Wheeling Question


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Sep 12, 2011
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Im trying to get the wheeling down for my fz6, Ive raced dirt bikes my whole life and I can wheely that for ever and my wr250x for a long time but I can not wheely my fz6. I start in first gear about 6 grand and then just use the power band to get it up. As i come to the end of first gear I shift into second but it seems like it just cant keep it up. Any suggestions?
Don't want to burst your bubble, but I don't know if this is the right forum for this question.

A lot of us are pretty conservative in these kind of riding aspects.

We pride our selves for being ATGATT, and loath other riders that give fellow riders a bad time by continuing stereotypes that people with sportier bikes do nothing but wheelies down the highway, riding 100+ mph all the time, and are all around douche bags.

Someone may still help you, but I personally don't think you should hold your breath for it.

Not that I condone this, but the fz is not the easiest bike for this. If you want to lift it up, and keep it up - you're gonna have to romp it hard. Sounds like you're trying to power wheelie - without any mods power wheelies are hard on the fz. If you got new sprockets and chain with the 520 conversion, +1 (or even +2!) - definitely would help.

Without some mods, the fz just takes some MMPH to get up and keep it up.

Tried clutching it up in 2nd?

and again I don't condone this on the street - too much room for devastating failure, just keep it in an empty parking lots or a little show off at the track on your roll back.
the fz6 is fairly heavy, with a lot of weight forwards. It's not possible to power wheelie it with stock gearing, you need to use the clutch.

My friend tried to teach me (on a closed road etc) and my bike didn't really seem to enjoy being abused like that, so it's not somethign i've persued.
I have to disagree, i do not do it all the time,. infact i learnt when i was "more" immature a couple of years back and it is someting i can do but dont. But the FZ6 can power wheelie very easy. Either by hitting the throttle hard in 1st at about 20pmh or by clutching it up and keeping it there to 2nd gear, but the bike does drop in 2nd gear,

Like others have said. the bike is a little underpowered in stock form to maintain very long wheelies and will need some changes to the gearing and power delivery.

But i do not recommend doing this as in the long run it will only cause damage. I have had to have head stock bearings changed due to this (on old bike), Not a good idea. But each to their own
Your best bet is to find the balance point and clutch it up in 2nd, the bike just ain't got enough balls to keep it up like your doing. But once you find that balance point she go as long as you can make her
Im trying to get the wheeling down for my fz6, Ive raced dirt bikes my whole life and I can wheely that for ever and my wr250x for a long time but I can not wheely my fz6. I start in first gear about 6 grand and then just use the power band to get it up. As i come to the end of first gear I shift into second but it seems like it just cant keep it up. Any suggestions?

They make pills for that.
I flipped a YZ465 back in the day and that cured me of any urge to wheelie a bike. I admire those that can and some make it look really easy but I'd agree with some others here and keep both wheels on the ground.

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the bike just ain't got enough balls to keep it up like your doing.

lets not sell our amazing bikes short....my sweetheart has plenty of balls! (metaphorically of course)

try putting your left foot on the passenger peg, see if that gets your weight back enough to make it easier, of course there wont be any shifting and you would have to clutch it up.
It may be nose heavy but it can be done!

This kid rode past our house doing about 50 in a 25 with kids riding their bikes on the street doing a wheelie, twice! The second time I met him at the curb flipping him off! :Flip: A half hour later we heard him flip it over! This is what we found! The bike still had dealer plates! Stupid newbie squid on a Gixxer! Talked with the owner of the shop about it and the kid brought it in with some story about a car pulling out in front of him! Nobody bought it! lol
I did it sort of half accidentally half not in second gear on a freeway onramp once in second gear using the clutch and it was the scariest experience of my life.

Haha. Haven't attempted it since and probably won't.

Anyway, point being there are plenty of people who are all about wheelies, I'm sure someone can help...
Before I got a motorcycle, I was all about jumping and wheeling my mountain bike. Naturally I wanted to try wheelies on a motorcycle.

On my Ninja 250 it took a lot of work to get the front end up. On the FZ6 it's too easy.

For a simple clutch up, ride in first gear about 15-20 mph, pull the clutch in, blip the throttle and pop the clutch. It will come right up. Keep all throttle inputs smooth and slow and avoid chopping the throttle closed due to fear when the front wheel starts to come up.

Oh, and most importantly, cover the rear brake BEFORE starting to wheelie. Once your front wheel leaves the ground, you may find you need to bring er down with the rear brake and your foot won't be in the right place! I've pulled some decent wheelies on my bike. I try to do it in empty parking lots usually, but I've been known to wheelie away from stoplights on occasion :D
Get yourself a 2-stroke bike :D
Lots of fun!! :D:p

I'm currently restoring one of my "old" (bought new in 2003, has been sitting still with seized cylinder and broken crankshaft since 2006 :rolleyes:) 2-stroke bikes:


(Note: this isn't my bike, though it is the same colour scheme... just a whole lot dirtier :disapprove:)
I've got the 80cc, 26mm carb (whee :D) and other stuff back to operating status, so it will be fun when it's back together :D


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Thanks for the opinion and for those all condoning wheeling, I don't go wheeling down highways, I use a runway at an airport.
The FZ6 is capable of a power wheelie in first gear if.... I had a modified FZ6 with Power Commander and it was dyno tuned. I've seen lots of clutch ups on the FZ6....It just takes practice and you have to take responsibility with what you might experience as you learn. Make sure you cover your rear brake. There are some informative youtube vids on the subject. The most important part is the FZ6 has enough power to flip completely backwards. Be safe. That's the most important part. You may loose the bike a few times. I never try to wheelie on purpose but it happens to me with all my bikes and I just have a hard time getting my helmet off afterward because the smile I get squeezes my cheek real wide inside my helmet. :D

If you have to do it, rolling clutch ups are probably the best way to start because you have gyro effect from already rolling wheels to hep with stability.
Don't just learn to wheelie from a dead stop. Be safe! Be safe!
lets not sell our amazing bikes short....my sweetheart has plenty of balls! (metaphorically of course)

try putting your left foot on the passenger peg, see if that gets your weight back enough to make it easier, of course there wont be any shifting and you would have to clutch it up.

I WOULD NOT recommend this; wheelies are about balance, if you load the bike unequally by having a foot to the rear you will spiral in a circle and crash for certain if you do sustain a wheelie. . .

Not that i advocate doing this, but going up steep hills takes a bit of the gravity factor out of it. Anyway - baby steps. . . .
Oh and cast frames don't bend, so a good screw up will mean one less FZ on the planet. . . :(