UK Meet 4th & 5th October 2008

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Re: Uk Meet 11th Oct 2008

October 4th mates wedding :(
Oct 11th daughters birthday :(
Oct 18/19 :rockon:
Oct 25/26 :rockon:
Re: Uk Meet 11th Oct 2008

last week I heard that in October I'm going on a training course in the UK, either from the 6th through to the 10th (the most likely date) or the 13th through to the 17th. It will be in Reading (well very near to). There are more people from my section going on the same course which generally means that we all have to (generally) travel in the same way, well that's the way they work at my company. Anyway I asked my boss if it would be possible for me to take the bike, his initial reaction was no, but later he said he could see what he could do, but it would mean he would have to take the matter to his (big) boss. Anyway I asked him to wait for now.
While reading this post I realised that most people can't make it on that weekend, so I was wondering if anyone fancied going for a ride the weekend before (the 4th or 5th (as the first date I mentioned was 99% sure)) if I'm allowed to take the bike.

Well it's been confirmed, the course dates are between 6th and 10th of October. I still have the flexibility of the weekend before or after these dates but I heard on Friday that they will be discussing travel plans this coming Wednesday :eek: . I will book the weekend of the 4/5th if I don't suddenly get the impression that everyone wants to opt for the 11th.

Can't wait to ride with some of you guys (even if it's not the official meet :thumbup:)

Cheers Martin
Re: Uk Meet 11th Oct 2008

So folks time is a marching. Do we have any plans for this?

I need to get permission. :thumbup:

Re: Uk Meet 11th Oct 2008

I am definitely going to meet Martin as he is coming to my neck of the woods. My wife is now back to work working nights at the weekends as money has got tight. I am not sure if I can do a weekend now as we have no one to look after the children.
Gutted does not even come anywhere near to how I feel about it.
I might be able to meet up for a ride in the day but a weekender is looking remote.
I will meet up with Martin on the evenings that he is here in Reading.
Please arrange amongst yourselves which weekend you are going to do and I will work around that.

Re: Uk Meet 11th Oct 2008

So folks time is a marching. Do we have any plans for this?

I need to get permission. :thumbup:

Got your Skype mate,

I have returned the request.

Re: Uk Meet 11th Oct 2008

I am definitely going to meet Martin as he is coming to my neck of the woods. My wife is now back to work working nights at the weekends as money has got tight. I am not sure if I can do a weekend now as we have no one to look after the children. Gutted does not even come anywhere near to how I feel about it.
I might be able to meet up for a ride in the day but a weekender is looking remote
I will meet up with Martin on the evenings that he is here in Reading.
Please arrange amongst yourselves which weekend you are going to do and I will work around that.


I'm pleased to hear you're doing the best for your family :thumbup:, obviously this (could) mean that you won't be riding with us and that would be a big shame, but luckily I'll be seeing you a bit later so we can down a few :iconbeer:.
As I've already posted I'm only free (well in the UK) on the weekend of the 4/5th October, so I'll wait and see which weekend everyone votes for. If it's not the weekend I'm over then I'll be taking my own (day) ride with anyone else who wants to tag along.
I think the 2 important things to arrange is WHEN and WHERE.
Looking at the UK logistics thread in the UK forum (set up for the previous meet) the majority of people (who filled in the poll) said they came from south of Leicester. Personally I think a route beginning somewhere around the midlands would be accessable to the most people, what are your ideas of where we should begin/go and what dates do you vote for.
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Re: Uk Meet 11th Oct 2008

I'm pleased to here you're doing the best for your family :thumbup:, obviously this (could) mean that you won't be riding with us and that would be a big shame, but luckily I'll be seeing you a bit later so we can down a few :iconbeer:.
As I've already posted I'm only free (well in the UK) on the weekend of the 4/5th October, so I'll wait and see which weekend everyone votes for. If it's not the weekend I'm over then I'll be taking my own (day) ride with anyone else who wants to tag along.
I think the 2 important things to arrange is WHEN and WHERE.
Looking at the UK logistics thread in the UK forum (set up for the previous meet) the majority of people (who filled in the poll) said they came from south of Leicester. Personally I think a route beginning somewhere around the midlands would be accessable to the most people, what are your ideas of where we should begin/go and what dates do you vote for.
Midlands is a great idea,
I will do my best to get up for the ride.

Re: Uk Meet 11th Oct 2008

Well here is the list of possible riders (up to now) and as you see presently both the 4/5 and the 18/19 are leading (most Deffo's and least definate "can't do's").
View attachment 7665
location still unknown, as I haven't heard any other suggestions, so I assume the Midlands is OK with everyone?

Anybody else wants to come then post in this thread :thumbup:.
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From long lost JONAC

Hello all :)

Sorry its been ages since I've been on :cheer:

Had a manic summer with work and all sorts else going on blah blah blah :noworries:

Anyhow I'm hoping to get a little more time now to browse these pages and catch up with you all.

Firstly I'm currently off work with severley torn ankle ligaments so biking is not an option for me at thge mo and to that end October is looking very very doubtful for me :(

Still hope you can all meet up and chew the fat... Leamington was an awesome weekend and I'm sure it will be again (if thats where you are meeting)

Anyhow that's about it for now..

Re: Uk Meet 11th Oct 2008

Great to hear from you again Jonathan, sorry to hear about your ankle hope it gets better soon. Did you have a nice time down south?
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Re: Uk Meet 11th Oct 2008

Firstly I'm currently off work with severley torn ankle ligaments so biking is not an option for me at thge mo and to that end October is looking very very doubtful for me

Some people will do anything for a day off.:D

Get well quick:thumbup:
Re: Uk Meet 11th Oct 2008

I think the 4/5th would be best for me, I'd like to meet up with cloggy. I can go from London quite easy as I have accommodation down there, so somewhere on the coast would be good I'd have thought, Brighton etc.
Re: Uk Meet 11th Oct 2008

I was thinking of closing the Poll (UK) midnight tomorrow (Friday) night, to give the last couple of people a chance to post their preferences, everyone in agreement?
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