
Having come into this world more than 51 years ago, before computers, calculators and color television, when asked by the computer for his (user)name, he simply wrote "Norm", which was of course his name.
I'm resurrecting this old thread because I was going to start one asking the same question, but did a search and found this.

Nobody has responded in 3+ years, so I figure there are a bunch of folks who've joined since then and haven't posted.

My username was given to me at my first job out of college(last name and part of first name Loren). My co-workers said it sounded like some old cartoon or movie villain, so it stuck as a nickname and I use it online.

Edit: I should specify that my last name is pronounced like the bird(crow), not crowie as it is read sometimes. And of course they always said CROWELOR!! in a menacing growling type voice.
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Stems from one of many names I received in college, Pookie. Pookie, as in the crackhead character (Chris Rock) from New Jack City. See, as one of the few friends in my circle that took a liking to smoking greens, I was the druggie. They did as well, but I was the one who always seemed to have it, so I was the de facto "crackhead".

It got shortened to Pook and I added -amatic for reasons I cannot remember for my internet persona.
I thought I was on here already but after going though the pages I didn't see me...

My user name is actually meant as Who Me? I started using when I was going to ITT Tech and signed into a chat room and tried to come up with some cool name to call myself. Before I used to use ZeroCool based on the movie Hackers but I wasn't that good with computers so I came up with Who Me but ran it together as whome. After trying to use it on some forums I found it was used on a few so I started modifiying it.

I ended with Wh0M3 trading out the o for 0 and e for 3 like with leet or 1337.

btw, I work with computers and am a geek at heart too.

I think Lone Star needs to update his post, cuz he changed his name. :p
Rebuilt ... not as in the bike thankfully but the fact i got 2 transplants so far under belt ... All good n still riding :thumbup:
I use MAVERICK (yes, all caps) in a lot of the forums I frequent, but maverick was taken, so I shortened it to mave.

The 2911 is the correct way to write the date of my birth. (29th November)

If by chance MAVERICK becomes available, I would really appreciate the change.

i use the same name on about 30 forums, maybe 5 are active, red rock is the town i lived in until 4 years ago, beetle for a couple reasons, first because the first forum i was a part of was a VW based forum, second I'm a bit of an air-head (o\X/o) :thumbup:
M- stands for My toe hurts
R- stands for Really bad
P- stands for Pasta
H- stands for How are you
O- stands for Orange juice
T- stands for Taco Bell sucks
O-stands for OMG I already told you orange juice
M- stands for My toe still hurts
A- stands for A lot
N- stands for No one step on my hurt toe
I'm resurrecting this old thread because I was going to start one asking the same question, but did a search and found this.

Nobody has responded in 3+ years, so I figure there are a bunch of folks who've joined since then and haven't posted.

My username was given to me at my first job out of college(last name and part of first name Loren). My co-workers said it sounded like some old cartoon or movie villain, so it stuck as a nickname and I use it online.

Edit: I should specify that my last name is pronounced like the bird(crow), not crowie as it is read sometimes. And of course they always said CROWELOR!! in a menacing growling type voice.

And if someone had used the search button 3yrs ago this thread would have only been dead for 10 months instead of starting one with the same topic.... Good job Erci LOL :spank: :D
One the lighter side it kept popping up till last month. I even managed to find it (page 11 post 104) when I was a noob here :BLAA:
BTW I still dislike the MLA! :ban:
I started on a forum here in Aus as "agf" as I needed a log in name and that was the best I could do when I shoulda been working, so agf its gonna stay,

they are my initials
Adrian Grant Flint

too easy really and not very inventive