Video of Your Twisties


Junior Member
Feb 22, 2009
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Add video of your favorite local roads.
Here is one from Hwy 129, Blood Mountain in N. Georgia.
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This is so great, thanks for sharing. You have really good roads there ;)
What's the average speed in the video from your 1st post? I can't seem to figure out from the video..
This is so great, thanks for sharing. You have really good roads there ;)
What's the average speed in the video from your 1st post? I can't seem to figure out from the video..

Those guys are pretty quick, I know I can't keep them in sight. I am guessing around 70mph for an avg. probably around 100+ in the straights.
:thumbup: Nice vids, I've seen some of those posted on BSB. I don't miss GA, but I miss the riding out there.
Nice video, roads and riding. I was going out to ride this morning. Now I'm even more inspired! Haha...

:thumbup: Nice vids, I've seen some of those posted on BSB. I don't miss GA, but I miss the riding out there.

Cool, I didn't know you were on here. DZone does great work with all the videos and he is always adding new stuff. Yeah, we are spoiled, that's for sure! I rode with some guys from Florida last weekend and they were amazed at the skill level up here:don'tknow:
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I rode with some guys from Florida last weekend and they were amazed at the skill level up here:don'tknow:

I am sure they were surprised to see that the roads can actually turn...

I have some videos up on youtube from some of the local roads. Check my youtube link in my signature.

Thanks for the vids...kind of like porn, I know I should be doing something more constructive but I keep watching more of you guys riding the twisting. I can't wait to build my skills up a little next year and hopefully be posting my own videos:thumbup:
Not exactly local [ame][/ame] but our favourite ride to date.

Shetland is about as far North as you can go in UK, it is on 60' North and is nearer to Norway than Edinburgh.
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Another one from the local hooligans! Nice wheelie at 5:15 that is sure to get the safety ladies upset. :D
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Dead Zone videos is right, try keeping inside your lane.

The first video is all I needed to see, rider can't even stay inside of TWO lanes. Don't come to Cali
Here's some of mine :rockon:

[ame=]YouTube - Bris Fizz Compilation[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Bris Fizzers 0001[/ame]
They are great videos, lovely roads there.
I am probably going to be shot down here but here go's.
Yes there is some great skill involved in riding quick, however on balance.
I seriously feel that when you are riding at speeds that require you to use all the road as apposed to just your own lane. You need to go to a track. Great fun indeed but your putting other road users at risk.

Stay on the black stuff
