
my name is Martin freinds call me Gilo for short..and that last bit relates to what ever forum im (on or Gilo-WRX (on scoobynet) you get the idea
Mine is real easy been using it for years M first letter of first Name Michael KJELD first 5 of last name Kjeldgaard and 76 year I graduated high school
mine is a long, long story.. but to shorten it.. I used to own a record label.. When it was time for me to pick the name for the licence, the weather channel was on and was talking about lake effect snow (i live out near NY so i hear all about the lake snow from the local cable).. Lake Effect Records was picked.. and when I registered for a account and a Aol instant messanger account, i shortened it to LERecords... and that was a little over 9 years ago.. crazzy
mines lame but I've been using it for years j=jesse my first name erdman my last name and 89 short for 1989 my birth year. jerdman was the user id i used for the school network i just added the 89 when i started using it at home.
Nox - Latin for night
Cruor - Latin for blood

Together, the Night of Blood

Some friends and I were playing an MMPORPG and I needed a surname for a character. A friend of mine's was Nox`Excrusio, or Night of Pain. He and I were really good friends, and we always did everything together, so we decided to make the two an obvious pair. Nox`Cruor was born for the surname, and it stuck ever since. My character quickly became pretty dang hard to beat too, so that's where the name Nocturnal Predator came from underneath my user name. I worked nights, and I would litterally stalk people in game until they did something stupid then kill their chars outright. /shrug
I used to have this girlfriend in college and we'd instant message back and forth sometimes. I'd get online with a new screenname and mess with her head for a bit and she'd always guess it was me... I'd say "I'm not dave!"

So finally one day I decided to sign on with "notdave" as a screenname but it was taken... so I had to use notjohndavid. it's stuck ever sense. (I'm a Jr. so I go by my middle name since my dad got the first name... I'm never making my kid a Jr.... or the III'rd rather)
Crotalus is the scientific name for rattlesnakes. When I was a kid I wanted to be a herpatologist (a person who studies reptiles). I have had quite a few snakes over the years, but never a venomous one.:wav:
In my personal business we refer to being free as having enough time and money to do what we want when we want. My goal is to be done with my job within 5 years and to be living free, touring the USA on my bike and travelling to Europe to do the same. So - I have to be free and the name reminds me of it every day!
Well my name is Don and I put a Decepticon logo on the windscreen of my FZ.
I have yet to affix one to the Daytona.
A riding buddy has an Autobot sticker on his Z1000.
It is the only part of my FZ I'm keeping.
Mississippi....mmmmmm Just kinda makes sense. It is where I live and I have wanted to use the name since I was a kid watching John Wayne with my Grandpa and my Pop. El Dorado is the movie that has the character Mississippi.
Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate... leads to suffering. And it's at about that time that I head for the bar.
Muzkur are a exclusive nickname generated in the burrowdowns website. A website about Lord of the Rings. :thumbup: