What would you do?


Jul 19, 2008
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Reno, NV
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Here was my situation today. I was heading home on a back road. This area has houses few and far between. Speed limit was 45 MPH. Im following a large suv doing 40 mph down the road.

He seems to be in his own world, I notice him looking at the scenery and drifting on 3 feet over the double yellow and 1 foot over the white. I'm thinking ok this guy just isnt paying attention.

This road has no passing lanes or turnout lanes for a few miles.

As we approach a corner, he continues to go straight!! He goes about halfway off the road and swerves back on, now I'm thinking holy crap!! This guy is an idiot. So I hit it to 2nd, wait for the next small straight stretch of double yellow and get by him as fast as I can.

Should I have pulled over and waited 10 minutes?
Hung back a ways?
Waited for a passing lane?

I feel I made the right decision. I didn't want to be behind someone who cant seem to keep all 4 tires on the pavement.
.......called the police with his plate number, location, and description. Not sure what that would accomplish but that's what I'd do.
Note the plate, make and model, stop and call the cops to report a drunk driver. Then hang back and follow him until the police arrive. ;)
Good call on getting lost. I'd have ditched him quick, but in hindsight, I agree with the others on calling it in....so I guess pull over and use your extra 10 mins to call the cops!
Good call on getting lost. I'd have ditched him quick, but in hindsight, I agree with the others on calling it in....so I guess pull over and use your extra 10 mins to call the cops!

I'm not adverse to passing on double yellow on special circumstances, but you have to realize you're taking a certain amount of risk passing an impaired driver - and the driver might just make the call first to turn you in for speeding and failure to obey a traffic control device. Doesn't matter much though because the cops are almost certainly going to ignore both your calls. If they didn't see it, it didn't happen. They've got better things to do with their time - usually.

Now if you had your video cam running when you were behind the guy and he tried to go "off-roading" you might have a chance of getting a response from LEO - but I doubt it. YMMV. I live in metro area of about 1.2 million people and the cops are moderately busy most of the time. The infraction you saw is worth a warning at best (unless LEO can prove he was drunk). If he was just tuning his radio to a new station ...
I agree with everyones call:
Hang back.
Take note his/plates.
Notify the proper authority.
He could be driving like that for many reasons besides being stupid, drunk or some sort of pre-existing medical condition...... like......S-T-U-P-I-D-I-T-Y :D, but seriously just hang back.