What do you listen to while carving a canyon?

You really don't want me to answer that do you :D

Wait...this one's even better!

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6mxC_dxWvic&feature=related"]YouTube - Ultimate Techno Song[/ame]

pssst.....I don't like techno either!!!! :D
I think I,m going to go home now,listen to my Leo's all the way and put on some Slade or AC DC ,something like that and have a beer to wash the taste of this thread out or my mouth !
I think I,m going to go home now,listen to my Leo's all the way and put on some Slade or AC DC ,something like that and have a beer to wash the taste of this thread out or my mouth !

No offense, but ACDC sucks!!! :scared: :D I'd rather listen to techno than ACDC.
Last wkd I did half of the big bear ride listening to an album called "Tourist", by St Germain... deep jazzy house music, it was helping me focus on being smooth :thumbup:
lol....how can you not like this music?!?!? LOL :rolleyes:

YouTube - Techno Rave!

Hahahahaaha, gotta love HalfLife 2 and Garry's mod.. can do some weird stuff with that.

Personally, I like a bit of everything, Techno, Rock'n'roll, jazz 'n Blues, probably listen to techno more than anything though (and yes, i do get some stange looks from young'uns, wondering why an old fart like me is listening to it....lol)

I only listen to music when I am not trying to be aggresive. I.E. Highway and back roads getting somewhere. Once I am in the twisties I turn the music down on the intercom so I cant hear it. The music is just a distraction, I just want to hear and feel the bike.

Wavex, here's one for ya....


Still cannot find the St. Germain song, except on You Tube.....but I don't listen to music while 'driving', I'm still too new to be distracted.
in one ear i listen to what the ipod is playing... usually put it on shuffle... in teh other ear i have another set of headphones hook up to radar !!! :thumbup:
LIke this post -

I just started doing this myself, 2 weeks ago. Got a set of skull candy \"ink'd\" headphones, inner buds - that act like ear plugs minimizing external air racket, while pumping music into the ear . I have to agree with one of the riders here \"icing on the cake\" - you really don't know what your missing till you've tried it. With the right volume balance, you can hear the roar of the pipes - feel your RPM's, and lose yourself in the music and road. It truly does add a new intensity and joy to riding. Makes stop lights quite bearable as a matter of fact. I ride like this every day.

Slayer - Godsmack - Korn - Slipknot - Tool, A perfect Circle and some twisties are a recipe for some tasty adventures.... yes please, may I have another :) I also agree with other riders here - some good Crystal Method - Prodigy, or DJ BT style techno works wonders on any road, especially fast straight aways and open freeways.

Grab some inner phones - and rock some Metallic \"Justice for All\" before you take off - you will catch the habit really quick.

Ipod nano in the pants pocket - wire hidden underneath shirt and phones routed through collar into your lid. Simply perfect.

Nice... I think you and I are cut from the same cloth... I couldn't get into slipknot though... but A Perfect Circle RULES. You should check out another side project of theirs called "Ashes Divide".

Also, the new Anberlin Album is awesome. Got an advanced copy over (enter illegal file sharing system name here). Really good so far!

Wavex, here's one for ya....

[YouTube - Muse - Map Of The Problematique[/url]

Still cannot find the St. Germain song, except on You Tube.....but I don't listen to music while 'driving', I'm still too new to be distracted.

I like Muse, good group :)

"Tourist" is probably St Germain's most famous album, but you also have "Boulevard" or "From Detroit to St Germain"... see here:

Tourist - Saint Germain Music - Yahoo! Shopping

When doing twisties I don't usually jam out, making the fizzer scream is almost as good as sex. But when commuting I listen to pretty much anything except country and most rap. I prefer I guess Emo rock, Coheed and Cambria is probably my favorite band. Hawthorn Heights, Senses Fail, stuff like that. I throw in a bit of techno, classic rock, some Iron Maiden, Megadeth, Metalica, Dire Straights and yes AC/DC is awesome going to see them in December. Awesome guitarist like Vinnie Moore, Michael Angelo Batio, Paul Gilbert. Some hardcore stuff like Dethklock, DSI, Lamb of God, Shadows Fall. And for flavor some folk/spanish type stuff like Rodrigo Y Gabriella, Ruben Romero, Tom Petty. And of course some classical stuff, Beethoven, Bach, Yeah I listen to alot of different music.

Interesting though the harder and heavier it gets the heavier my right wrist gets....:thumbup:
The sound of a screaming 600cc donk:rockon:, topped off nicely with an overlay of Butterfly Effect, Iron Maiden, Creed, Deep Purple, Linkin Park, Metalica and some Rammstein:rockon:. Can hear my gear lever click on gear changes and certainly have no troubles with hearing my exhausts:thumbup:.....stock though they might be:eek:. There is a good chance music like this is going to earn me some tickets:eek: but that's life:rolleyes:.
The sound of a screaming 600cc donk:rockon:, topped off nicely with an overlay of Butterfly Effect, Iron Maiden, Creed, Deep Purple, Linkin Park, Metalica and some Rammstein:rockon:. Can hear my gear lever click on gear changes and certainly have no troubles with hearing my exhausts:thumbup:.....stock though they might be:eek:. There is a good chance music like this is going to earn me some tickets:eek: but that's life:rolleyes:.
Rammstein is freaking awesome! :rockon: Especially in concert! :steve: