
I think you are crazy...... :jawdrop:

Oh well, I'll have to put up with the cold here tomorrow. :eek: It's going to be 33'C! It was 40'C during the week - that was lovely. :D:D:D
I think you are crazy...... :jawdrop:

Oh well, I'll have to put up with the cold here tomorrow. :eek: It's going to be 33'C! It was 40'C during the week - that was lovely. :D:D:D


You know what, you are probably right about the "crazy" ;)
Oh, for a warm dry day !

Regards, Simon
Lots of cold, lots of flurries, little snow here. The first day we get up in the forties I will make a quick run on the Fazer.
It was -10 this morning when i went to work and its gonna stay around the -4 mark till saturday..then the snow hits again..the roads are already like glass,another dump of snow will bring the untreated estates here in Cardiff to a standstill
Yeah, we've had our fair share of snow up here in the North East, been snowing on and off now for days - make that weeks. I did venture out on the FZ on new years eve, and just got back in time for it to start snowing 10 minutes later. Took the car to work on Tuesday and there was around 8 inches of snow around by the time I left work (100 mile trek btw). Motorways were all nice and clear though, so wasn't too bad. Certainly wouldn't think about taking the FZ out.

Sadly I can always work from home, so the last 2 days, and probably the next week or so, I've had to settle down and sit in the warmth listening to CD's and working. Makes my garden look well cared for though :Flash:
It's been fun looking at all the pics of the snow back home in Blighty. We've had a lot here in France too. Anymore and I may have to invest in one of these!!!!!

[ame=]YouTube - BMW GS on ice......motorcycle skis![/ame]
It was -10 this morning when i went to work and its gonna stay around the -4 mark till saturday..then the snow hits again..the roads are already like glass,another dump of snow will bring the untreated estates here in Cardiff to a standstill
I'm beginning to remember why we left Wales for Australia......
I'm still missing my riding.. when I saw the snow first fall before Christmas, I thought 'ah.. pretty'. The novelty has now seriously worn off and I just want nice dry roads again so I can get back on my bike! I need to get my bike in for it's MOT and Tax as they're nearly expired but haven't had a break in the weather when I've been free to take it. Anyone know if it's ok to ride it to the garage thats doing the MOT even if it expires? I presume there is a grace period of 2 weeks or something to get the bike sorted.
Keep warm all.
I'm still missing my riding.. when I saw the snow first fall before Christmas, I thought 'ah.. pretty'. The novelty has now seriously worn off and I just want nice dry roads again so I can get back on my bike! I need to get my bike in for it's MOT and Tax as they're nearly expired but haven't had a break in the weather when I've been free to take it. Anyone know if it's ok to ride it to the garage thats doing the MOT even if it expires? I presume there is a grace period of 2 weeks or something to get the bike sorted.
Keep warm all.

Yeah, from memory you can ride it to an MOT station without an MOT provided that you have booked it in for an MOT.
Here's a pic of my Fz6-N in the snow.....

I really hope the weather doesn't get any worse in the UK as I'm flying across for a long weekend with the family tomorrow, I really hope there are no serious delays at Leeds/ Bradford airport.
well it apears the weather is improving just a little bit..glorious sunshine all day saturday (still a brisk 8 degrees) but i was incapacitated with 6 nations-itis hoping this mist clears today so i can get the first miles of 2010 later today
At last the snows gone, ( touch wood ) the suns out. Bring it on.:thumbup:

I did 70 miles today and my legs almost froze! Not to mention my fingers were icicles and feet... icebergs. Was awesome to be back out on the bike though! Now I just need to get it to perform a little better. Enjoy your riding!!