What NOT to do when your team loses...

Yeah funny that it wasn't the Boston team's crowd rioting for once... On a side note, it's about time one of my teams have one something in a while, NY'er i may be but I'm all for the Celtics BoSox and the Bruins.
Hey!!! I came back and one of you guys flipped my computer on it's side!!!!!

*flashes boobs at the crowd*

Eeeek! Cameras! :eek:

Lone, 'mens boobs' are called Manboobs or Moobs in Australia.

Just so ya know :D

Hmmm.....so there must be a decent sized market for em down there eh?

I wonder if I could turn this into some income in lieu of a job...

Next step, try to come up with a good name for my new website!



This is tough.
Yes they are.

Oh, and if you feel the need to reply, please keep it short and to the point, don't ramble on like your previous reply.

No I only reply in depth when I have something to say. I've said it and in the absence of a reply of any sort I am content to leave it at that.

And Kazza that link's not working on my phone....thankfully haha. I'll be in the market to sell, not peruse.
I'm leaning towards, "MoobTube"..lol.:BLAA:

I thought they were photochopped pics, and that it was a joke until I followed the link.......WTF:eek:? Oh noes! My team lost a game. I must run and and rape a kangaroo, and burn a koala.:confused: I don't even come close to understanding.

So does that stuff happen often? That sort of stuff may seem to be kinda harmless in a way to some I guess, but if I came back to my bike to find people doing that there is a good chance I might start cutting throats. (One person not giving a **** deserves another I guess, so if it's ok to vent disappointment at something that doesn't really affect you in any real way, then it must be way OK to vent if someone is venting on your bike etc.:thumbup:
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I'm glad to see that at least ONE Canadian agrees with me...

Michael Buble launches campaign to find Vancouver rioters | Herald Sun

Quote from the linked article:

"They're trash, basically. It was gutless and disgusting behavior," Buble said. "That mob mentality could have killed somebody."

"I'm disgusted by what the rioters did to the city,"

The main content of my post was directed at your proposing the police was gutless...

But yes, let's not get bogged down with facts.

...facts like the majority of people there were just standing around taking pictures.
<sarcasm>Wow, I know I live in the third world but I had no idea that cars turned themselves over and city centre fires started spontaneously over there! The progress in Canada is staggering!

I await the pictures of the pyromaniacs and rioters being commended by the mayor when they are identified.</sarcasm>
Replying to you is pointless.

It really is.

1) The majority of people were standing around taking pictures and posing for pictures.

2) Even pictures depicting people who SEEM to be doing something would not hold up in court.

3) A handful of people in a handful of pictures could be successfully prosecuted. The resources required to track them down however to convict them of relatively minor offenses is reason enough not to pursue them. The Vancouver police force, however, is still pursuing those they can prosecute with acceptable costs incurred.

4) The solution going forward here is not one of criminal prosecution. It is better preparedness in the future and not any of the irrational and emotionally-charged stuff you are going on about.

I have tried to keep this short for you this time. I can understand that you may become disoriented and confused past a certain number of words, so I even used point form to help. This is the third time I've essentially repeated myself now. I'm getting to wonder why I'm even bothering.
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