Well, after 13 years...


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May 9, 2007
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Ottawa, Ontario
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Of being an at home mom...I start school tomorrow. I am insanely nervous! I haven't touched a book in forever. The courses I have are College level Math and College level English. The math I don't mind....just follow the steps, but English??! I read for enjoyment (a LOT) not to dissect every little word on the page!

What is going to kill me is the structure, 13 years of doing what, when, how I please to going to school every day from 9-2:30.:eek:

But... this is just one step in the direction of my dream job. And a career to support my family after the split between me and my ex. Life goes on, buckle down, pull my socks up, closed and open doors, and all that good stuff!
I felt so relieved when I graduated in 05 that even the thought of going back makes me nervous!

Good luck with school :thumbup:
Steph, You'll do fine. You are bright and sweet.. just go for it, give it all you have and you will be very successful :)

Of being an at home mom...I start school tomorrow. I am insanely nervous!

Steph, at the same time that you are starting school, I'll be graduating with a degree at the ripe old age of 34.

The point is, it's never too late to go back. Just don't do what I did and get mistaken for the teacher on your first day!

Steph, at the same time that you are starting school, I'll be graduating with a degree at the ripe old age of 34.

The point is, it's never too late to go back. Just don't do what I did and get mistaken for the teacher on your first day!


Congrats!!:cheer: I am starting at 32...by 34 I am hoping to have all schooling and apprenticeship under my belt. I am following the saying...get a job you love and you will never work a day in your life. You wouldn't believe the flack I am getting for wanting to be a motorcycle mechanic! My Father is mortified!
... You wouldn't believe the flack I am getting for wanting to be a motorcycle mechanic! ...

you need english for that? :D

congrats on going to school to get a job i know i would enjoy. it's as far from what i do right now as you could get, but i know i would love it. and i hesitate to say this because i don't know the circumstances, but i am sorry to hear of any marriage ending. i'm sure you're going to be fine, but it does stink when things don't work out. i don't say this lightly (and i hope it doesn't make you mad in any way) but i'll be praying for you as you move into this new stage of life. and i'll be praying for your kid(s)/family during this time as well. i'm sure you will... but keep us updated.

ps... i'm a math kid myself. i hated english. i like it when there is a definite answer, not a best case scenario.
Good luck! My mother went back to school at the ripe old age of 44. It was not easy but she did it and is happy with the job she has. If you are determined to get your degree you will be fine. It isn't easy though. Almost done with my first year of college. It has been tough and I am still a teen. Just have to keep telling yourself that all your hard work will pay off.
Congratulations Steph and Good Luck with this new phase of your life. It only gets better! I liked English and hated Math.........hated school too......never wanted to go back so I respect and admire you for your decision.
That's great, use that nervous energy to your advantage. You'll do fine and congrats.

I graduated high school and went off to college like a good little peon. I got a 2 year degree and found a job working for a college (using my degree, thank fully).

I took 4 years off, and finally got around to taking advantage of the tuition benefits offered by my employer (100% reimbursement within the university, 80% reimbursement at other colleges). I'm now 4 years into a bachelor's degree with 2 more, HARD, years of part-time school and full-time work.

It's tough, but in the end, it'll be worth it.
That is awesome! Just hang in there and do your best. Don't worry so much about the grades that you forget to have fun. If you are having fun it makes it a lot easier to learn.

Will forum members get a discount? :thumbup:
That is awesome! Just hang in there and do your best. Don't worry so much about the grades that you forget to have fun. If you are having fun it makes it a lot easier to learn.

Will forum members get a discount? :thumbup:

LOL Will have to see...not many forum members in Ottawa.
Steph, at the same time that you are starting school, I'll be graduating with a degree at the ripe old age of 34.

The point is, it's never too late to go back. Just don't do what I did and get mistaken for the teacher on your first day!


Steph, you'll be fine. No worries. Just have fun.

My Father graduates Friday with a business degree. He is 53, and was told that he could not move up in the company without a degree of some kind. Never too late.
Congrats!!:cheer: I am starting at 32...by 34 I am hoping to have all schooling and apprenticeship under my belt. I am following the saying...get a job you love and you will never work a day in your life. You wouldn't believe the flack I am getting for wanting to be a motorcycle mechanic! My Father is mortified!
lol im doing a report on motorcycle engineeer at school this month and kinda funny timing! but good luck