Went down this morning in the rain

This is my 3rd bike. When I owned the previous two I never commuted on them, and now my commute is about 40 miles a day so I put at least 200 / week on the bike + pleasure riding. I only started commuting late last year.

The first time I dumped the bike was on my Suzuki Savage 650, it just tipped over at a stop light (within the first few months of riding). The 2nd bike a Yamaha SECA II a lady pulled out of a parking spot really fast and I panicked. Both those time I was inexperienced, wasn't riding enough, and were on not the greatest bikes (the SECA II needed new tires).

So the 8000 miles have all been on the FZ6 with no tip overs, dumps, crashes, spills or scrapes...until this morning. I am headed to my mechanic now.

Tip overs at lights don't count! I did that on my father in law's bike once when I was just learning...oops!
I watched the video on my helmet cam and it's super embarrassing :(
You can't see my hands so it looks like I lowsided it for no reason...you can hear the engine rev up just before I dumped it so perhaps I grabbed too much throttle?

My Crash - YouTube

I think I slipped because I rode over an arrow on the road and then a "No" sign. GOing from slippery back to normal road, I messed it up.


I also now need to decide what to do, the frame is scratched and there's a few hundred in fairing damage...if I went with parts AND labor it would certainly be more than my $500 deductible but assuming they only need to straighten it outI could fix the fairings myself for less...but it could theoretically get salvaged by my insurance company and I could potentially buy it back at a discount.

I've no experience with insurance claims, been lucky so far. Never owned a car.
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It looks like the front end washed out, we're you on the front brakes? Harsh reminder why we need to watch out for road paint especially when wet, time to go naked maybe?
The front brake is what I was asking about?

Sorry I wasn't clear in answering your question. I think I was front braking when it happened, I don't recall if I let go of it or not after I started to lose control. I'm not 100% certain. I was slightly in shock post-dump.

Funny how in retrospect it seemed to happen in slow motion...I had time for several thoughts like "Ok. what can I do to fix this?" and "Hmmm can't seem to fix this" and "Looks like we're going down".
With out being able to see your hands I'd say that's exactly what happened, you were approaching your turn ran over the big painted arrow while on the front brake and the front tire lost traction, a very hard situation to get out of, but one that can be avoided in the future. When I ride in the rain I try to stay to one side of the lane or the other and stay off the grease strip, preferably to the furthest outside if a 4 lane. It's impossible to never be on the paint but I always use extra caution when I'm on it.

All in all like i said it's a harsh reminder but plastics can be replaced, glad your ok.
With out being able to see your hands I'd say that's exactly what happened, you were approaching your turn ran over the big painted arrow while on the front brake and the front tire lost traction, a very hard situation to get out of, but one that can be avoided in the future. When I ride in the rain I try to stay to one side of the lane or the other and stay off the grease strip, preferably to the furthest outside if a 4 lane. It's impossible to never be on the paint but I always use extra caution when I'm on it.

All in all like i said it's a harsh reminder but plastics can be replaced, glad your ok.

Thanks for confirming. I will learn from this.
Thanks for confirming. I will learn from this.
The only thing I would add is, invest in some crash bobbins. The damage would have been minimal.
+ If you drop the FZ6 the engine cut out is activated and as you figured you need to turn the ignition off and then on again to deactivate it.

The only thing I would add is, invest in some crash bobbins. The damage would have been minimal.
+ If you drop the FZ6 the engine cut out is activated and as you figured you need to turn the ignition off and then on again to deactivate it.


Ironically I wasn't using my V35s that day which might have absorbed some damage.
To be honest while I find the naked FZ6 much sexier looking, I prefer the half fairings and tall windscreen as I do most of my commuting on the highway.
Didnt know you had ever gone down in slippery conditions. Sounds like you are comfortable with your average?

No not really, but when you decide to ride in less than perfect conditions, you have to be willing to accept the risk and the consequences.

I'll let everyone know how I do in the snow and ice when I'm up in Idaho.
Thanks for posting that video. Definitely some slick conditions especially on the paint. were not far from home, were you?

I would probably go the no insurance route but that's just me. A scratched frame plus totalled is not a bad deal either. hmmm...
im sorry for your mishap. nothing serious so don t let yourself down, yeah wet paint strips are fearsome, i have my bike squirm a little when im not fully paying attention to them and it scares the sh** out of me.

as for repairs you can buy the plastics and replace them yourself its no big deal. just take your time and do it slowly so as not to break anything and write the steps and label the parts, come reassembly you wont be confused on which bolt goes where etc. the frame can be rattle canned to cover the scratch. make sure you get matching paint and cover the engine well so as not to overspray on it
To be honest while I find the naked FZ6 much sexier looking, I prefer the half fairings and tall windscreen as I do most of my commuting on the highway.

If I were you, I would t write going naked off just yet. I ride highway everyday as well and I am much more comfortable on my bike at highway speeds from the wind, then I ever was on my v-strom 650 with a Givi tall touring windscreen, I honestly can't explain how it works but I get much less wind on me on my 6 then I ever did on the strom. And dot get me wrong the strom over all was way more comfy, but as far as wind goes, after a 1hr at 75mph i felt like i just went a round with tyson, from my head bobing all over the place. But I rode all winter too, coldest it got down to was 12, and I still was comfortable thanks to gierbings. The only thing I can think of is that is has to be the way my headlight is mounted, it's not directly on the forks, it sticks out from them about 6" or so