What the hell???? (Trooper crashes into bike)

Yeah, you know where I would try to roll after a crash?? OFF THE DAMN ROAD. Bam then get hit again by an asshat.

And what final said, if we would have ran down a motorcycle cop, we would have been beaten, interrogated, detained, beaten again, AND NOT go sit at the house on my ass while they figure it out.

Screw the POPO, glad they got this evidence on line before it magically disappeared and no accident ever happened.

Lets see, he will get a slap on the wrist whilst we would receive an attempted murder charge, scumbags

No, kidding. Shocking the video exists. I would expect no video and police officer blaming it on the motorcycle rider for some concocted reason... no tail light in the dark, or he swerved in front of me.. and motorcycle guy having to pay for the police car.

Let's just take a deep breath here guys....and please remember forum rules before this gets ugly, ok?

"Disallowed specific topics
We're all about freedom of speech, however there are some topics that don't belong here, such as:

Running from the cops.
Police bashing/slander."
Let's not be quick to judge the trooper. First off he should be commended for backing up his vehicle in order to block traffic from running over the riders. I can see them on the roads and I'm sure the trooper saw them too. And second remember that this was an ACCIDENT. Unless there's proof of intent or neglect that's just bad luck. If you accidentally kill someone while driving would you expect to go to prison? Of course not, it's an accident.

What I believe happened was the trooper was driving the speed limit and the motorcycle was going way below the speed limit. Sometimes riding slow is unsafe. That's why I always rode 10-15 over the limit. Actually it's 10-15 faster than traffic is going.
I'm less surprised by this than I should be. Pretty often you'll see troopers on their laptops and phones while they drive, part of that is required for the job (looking up plates, etc) but they have to do a better job managing their distractions and driving. Cops will be the first to tell you not to text and drive and how dangerous distracted driving is, but (not trying to paint with a wide brush) I've seen many cops who don't follow the rules that they enforce. This will hopefully serve as a wake up call.

thats BS on being part of their job. they should only be running plates on the computer while stopped. if they need plates run they can radio in. however you are right that they do it all the time. im not going to start anything badmouthing the cops, but this kind of circumstance is ridiculous.

on a side note i think drivers in ohio generally suck anyway:BLAA:
Sometimes riding slow is unsafe. That's why I always rode 10-15 over the limit. Actually it's 10-15 faster than traffic is going.

no, its just 10-15 over the speed limit. i typically drive my car 5 over because everybody else is as well, the flow and the limit are two different things and usually differ by around 10%.
Let's not be quick to judge the trooper. First off he should be commended for backing up his vehicle in order to block traffic from running over the riders. I can see them on the roads and I'm sure the trooper saw them too. And second remember that this was an ACCIDENT. Unless there's proof of intent or neglect that's just bad luck. If you accidentally kill someone while driving would you expect to go to prison? Of course not, it's an accident.

What I believe happened was the trooper was driving the speed limit and the motorcycle was going way below the speed limit. Sometimes riding slow is unsafe. That's why I always rode 10-15 over the limit. Actually it's 10-15 faster than traffic is going.

This has been the excuse for drunken drivers that hit a family of four head on for many years now, if the cop was distracted on his phone or such it should be the same! He knows the dangers, just like being intoxicated, it's one. Big. Distraction. Really not sure how the trooper saw them the second time, because it took him like 700 feet to slow down in the first place.

Too bad in most states, driving 10-15 over is against the law, while doing 10-15 under maybe unsafe, but is legal and from the video, the bike was in the slow Lane.
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Let's just take a deep breath here guys....and please remember forum rules before this gets ugly, ok?

"Disallowed specific topics
We're all about freedom of speech, however there are some topics that don't belong here, such as:

Running from the cops.
Police bashing/slander."

You're absolutely right, il let them do that. :)
Wow accidents happen we all know that, but when one does you have to pay the price. I personally do not find that the sentence is anywhere near enough, whether it be a normal citizen or a police officer. Officers in my opinion do have to show more control and uphold the law seeing that they work in it.
I saw the sentence earlier on my FB feed and really think that is ridiculous. If a citizen had done it they would have got reckless driving, failure to yield (I think that is for rear-ending someone), speeding, and a bunch of other stuff. The fact this guy got such a slap on the wrist is just infuriating.

Even more insulting is the judge apologizing to the victims. Really judge you couldn't come up with anything better than that after that weak sentence.

I hope that couple sues the PD, court system and anybody that they can on this one.

Although I did have a patient form Indiana once that was struck by an off duty police officer while riding his bicycle. The cop said he swerved into him but he was found in the gutter next to his bike, because he was keeping to the side of the road. Anyway that cop got off too.
The worse thing about it is that the courts have now set a precedent with this lenient sentence. A traffic lawyers dream.

Judge <= :ban:
Did those riders look ok for $150 charge? Seemed pretty equal there....
Makes me sick!
I agree completely with everything that's being said here, I would just like to point out it was in front of the judge, the cop apologized, it was not the judge personally...

My first post here, hope i got quotey stuff right...

That's how I read it too.. the officer apologized. In no way did I mean for this to be a cop bashing thread. I do think the system is very unfair. I can't imagine a civilian would walk away with such a light sentence.
That's how I read it too.. the officer apologized. In no way did I mean for this to be a cop bashing thread. I do think the system is very unfair. I can't imagine a civilian would walk away with such a light sentence.

^^ True

Perhaps I'm watching my gps and run over someone doing 30+ over the limit. Pretty sure I'd be treated the same. ah-haa..... (yes, forgot my Sarcassma pill today). FWIW: granted the guy messed up, its the judge who failed.

Although I do wonder what was on that guys PC that had him so distracted....
"His license was also suspended for six months, however Daymon's attorney said the judge will allow an exception to accommodate his work."

This, this right here angers me to the core. You know, I've had my license suspended before. "They didn't accommodate my work" I had to appeal for a workers permit to drivers controll.

They do receive special treatment.