Top Speed???

Re: Top Speed

I had mine at 111MPH on an empty part of the freeway. The L.A. traffic did not allow me to go faster much further, and so I had to slow down.
Re: Top Speed

I am sorry but I have all of you beat. I went for a ride a couple of weeks ago with Hollywood. We ended up on hwy 26 and I believe the fastest I seen my speedo was 80 mph. Which is the fastest I have been before. The only bad thing was and remember I'm a noob but Hollywood was going straight as a bullet the whole time. Me? I was in back and was being blown by the wind like I had a damn sail stuck to the bike. A couple of times the wind even blew me into the other lane. Yes I am learning :)
Re: Top Speed

If you don't have a speedo healer on your bike, the speedo is off by quite a bit. I had my old CBR up to 135 indicated, but I bet it was actually about 118. That speedo was off a lot.
I had an indicated 163 once. Broke 160 a couple of other times, but I've had days where 145 was all she had, and other days it would hit 150's. I always thought it might have something to do with air temp. but it was 70 degrees when I did 163 and i had a tank bag, rear bag, and a helmet hanging off the side. Near empty tank though. It does accelerate real slow after 12krpm.
best way to find out your top speed is to flag down your friendly neighborhood police officer, explain your circumstance, then ask if he will follow you with his illuminated red and blue lights. Im sure he will be cool with it, and better yet, he has a radar, so you dont even need a speedohealer to get an accurate reading! :rockon::thumbup:
I'm just poking FZun at you guys. But, maybe somebody should start a thread on speeding ticket stories? (would probably be entertaining). My record's clean but ever since my FZ6, I think that I'm at risk of spoiling that record.

my buddy borrowed my bike one night in town and got pulled over for 120 in a 40. didnt even get a warning but we kinda know the cop. in a town of 4500 people you get to know the cops. specially when they stop your fun alot. my best is 159mph. and if it was dangerous because i wasnt on a track to bad. i cant afford to go to the track. its 4 hours away and expensive from what ive heard.

when we get a speedo heeler on my friends r1 we will make our life goal of 200+!!!!!!! different things excite different people. i understand safety but when others arent in danger why scold someone for what they new wasnt safe?
I know a guy who reminds me a lot of myself who pulled 244km/h on a very long car free road just last weekend.gps and speedo healer confirmed.

I know a bloke like that too....isn't that a coincidence.....they say everyone has a got 240km/150m per hour on a fabulous stretch of new-ish black stuff with no driveways and no intersections and no trees:rockon:...just All open country....Might have to take my bike out there one day
wow I really dont see this bike doing 158.

6th is geared too high plus the speedo is off a good 8-10%

Power Commander, custom map, Free flowing exhaust, weight reduction via lighter aftermarket stuff, decent suspenders, different size sprockets, and a tail wind, and i reckon it is quite possible.
My bad, was thinking "as is" not after "buttload of money into bike"

I got the FZ6 up to 165, my buddy on a Kawi Z1000 just edging me out
we got alot of really flat, straight roads down here in Georgia
you've got to run it to 12,000 rpm in 5th, then shift to 6th, never letting off the throttle
if you lose any momentum, your high speed run is over
I tried creeping up and could only make it to 155
but to get to 165 it was balls out:rockon:

me=130 lbs
BMC air filter, Two Bros Exhaust, PCIII w/tune
what is the top speed?

hi people . just to ask this what is the top speed for a stock fz6 s2?

if mod with exhaust what is the top ?

care to share the top speed for your bike ?
Hey everyone!!!

I just wanted to know what your top speeds have been???

I recently went 210 kph, can the fz6 s2 go faster???
Hi The reason that you haven't had an responses to this question is because we have 5 merged threads on the same subject.
I have merged your post with these threads.
