Whats wrong with this picture?


Junior Member
Jul 7, 2008
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Round Rock, Texas
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Had new rubber put on the FZ today at a shop in Austin. Got home to Round Rock and this is what I found. I can forgive the rim scratches (they were pristine however) but this made me sick.

I can't see your pics?

just too frightening for words.

Did you ride it back from the shop like that!?
I wasn't sure what I was looking at. Had to go outside and look at my bike.
WTF did they do???? How hard is it to put !@#$ back the way you found it....
What did they do, just wander off for coffee halfway through putting the wheel back on?

I would e-mail those pics to the shop and then arrange to see the boss.

I don't know if I just missed THAT in my pre-ride check going home or if it wasn't properly torqued down and it worked its way out on the highway :confused: Happy I made it home in one piece !
That is why I do all my own tire mount/dismounts. I simply bring the tire/rim into Cycle Gear. That would scare the SH*# out of me!

Yep, I'm now convinced to do at least that. Also looking into mounting my own tires, just haven't convinced myself it's worth purchasing the tools for something I will only use every couple years.
:eek:Dude you need to take those pics to the shop owner...before some other poor dude gets really hurt. Glad you noticed that in time.
I am sorry but I don't understand what is wrong. I will look tomorrow for myself and see if I can find the difference. But if anyone can will they elaberate to me whats the deal because by the way you guys are reacting its bad. Thanks
I am sorry but I don't understand what is wrong. I will look tomorrow for myself and see if I can find the difference. But if anyone can will they elaberate to me whats the deal because by the way you guys are reacting its bad. Thanks

His front axle has backed out. Had it come out a tad bit farther, we're talking catostrophic failure as the you watch the front tire leave the bike.:eek:
His front axle has backed out. Had it come out a tad bit farther, we're talking catostrophic failure as the you watch the front tire leave the bike.:eek:
My goodness. Are you serious? What did the techs do to cause this or not do? Man that is crazy I understand now the reactions. I guess the techs figures if they work on your bike and something happens like you wreck and get killed there want be any witnesses. That is sad either way they have no more respect for your life or anyones around you when you wreck from something like that. I would for sure take those pics to your dealership asap and then contact Yamaha relations. He does not need to be working or repairing bikes or cars.
My goodness. Are you serious? What did the techs do to cause this or not do? Man that is crazy I understand now the reactions. I guess the techs figures if they work on your bike and something happens like you wreck and get killed there want be any witnesses. That is sad either way they have no more respect for your life or anyones around you when you wreck from something like that. I would for sure take those pics to your dealership asap and then contact Yamaha relations. He does not need to be working or repairing bikes or cars.

They either did not tighten the axle, or did not tighten to the correct torque, did not tighten the pinch-bolt, or did not properly torque the pinch-bolt, or all of the above.