Warning: to Florida riders


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Nov 22, 2009
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Tampa, fl
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I don't know if any of you have heard of this before. Hell, I'm a cop in Florida and this one's new to me. I ran into a Florida State Trooper that I know while I was on my bike. He complimented me on it and pointed out to me that although it probably wouldn't be a problem for me, my tag was at too high of an angle on my fender kit (about 45 degrees pointed up). He let me know that a the tag has to be visible up to 1000 feet and on that angle it isn't.

You guys will be interested to know that that little minor violation will cost some poor soul a $1500 fine. Apparently due to all the sport bikers running from the cops. And he wasn't just blowing smoke up my a**. He said he wrote about ten of those tickets himself last year.

So check your tags, cause if you run into the wrong cop, you'lle be sending your mortgage payment to the state.

My plate is the same way; at a 45 angle. I've wondered if I'd get in trouble for it, guess I'll have to look it up here in AZ.
Its just a FL thing. It needs to be challenged legally. Laws cannot unfairly single out one group of people. Its a we want to punish sportbike riders law.
That's why I always wheelie when there's a cop behind me, flattens the tag right out...

Its just a FL thing. It needs to be challenged legally. Laws cannot unfairly single out one group of people. Its a we want to punish sportbike riders law.

I can tell you that if you're in a car, and your tag is "obscured", you get a $52 non-moving violation ticket. If that even. Usually just a warning. But most cars can't do a buck forty, leaving the blue lights behind with no tag to track. I guess the big dollar amount is supposed to be a deterent. When I get a minute, I'll probably bend mine a little farther down so it's not so blatant.

I'll probably bend mine a little farther down so it's not so blatant.

Now why would you go doing something like that? Isn't half the fun of being the law breaking the law? :D Just kidding.
Now why would you go doing something like that? Isn't half the fun of being the law breaking the law? :D Just kidding.

Believe me, I have no problem being a hypocrite. I'll take any advantage I can get.
But, and that's a big but, it can be embarassing when you stop someone for having a headlight out and when you walk back to your patrol car, you notice that your running with one light out yourself. Not that that's ever happened to me. Just a guy I know.
So whenever possible, I try to avoid any sticky situations.

it can be embarassing when you stop someone for having a headlight out and when you walk back to your patrol car, you notice that your running with one light out yourself.

So whenever possible, I try to avoid any sticky situations.


I bet. I appreciate your approach. Some cops seem to revel in the "gotcha" way of handling people instead of being an up-front, neutral, and even empathetic up-holder of the law...
kinda like in ontario, canada. 50km over the limit. get caught and your bike is gone for 1 week, will cost about $1000 to get it back. all this before u see a judge. even if the judge throws out the ticket. you are still out $1000 plus whatever damage they do to your bike in the impound. sad eh?
You can thank the sport bike riders that move their tag way forward, inside the rear fender, where it isn't visable standing there. Its also supposed to lighted.

Mookieaz, Didn't they also change some laws here in Florida re wheelies / speeding consequences?

I retired after 25 years (police officer) about 2 years ago.

The fine amount is outrageous. I'd feel better if I got held up by a thug demanding that much money. In fact, the fine is so outrageous that it's probably a good thing that most Floridians don't know about it because, otherwise, it might be a motive for some to do a buck forty to get out of it. The plate should be visible however.
wow that is retarded! of course here in good old louisana we have some like that. we have one here that it is illegal to put a neon light around your plate unless it is an antique plate (wonder which senator had one lol) and it is a $1000 fine for it! way out of balance there since careless operation (drag racing and such) is only like $500.
kinda like in ontario, canada. 50km over the limit. get caught and your bike is gone for 1 week, will cost about $1000 to get it back. all this before u see a judge. even if the judge throws out the ticket. you are still out $1000 plus whatever damage they do to your bike in the impound. sad eh?

i too live in toronto thats why i never go more than 49km/h over the speed limit :D, well try to anyways. sometimes the fizz gets the better of me. been lucky havent gotten a single ticket on my bike yet (not even parking tik) but with my car well thats another story.... :( me no likey ******* cops that are bored:Flip:
This country is more corrupt than some other countries...except here it's pretentious. Instead of quietly handing a cop a bribe, here it's all done "legally" and involves massive amounts. And, no need for cops to take bribes around here since they are already exhorbitantly compensated. The fines nowadays in this country---you are talking EXCESSIVE! Counties and local jurisdictions keep on increasing and increasing them. Did you know if you don't make a complete stop before turning right at a traffic light here it's near $400? It's ridiculous and everybody knows it.
You can thank the sport bike riders that move their tag way forward, inside the rear fender, where it isn't visable standing there. Its also supposed to lighted.

Mookieaz, Didn't they also change some laws here in Florida re wheelies / speeding consequences?

I retired after 25 years (police officer) about 2 years ago.


Actually, after my conversation yesterday, curiousity got the better of me and I did a little research.
The $1000.00 tag law was actually directed towards the vertical tag holders that some riders mount. That law was removed from the books on 6/16/2009. The tag now just has to be visible and not obscured. And It's just a standard fine if it's not. Also cannot be mounted on any device that can flip up to obscure or hide the tag.
Wonder why anyone would install that kind of setup? DUH!
As far as the speeding, there was always a $250.00 fine for speeding 30mph and over. Effective, I think it was Oct. 2008, 50 mph and over it's $1000.00 for the first time, $2500.00 for the second and $5000.00 for the third plus loss of license for ten years.
If you're that big of a jacka** that you don't learn after writing the first check, then I think the rest is appropriate. Spend the money on some track time instead.
As for the wheelie law, I believe it's the same as the new excessive speeding law above.
At least it's the same for cars and bikes now. Not that your gonna see too many cars going wheelies.

Scott, where in SW Florida are you? I worked for Collier County for about 6 years.
You do a wheelie here in Vegas, that's considered reckless riding, and it will cost you a big fine and an automatic impound of your bike.

Say Mookieaz, is that Avatar of yours a picture of your partner?
I retired from the Ft Myers City Police Department (Lee County) 12/06 after just over 25 years of service.. Had some car chases on the interstate towards your neck of the woods (Estero).
You do a wheelie here in Vegas, that's considered reckless riding, and it will cost you a big fine and an automatic impound of your bike.

Say Mookieaz, is that Avatar of yours a picture of your partner?

Vegas: Yeah he was my partner. Just had to say goodbye to him about two months ago due to a bad injury. Still messed up about it.

Scott: When I was working in that area (mid 90's), Lee county had a no pursuit policy. If we had a chase that went north of us, we had to take it ourselves up through Charlotte county at times. Not fun calling it via a cell phone due to loss of radio contact.
Never did catch that crotch-rocket northbound on I-75. And never will.
