When are you no longer a "noob"?

We will forever be noobs...Just we gain more experience so we become more experienced noobs :p But to not be a noob i think you'd have to ride every single bike ever made, ride in every type of weather, experience every type of crash, experience all the problems a motorcycle can give you...It'll take many life times...;p
I am certainly a noob, only had my bike for a week.

However, I have rode and raced dirtbikes since I was about 4 years old.

I was nervous after reading some posts on this forum about the FZ6 not being a bike for beginners. Not sure if that only applies to beginners on two wheels, or beginners to street.

The FZ6 was the first street bike I ever rode, I had never even sat on one.

I feel very comfortable on it and riding it just came natural. The only thing that makes me nervous are the idiots around me.

Is there anyone else that came from dirtbikes that thinks the transition was easy?

I don't go over the edge riding, but have a lot of confidence in my ability of basic street riding.
What an interesting Q..as others and yourself have stated ,we will learn till the day we hang our boots up..

one person might think an expeirenced rider is the guy who can wheelie through all 6 gears or do 100mph stoppies

look at Karl Foggarty..world champ on a ducati for goodness knows how many seasons..he didnt even have a licence and infact failed his test about 5 times iirc.

so in the real world does that make me less of a noob that the former fastest circuit rider on the planet?? (it would be nice to think so..but i doubt it..lol)

in my opinion the biggest noob is the guy who puts on his leathers saturday morning thinking hes donning a super hero suit..this is the guy who kids will wake up sunday morning without a dad.this is the main reason i will always stay in my comfort zone

thers to too many variables to pinpoint or guage newbieness (is that a word?)..my code of the road is be aware of your surroundings..if you dont do something stupid you can bet someone else will,and your limits,sure the bar will be raised as you clock up the miles and expierence different situations.But the minute you think your not a noob you WILL get stung..convidence is no substitute for competence
Nicely put. After about 5000 miles of Boston riding, one accident and on my third (technically second since my second only lasted two weeks) bike I still consider myself a noob. There are many times where I am not feeling very comofortable and feel the need to back off.
you will ALWAYS be a noob....because as soon as you think you've "mastered" the motorcycle....it will teach you different....i've been riding bikes for 16 years and had two crashes.....both crashes happened when i thought i "had it all under control" I'm forever a noob :rockon:
All my street bikes combined - I've tracked over 85,000 miles since 2002. Went down once in the rain, countless near misses, locked rear wheels, fishtailing, near lowsides, you name it - and still I ride every single day. You never stop learning, and when you think you have - that's when you need to lay down your keys before you lay down your bike.

I agree - no such thing as a noobie when it comes to riding, now a poser squid and weekend wannabe, that's another subject all together.

The minute you stop questioning whether you can get better or not, at the ART AND SKILL of motorcycling, that's the moment the bike will show you who's really boss. In a big way!!

The moment you believe you know it all, you'll crash. :welcome: fellow n00bs! :D