What headphones/ear buds do you ride with?


2009 Buell XB12Scg
Feb 10, 2008
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Just wanted to get some ideas for riding with an mp3 player. Are there some nice headphones/ear buds out there that fit well under the helmet?

I am using a set of over the ear Panasonic earphones when I ride, however, I'm looking for something a little more comfortable. I use the clip type so as not to knock them loose while putting on the helmet. I have seen a type velcro attached speakers for the helmet somewhere, but I cannot remember where I saw them, eBay maybe? GRUMPY
Don't often listen to music when riding, usually just listen to the engine >< And also, I get a bit paranoid about safety in-case someone is trying to use their horn to alert me of anything. However when I do, I use Apple 'in-ear' numbers... Bizarrely crap when used normally as they don't fit *that* snugly. Under a lid when they get pushed in a bit more... perfect!

Apple Store (U.S.) - Apple iPod In-Ear Headphones

Not expensive too, which is always a bonus.
I've been having problems with this with my iphone... I have a good set of v-moda vibe duo's which sound pretty well, but whenever I put them on under my helmet they kinda feel painful. I'm learning if I push them off the bottom part of my ear it's getting a little better... I'll have to go for an extended trip to really know. On the plus side they block out a lot of wind noise so I don't need to turn up the volume quite as much... I tried quite a few different cheap ones and they all suck all round. I went and bought a new set of the iphone default earbuds... They sound quite a bit better than when I remember! And they fit really well under the helmet, but they don't block out any outside noise so while moving you'll need it at full blast to hear over the wind noise... which is too loud if in a city.
I had a pair of Koss canalphones ones from Radio Shack. They didn't stay in that well and they have a mute button that would always get pushed in my jacket and screw things up.

Then I got helmet speakers from Whitehorse Gear. They were great on my old bike.

Once I got the FZ6 I found the wind noise was too much for the helmet speakers. They're still in the helmet, but I almost never use them. Instead, I picked up a cheap pair of JVC canal phones last month from Bestbuy (Target also has the same ones) for $20.99. They are GREAT! They actually stay in and are comfortable + block the wind noise. They come in funky colors (I had to choose between hot pink and lime green since all of the 'normal' colors were sold out).

I now have a flip-up helmet, so it's easier to put the earphones in. Still, I think the JVC ones would be pretty easy to work with even using a full helmet.
JVC Marshmallows
Picked up a pair of Skull Candy in-the-ear earbuds (Best Buy $20)
Pretty decent, blocks fair amount of wind noise. Use the smallest ear insert possible for the best seal...
(Also used when flying)

Shure E3C's. Discontinued. Any of the Shure ones are super-nice, but all are pricey. The expensive ones are well worth it if you are an audiophile.

They also make yellow foamy earbuds for these. They cut out outside sound better than the other buds. Fantastic.
Just FYI... headphones are illegal in some states.
Pennsylvania said:
3314. Prohibiting use of hearing impairment devices.
(a) General rule - No driver shall operate a vehicle while wearing or using one or more headphones, earphone, or any similar device which the department by regulation determines would impair the ability of the driver to hear traffic sounds.
That being said... in the unlikely event that you ever get pulled over, you can probably claim ignorance and talk your way out of any trouble.

I don't wear headphones mostly because I drive a lot in city/local traffic, where it's pretty important to be alert and aware about all the idiots around me. I'm not willing to take the risk of getting my beautiful FZ6 scratched. :)

Just FYI... headphones are illegal in some states.

That being said... in the unlikely event that you ever get pulled over, you can probably claim ignorance and talk your way out of any trouble.

I don't wear headphones mostly because I drive a lot in city/local traffic, where it's pretty important to be alert and aware about all the idiots around me. I'm not willing to take the risk of getting my beautiful FZ6 scratched. :)


I like the way the CA law is written. You can wear one earphone but not two, and you are clearly allowed to wear earplugs to protect hearing. I often wear one earbud and one earplug while riding.

"A person operating a motor vehicle or bicycle may not wear a headset covering, or earplugs in, both ears."

"A person wearing personal hearing protectors in the form of earplugs or molds that are specifically designed to attenuate injurious noise levels. The plugs or molds shall be designed in a manner so as to not inhibit the wearer's ability to hear a siren or horn from an emergency vehicle or a horn from another motor vehicle."
I like the way the CA law is written. You can wear one earphone but not two, and you are clearly allowed to wear earplugs to protect hearing. I often wear one earbud and one earplug while riding.

"A person operating a motor vehicle or bicycle may not wear a headset covering, or earplugs in, both ears."

"A person wearing personal hearing protectors in the form of earplugs or molds that are specifically designed to attenuate injurious noise levels. The plugs or molds shall be designed in a manner so as to not inhibit the wearer's ability to hear a siren or horn from an emergency vehicle or a horn from another motor vehicle."

It is directly related to the level of db's the plugs block. Web Bike World has some great articles and research done on plugs. :D
I like the way the CA law is written. You can wear one earphone but not two, and you are clearly allowed to wear earplugs to protect hearing. I often wear one earbud and one earplug while riding.
Yeah, that does make more sense.

PA is strange... if you've been riding for more than 2 years you can go without a helmet. But apparently headphones are just too dangerous. :D

I have an iphone and I use the generic buds that came with it. The noise cancellation isn't that great but I find it to be decent enough. I love them because of the microphone clicker. It rests just under my chinstrap and I can pause and change songs with less effort and less time off the handlebars than it takes to flip my visor up. I would really try to find a headset that will enable you to pause and change songs without rummaging around your pocket.

I've ridden for hours with them on and it does hurt a little but not too bad. Just take care putting the helmet on.

Your mileage may vary; my girlfriend can't even put her helmet on without her generic ipod earbuds falling off so she's ordered new earbuds.
I have a 2gb mini sd card in my mobile phone loaded with MP3's and one of these:

Viper RS-V121 flip front helmet with Bluetooth intercom sun visor

that way I can listen to music and answer my phone with it. I have to add though that it's not the quietest of helmets at speed. Anything above 80mph and it's not worth it. I use it when I'm just riding round with nowhere to go in a hurry, which should always be the case.

Unsure how it would be interpreted in those states where you can't have headphones though.
I use the earbuds (phones) that came with my Creative Zen V player. They sound good up to about 50mph and then they aren't loud enough. They work well in the city. At 70 mph I can't hear them. I have a Shoei helmet that is supposed to be one of the quieter helmets. I tried some Koss Spark Plugs with Etymotic foam pads, but they didn't have the bass nor the clarity that the Zen phones have, even at low speeds. They weren't loud enough either. I want to get something better. The Zen V uses 32 ohm phones, and most phones on the market are 16 ohm. Using 16 ohm phones reduces the volume, which is a problem. A musician friend recommended the Skull Candy phones, but I haven't tried them because they are 16 ohm. The experts say not to use phones at high volumes, but after a many hours of riding without the phones my ears are ringing anyway. So why not make them ring from music instead of wind noise?

I'm lucky, I ride in NC and SC where there are no restrictions on helmet speakers (according to the AMA website).