Upload your entires now for the May Bike of the Month!!!

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Re: Cast your vote for the May Bike of the Month!!!

bumpity bump
well the rules say

"new monthly feature called bike of the month. the winning bike will be featured on the home page for the following month.
rules are:
1. must be a new photo (no repeats)
2. member must be an active member for at least 3 months, at least 50 posts OR premium or elite members or supporting.
3. it must be your bike to qualify
4. Uploading pictures will first three weeks of the month, voting will be on the last week of the month, at the end of the third last the contest will end and voting will be enabled.
5. the winner will be announced the last day of the month."

a couple of things that would be nice to be clarified would also be:

1) max-min dimensions
2) is the contest based on modifications on the bike?(bike of the month) or the general photograph (photo of the month) in terms of scenery/angle/lighting/etc
yeah, i wasnt gettin on you bro... i just simply thought that it wasnt allowed... i thought i had read it somewhere, maybe its SBN that has that rule.. no harm no foul.. :thumbup:
Bumpity Bump Bump...there's some nice bikes amongst this months entries....come on guys, get busy, and enter...it's a great way for all us junkies to see some more nice FZ's!

yeah, i wasnt gettin on you bro... i just simply thought that it wasnt allowed... i thought i had read it somewhere, maybe its SBN that has that rule.. no harm no foul.. :thumbup:

no offence taken:D i think that the "photo contest" doesnt allow photoshop, not the "bike of the month"
So is bike of the month based on the mods/accesories and the look of the bike?
And the photo of the month is kind of who can bring out the most artistic pic of their bike?
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