Wedding or Honeymoon?

Wedding or Honeymoon

  • Have a wedding and reception, possible NC honeymoon

    Votes: 24 38.1%
  • Hawaii for a week and Justice of the Peace wedding

    Votes: 39 61.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
One more thought. I think you said you'd go to Hawaii for one week. That's too short of a time to go there considering the distance and flight cost. I'd definitely save Hawaii for when you can afford to do it right. (two week minimum stay)
I would have to agree on the wedding and doing hawaii right! However another thought.... Small wedding in the bahammas! I just know any wedding I have gone to big or small the reception are memory's i would not want to be without! I think you would be always wondering what if on that part. Hawaii really do not think its gonna go anywhere at least in the next 10 years or so, could also do a vow renewl there!
I voted Hawaii and this is why. We had booked and planned our Hawaiian Honeymoon before ever establishing the details,location,price etc. of the wedding ceremony. I can recall elobarate details of the fantastic Hawaiian trip; the wedding ceremony I dont remember as much ;-).

Anyway according to what I've learned in Sociology/Humanities classes is that wedding ceremonies are for your friends and family. The honeymooon is for...
My wife and I had a fancy wedding and reception. It was what she wanted. It was very nice in retrospect, but very stressful for her at the time. Me being a typical guy was like Alfred E Newman.

When we think back on it my wife has said that she should have had a smaller wedding and used the mone for something else.

I voted for the small wedding and nice honeymoon in Hawaii. Your close family and friends are all you really need at your wedding. Spend the money on yourselves.


Congratulations, and I wish you both the best in life.

One more thought. I think you said you'd go to Hawaii for one week. That's too short of a time to go there considering the distance and flight cost. I'd definitely save Hawaii for when you can afford to do it right. (two week minimum stay)

I have to agree with Steve, if you can swing it, go for two weeks.
You can always go to Hawaii later, it's not going anywhere. Hopefully you wouldn't have the opportunity to have your wedding again or do it over. That's something you hope to do once.

It's up to you though.
We took a small trip a few months before our wedding then had our wedding then 8 months later went on our honeymoon. No matter what you decide do what is right for you. We did not involve our family at all in planning the wedding because then it becomes "their" wedding not ours. We planned our wedding from start to finish in less than one month because we didn't ask anyone's opinion.
No matter how perfect your wedding goes... its one day and one day that is mostly for other people... Will you question a decision to forgo on the pomp and circumstance??? probably...

Pricey, ridiculous party that unless your willing to shell out the cost of a really nice sports car, with bad gas mileage is nothing more than a party that thousands of people have had before and probably during your wedding...

Go to Hawaii or wherever you want just get the ring on and MAKE OUT!!!
Its you two vs the world and thats an awesome thing!!!

Sorry for the blunt speak 4 years later and I have yet to take wifer on a proper honeymoon...
We did sort of a combo last year, - got married almost 2000 km away from where we live, and flew all our friends and family in for the wedding.
It was a once in a lifetime experience for everybody!

We have not had the time/money to go on our honeymoon yet, - but we will once we get on top of everything again.
We did a reasonably priced (subjective I know) wedding with a short, nearby get away afterwards and saved the honeymoon for the next year which was driven by both cash and vacation time.

Having done it that way there were a couple of positives I found with this approach in hindsight. First, the wedding itself is hectic enough without trying to pile on a big vacation immediately following. Second, all those people who come to your wedding you only get to see for like 10 seconds each during the reception. So it was worth something to me to be able to have breakfast, hang out, and catch up more without having to run off. The only downside is I can think of is the year in between when you have to explain that you haven't taken your official honeymoon yet but that's pretty minor in the grand scheme of things.
I have always regretted not having a reception and to me it was not so much about spending time with family but it was more enjoying the moment of getting married. Anyway so I voted for wedding+reception+honeymoon and im sure you can always go to Hawaii and still make it special no matter what the occasion.

my 2 cents.
I wish we would have eloped, and saved the money and aggravation! Although you do get to know alot about your future spouse in the wedding planning stages.

My 2 cents,

My wedding day was the best day of my life, having my best friends and family together was Priceless.
We had a great ceremony and the celebration after was humongous.
Have the wedding mate, save for the honeymoon.
Our honeymoon was after the event and it was a great way of looking back on the day itself.
Your family probably don't want to pressure you both in making this tough decision. Mums love to see their children down the isle.

I think you have to decide what it is you both want most to remember!

My husband and I had a very small wedding, (9 guests and the minister), that was immeadiate family only. We were both fortunate that we got no push back from any extended family about not having a large wedding. The wedding itself was in the early evening by a lake, followed by a dinner at the restaurant located there as well. We did have a professional photographer and we're glad we spent the money on that, but overall, we spent more on our honeymoon trip than on the wedding.

One thing that helped with the extended family was that my parents hosted an engagement party for us about a month before the wedding. It was just at their home, but everyone who wasn't coming to the wedding was invited. It was a relaxed and fun gathering that everyone enjoyed.
I say do what you both really want to do - and make sure you do it without regrets. If you guys are into lots of friends and big parties, then do that. If not, do Hawaii. You only live once.

I have been married twice - first was a big fat white wedding and afterwards thought - gosh, we could have pocketed some nice cash and just eloped. Second time was very (and I mean very) small - which was...perfect.

i have to agree very much with this as both me and the wife had been married before and had a formal wedding and all and we both decided on a small (about 9 ppl) and got the pastor to marry us on the end of the pier in a local town. and were so glad we did.

but no matter what you have to live with each other for ever and making yourselves happy. i would say see the judge and throw a party after (as this is the part most ppl want anywho) and take a nice honeymoon.
If you come to Hawaii...don't come to Oahu. Choose one of these two islands

Kauai, North Shore area

Or, if you want the volcano then go to the Big Island (Hawaii) and stay at the Hilton Waikoloa Village. $$ but worth it.

Or opt for the Domincain Republic, Paradisus Punta Cana. All enclusive packages.
For me it depends on how close you are with your family and friends. If you are very close with them and it means something to have a large ceremony then its something to think about. But if its just to have a "wedding" and spend a whole bunch of money on people you haven't seen in years, are not reallly close to, and will probably not see again any time soon, I'd go for a wicked honeymoon. I don't believe in having a wedding to have a wedding. My husband and I had a very small ceremony, and spent most of the rest on the honeymoon. We only invited people we were close too, and did not open up the guest list for everyone and their dog. I had no desire to spend the night of my wedding with people I didn't know just because someone else wanted them there. But trust me, this wasn't a popular option for some of the family. In my opinion, and its just my opinion, weddings are too stressful. Everyone has an idea of how you should do it, and when you do it your way, family members get upset. They say its your day but it ends up that everyone else thinks it has to be about them and what they want. I have seen it happen so many times to people around me. OK, cats out of the bag....I'm not a fan of weddings. But I am a fan of hawaii :cheer: