What do you haul/carry?


Biker dude
Elite Member
May 27, 2009
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I know I'm not the only one who carries things on my FZ6. So, what have you had back there? I thought of this today when strapping a 12 pack of Guiness to the bike. My other FZ6 carried me to the shooting range frequently and even a 36 pack of beer a few times. :D



I carry my hopes and dreams for a better world. However, I often find the bungees are not up to the task of holding them down. Oh well, guess I'll just enjoy the ride.

i carry my lunch for work, nothing fancy, lol. Ive carried dry dog and cat food, and thats about it. nothing as wild as a huge gun hanging out back there.
I thought I was doing good hauling two gallons of milk. A rifle, firewood and beer? I need to expand my horizons and get more creative. I saw a photo of a guy carrying a gas grill on a bike, but I think I'll leave that to the trained experts.
Most of us carry people back there! And I don't know about you, but I don't even use the cargo net or straps of any kind for them... What's a case of beer or a bit of firewood?:)

Seriously though, I've seen someone with a five or six foot step ladder, a small german sheppard, tools and other assorted crap, all at once, every weekday morning for almost a year. And all this, driving down the French maritime Alps, through all the hairpin twisties. And it wasn't a very big bike... Since then, I've never been really impressed by what people carry on their motorcycles.

I had that same bag, twice. You can fit TONS of stuff in it expanded :rockon: . the first I let go with my katana. The second one didn't hold up too well and I used the lifetime waranty to replace it with a higher quality FirstGear, albeit a bit smaller. I've fit a gallon of milk and another 2 bags of groceries in the Cargo brand before!

I always have a set of raingear, extra bungees/straps, fuses, garagedoor opener, owners manual, and a kickstand pad in mine for my daily commute & weekend rides. In early & late winter is is common for me to cram my Carhart overalls in my bag for the ride home.

I've carried a 24" square box to FedEx for shipping - large but light weight.

The coolest thing I've seen was when I went to race my mountain bike. One guy arrived on his motorcycle with his mountain bike on it. He had attached a 30" x 30" sheet of plywood behind him (horizontally). He had taken the wheels off the mtn bike and strapped the frame, wheels and gear onto the plywood "flatbed".