? To me, if a transaction goes smoothly and as it should (I pay you - I get item - everyone happy), that still qualifies as good customer service. It's GOOD becasue nothing went worng!

Customer service is the provision of service to customers before, during and after a purchase.

So if they sell a good product to begin with, that's 'good customer service'. Being able to buy something I want, and get it with zero extra hassle or issues is idealy how ALL transactions should be (in a perfect world) and is good customer service.

I agree that how a company handles any "issues" that may arrise during the process obviously goes a very long way, but I think it's unfair to question a company's customer service just because nothing went wrong (that's how it SHOULD be).

I really want to pull the trigger on getting a TS seat - a pre-made on sale one. From what i can tell it's hit or miss. Like almost any product review, you have both sides of the specturm. Great with no issuse, or horible with lots of issues.

I would suggest to protect yourself as much as possible, email with questions BEFORE you order and keep all corrispondance just in case.

Hey Boneman, I understand your point of view. It was not my intention to judge a company for nothing going wrong. I just feel like a smooth transaction is not giving the whole picture of what a company's customer service truly is. God knows - I didn't realize what the TS service was like until I had two defective seats show up, no communication whatsoever from them and no reimbursement. However, those who were fortunate enough to receive an undamaged seat, would never see the whole picture of their service(without the internet and research, of course:D). Anyways, no offense meant to anyone.

I think you would like the TS seat, truth be known. It seems very comfy. I just hope you get it in one piece. Who knows, maybe the delivery service to your area runs a lot better.
The TS seat I bought from Eric is a very high quality product in my opinion. I've taken it off a couple times now to get to my battery (new heated Gerbing clothing-whoopeee!) and appreciate its beauty every time I examine it. But Justin's experience and other's here are infinitely valuable for both the members here who are not wealthy enough to throw around $500 dollars without concern (which I think is all of us) for value as well as the company who can fortify their market share by learning from these experiences and correcting them wherever possible.
Valid points there Jman and I do see what you are getting at and I agree.

Not to go off topic, but am currently dealing with ACUMEN over in the UK with defective DGV units (see my DGV post for details). Basically the unit would not shut off the voltmeter in low light conditions (night time, dark garage, etc.). I notified Acumen about it and they immediately recognized the probelm, admitted that it was their fault (wrong value resistors in the unit) and had me send just the head unit back and they sent me a full new unit. Then I got the new unit and guess was still not shutting off in low light conditions. So I emailed them again and they were confused as to why it was still happening, but were right on top of it and are sending me yet another unit that they assure me they have tested and it's working correctly.

So in relation to what Jman was saying, Acumen has turned what could have been a really annyoing problem and could have played the 'blame game' with me (perhaps your wired it up wrong?; did you follow the instructions?) but instead clearly stated that it was their problem and they would do everything to correct it and they have. They never once asked or suggested it was something I did nor asked for the 2nd unit back beofre shipipng me a 3rd! (I will be shiping it back to them becasue I'm a nice guy and they have been nice to me).

The funny thing is, and what I wish more retialers would recognize this, is that becasue the situation is being handled so well, I'm not even the least bit upset or mad about it! :rockon: Poop just happens sometimes.

**TS people, if you are reading this please take some notes!!!
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OK im a little confused with these seats an i really want a custom one.

do i have to send them my original seat? or do i get a whole new one so i have 2?

thats all.
OK im a little confused with these seats an i really want a custom one.

do i have to send them my original seat? or do i get a whole new one so i have 2?

You have 2 options. You can pay the shipping and send them your seat and they will reuse the seat pan to make your seat OR you can have them use one of their FZ6 seat pans (new) to make the seat, but for an additional 70 Euros I think. I think you can send your seat to them after you get your seat from them and they will credit you back as they will hold a deposit untill they get your seat pan. (something like that).

If you go through the ordering process on their site it explains it all.
As far as I know their "new" ones seem to have the most problem with breaking. I do not remember anybody that had damaged seat pan with "used" (or original Yamaha) one so far, but, I may be wrong.
As far as I know their "new" ones seem to have the most problem with breaking. I do not remember anybody that had damaged seat pan with "used" (or original Yamaha) one so far, but, I may be wrong.

I think you may be correct on that one.
So, Justin? Did you ever hear back from TS? Did you locate a local upholstery shop to swap the TS cover and foam with your stock pan? I still think it would be cheaper than shipping back to France yet again!
So, Justin? Did you ever hear back from TS? Did you locate a local upholstery shop to swap the TS cover and foam with your stock pan? I still think it would be cheaper than shipping back to France yet again!

I took it to the local upholstery shop. Never heard from TS again. I'm over it. Hopefully something positive will come out of the whole negative experience. Thanks for asking and all your support. :thumbup:
Are they still working on it or are you riding on it now? Glad that you'll at least get the end result out of this which is the sofa you intended to order in the first place!

I'd still sick 'em with the CC company and get some of that money back, such as the return shipping costs which you should not have had to pay. Dispute it and it is up to TS to compell them NOT to reverse the fees. You do nothing. Your case is strong and I think you'd get something back.
Are they still working on it or are you riding on it now? Glad that you'll at least get the end result out of this which is the sofa you intended to order in the first place!

I'd still sick 'em with the CC company and get some of that money back, such as the return shipping costs which you should not have had to pay. Dispute it and it is up to TS to compell them NOT to reverse the fees. You do nothing. Your case is strong and I think you'd get something back.

I used Paypal and honestly, with everything that has been going on in my life right now, just want to focus on having fun, being with my peeps and getting as far away from reality this weekend as humanly possible. I am hoping to get the seat back Monday or Tuesday. You know me, I'll throw up some pics!
I used Paypal and honestly, with everything that has been going on in my life right now, just want to focus on having fun, being with my peeps and getting as far away from reality this weekend as humanly possible. I am hoping to get the seat back Monday or Tuesday. You know me, I'll throw up some pics!

Well, I hope you have a FAN-FREAKIN-TASTIC weekend and forget all the troubles! :D
Well, here is how it turned out. Over all, not real happy with it. As I have stated before, I am on the perfectionist side of things. There are a few small punctures here and there underneath where you can't see and the stapling job was not all that great. In fact, I used black silicone to make sure it would hold and protect the bike from any possibility of scratching the tank.
I already ordered another stock seat and will probably be getting the Airhawk cushion: Motorcycle Paradise: Review - Air Hawk seat cushion. . Best thing about it is - it can be transferred to any future bike or different bike now in seconds. Can also store it in the tailbag, too.
Well, Justin, I am sorry you have had to go through all of this stuff, but I am glad you finally have a cushy seat for your tushy!! :D Now we need to hear how comfy it is, so we can all be jealous. :)
I absolutly love my Top Sellerie seat. It's very comfortable and no problems what so ever with them or shipping. I give them a :thumbup::thumbup: