Whats your mpg?


Happy Thankful Member
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May 24, 2008
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Spartanburg, South Carolina
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I drive to work everyday. It is just 2.4 miles from my house to my work. I filled the tank up the other week while it was on its side stand. I am thinking that is 5 gals right? So far on this tank I have driven 116 miles and my last fuel bar is flashing now. I am about to run out of gas. Now is that not Just 23.2 mpg? That is damn horrible if it is. My 07 crew cab silverado gets that much on the hwy. Heck that is the main reason I even bought the bike was to save gas and insurance. Could it had been since I filled the bike while on its side stand it didnt get a full 5 gals? I am going to refill it tomorrow while its on its center stand. I should for sure get a full 5 gals. But please let me hear anyones suggestions.
Im getting 43-48...my highest was 52 going very gently...I wait till my last bar flashes and then i fill up...with about 3.3 to 3.8 gallons...i get 148 -150 mile per fill up. I never fill on sidestand. i am always sitting on the bike with it level. I never top off I let the pump click off automatically. Your weight does have an impact and stop and go does also. I travel around rural areas and highway and im 5'9 185 #
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I believe you should fill up the bike while sitting on it and keeping it vertical and stop once it hits the bottom of the neck. I have gotten 50 miles per gallon before and consistantly get 45 riding on the freeway. I would imagine in town only riding you should get at least 40 mpg. Maybe it is time to do a tune up. spark plugs, air filter???
I use my trip odometer to track my mileage. Best was 58, worst 50, the 50 was on 'cheap' gas. I am a bit smaller than you @ 5'2, 150#
I'm about the same dimensions as you, and I'm getting pretty much the same mileage. Wait till the last bar flashes, then fill while sitting on the bike.
I usually get around 45-52 mpg on "normal" rides. Keeping the engine above 8000 rpm decreases mpg rapidly. My worst has been 28 mpg. Also during the first 800 miles, fuel economy pretty much sucked. I weigh 220 lbs so I am no feather weight.
I fill mine the exact same way every time (shell v power, center stand, stop when the fuel touches the ring, write down mileage and fuel used, reset trip meter). I get between 47 and 56 every time depending on my driving style. I find i actually get worst mileage if its all highway @ 75+ mph v around town 45 to 55 mph.

Oh i drive pretty mellow most of the time (except when I find an open road of course). Normal shifts @6000 rpm.
I believe you should fill up the bike while sitting on it and keeping it vertical and stop once it hits the bottom of the neck. I have gotten 50 miles per gallon before and consistantly get 45 riding on the freeway. I would imagine in town only riding you should get at least 40 mpg. Maybe it is time to do a tune up. spark plugs, air filter???
Sorry I didn't add this bit of information. But the bike is brand new barely a month old and 1000miles.
Sorry I didn't add this bit of information. But the bike is brand new barely a month old and 1000miles.

Get that bike on a nice long ride, it will loosen up big time. You mileage should start increasing as the miles go on.
Hey there Hollow! You actually have two issues hindering your MPG.

The first one is the newness of the bike. You've barely got her broken in and the MPG during breakin is not great at all. It took me about 2200 to 2400 miles to start getting into the low to mid 40's for MPG. It will increase more and settle in provided the breakin was done right.

The second and most costly one for you is the length of your trip. Your bike is not even fully warmed up and performing before you arrive and shut it off for work and during this time when the engine is not up to temperature, you get the very worst of MPG. I know this for a fact because my wife has about the same commute and no matter which one she takes, her bike, the car or the truck, the MPG for all of them is cut by almost 33%. I can take her bike or either of the vehicles to work throughout a full tank and get the expected MPG because I'm a 12 mile commute however I often take a 25 mile loop to and from. ;)

Here's what I'd suggest... find a nice 20 mile loop to leave home and get to work then leave earlier. Take the same route home (or a different one with the same distance. Do this for a couple tanks of fuel and watch the MPG. Then, go back to the short commute for a tank and compare. You'll see the 30+ percent decrease all over again.

I hope this helps explain. The MPG will never get much higher on such a short commute. Some will say "Let it warm up a few minutes before pulling out" but the MPG will not change much because you'd still burned a considerable amount of fuel watching the temp rise.
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FZ6inNH nailed it. With that short of a commute and a new bike you cant really expect that great of mileage. I'm 6'0 and 170. I have a 40 min commute each way every day. I have gotten around 54 so far. I'm doing 70 mph half the way to work and 60 mph the other half. I also run premium chevron or shell, usually chevron.
I'm 5'7"/155lbs, and I get between 45 and 55 MPG. It all depends on your riding style. I always fill my bike up on the centerstand, up to the filler ring. You may want to take it to the dealer and have them check it out. There may be a Tech Bulletin or an adjust needed, GRUMPY
I agree with what everyone has said about it being a short commute and the bike hasn't had a chance to warm up.

What I'd like to add, though, is that when the fuel gauge gets to the last bar, you're probably only going to be able to put in about 3.5 gallons or so. With that calculation, you're getting better than 30 MPG. Still not great, but much better than 23.
I prefer to get off the bike to fill it in case of a fuel spill. I have had race gas spill out of my tank, dirtbike, once and it ran down the center of my jeans and legs. I finished the race before I stopped to take off the gear. I can still remember the feeling on that gas soaking into my skin...

Bad day.

Sorry I didn't add this bit of information. But the bike is brand new barely a month old and 1000miles.

and there is your answer, my bike was getting about 30 mpg until about 2500 miles or so and then it steadily climbed to over 50 consistently now, stop and go is hurting your fuel economy as well as the guestimating you are doing on the fill up, be sure to fill it the same way and to the same lever each fill up and when it reaches that level check the fuel that actually went in (indicated on the pump) and divide that by the miles traveled.
This morning I had to fill up since the bike went to F-TRIP on the ride home Wednesday. I had 6.8 miles completed on reserve. I sit on the bike and fill to the top, somewhat past the filler neck. I put in 4.07 gallons and the ODO read 178.9 miles. That is 43.95 MPG but I tend to ride in a higher RPM. I'm sure I could get closer to 48 MPG if I were to ride in higher gears/lower RPMs. ;)
With everything on my bike I'm getting about 42-48 mpg. My best was 55 on a 3 hour road trip with twisties and straights and I'm 5'9" 165lbs. Not sure how I managed that but it sure was fun! I would have to agree that riding style is everthing including fully warmed rides. I usually fill up just before the gauge flashes averaging 2.7-3.2 gallons around 140-160 miles on the trip.

Did I mention that trip I took was mostly spent in trip digits?:rolleyes: