Two brothers too loud might need db killer

I've been running the P1 tips in mine and the major difference is quieter at idle, and a deeper growl. Once you get on the throttle though, there's no difference.
I'm just bringing this thread back up because I just installed p1x tips in my two brothers and wanted to give my opinion.
So I love my two brothers to death! But when I get off work at 6am I feel like and ass**** pulling into my apartment building and also while riding on the streets it is waaay too loud between 1800-3000rpm (actually annoys me) So I had bought the p1x tips before I even got the two bros because I knew they would be loud.
So with the p1x tips installed it REALLY reduces the noise level (much quieter then youtube videos would lead you to believe). Not as loud at idle, which I dont like because I love the sound of the idle. But between 1800-3000 rpm it sounds a lot better. Two Bros says there is no power loss with the p1x tips but with them removed it just feels like the bike has a little more pick-up. Maybe that's just the sound making me feel like it had more torque.
It almost sounds too quiet now and I wish I had gotten the p1 tips instead but p1x will do for now. Good thing they're easy to remove!
Yup, that's just MHO.
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