Waiting on the storm

I'm ready...for a disappointing rain storm. The fact that I got my bike inside will prevent anything severe from happening. It's kind of the opposite of the rain only falling when I wash the truck.


I see your prepared for whatevers coming (five 12-packs on the cupboard) :thumbup:
Just gonna be a little rain in Central VA...up to 25mph winds...pffft, we get much more than that in a small thunderstorm! I'll have my bike in the basement Friday night though to pull the wheels off and mount my tires! Might as well get something done on the FZ over a rainy Saturday! :thumbup:
Is it just me or are all these storms,earthquakes, and other natural and unnatural disasters happening with more frequency and more severity.....the signs are here the end is near

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i'd say it's just you. we've actually had droughts here in nc for the last few years... in part because of the lack of hurricanes we've had. they are a part of our ecosystem and since we haven't had them we've had an imbalance. but this isn't uncommon. these things go in cycles.

as far as the earthquake, it's not uncommon for the east to have them. they just aren't as frequent as the west. most of this stuff is on much longer cycles then we live for. they just seem to be more prominent because it sells commercials for the news channels. believe it or not, ny city is a few years past due for it's 100 year earthquake. so if it happens in our lifetime, don't be shocked. it's the cycle of things.
Be safe!!!!!

My welcoming to Brevard county (I moved here between summer and fall of 2003) were 4 hurricanes in 2004!!!!! Not nice. Indeed there was a lot of damage and unfortunately a huge reason for home insurance prices to increase tremendously (not that they need a reason to increase their prices)!!!!!!
I'll trade you 72 days over 100 degrees and no rain for one hurricane.

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I'm in Moncton New Brunswick on a course for work, staying in a hotel. Room mate and I are tired of the weather man standing on the virginia beach saying "the wind is now at 30 mph"
Really? Seriously, not that bad.
The Thunder storm that rolled through southern ontario last week was worse than that!
They are just showing non-stop shots of rain falling on the news here. To quote the idiotic news reporter on the beach, "Its raining here. That type of side-ways rain that just slams you in the face!" Yea, a$%hole, thats called a hurricane. Get out of it. lol :D

Im in north jersey, how are the rest of y'all doing?
Central Virginia missed most of that little "rain-storm". My gauge shows we only got 1 inch of rain and maximum gusts of wind at 43 mph. We had a thunderstorm come through 2 weeks ago that dumped 6 inches of rain in an hour with 70 mph gusts....compared to that Irene was just a little shower.

I hope none of you on the coast had flooded basements...I have at least 2 friends who had that happen. Living on the coastal plain with no elevation, FTL I guess. It's the trade off you make to live closer to the ocean.