Where do you work and what do you do?

I am a physician. Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology.
I'm a cook at a local restaurant. I also cut greens at a golf course every morning. Not to bad for 17 years old!:thumbup:
I'm a project engineer for a commercial & custom cabinet making company.

Lots of AutoCad & Microvellum stuff. Draw pictures a create code for milling cabinets etc. It's really slow now though....

Great Thread!
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JUNKOLOGIST.....I guess that would be my official titile now.seeing how i have'nt touched a car with less than 100,000 miles on it since I left Acura in april ,2008.I had to go where the money is and currently it's in P.O.S.es!:D (oh and if i was'nt clear i'm a mechanic)with a mortage and a truck note.:DP.S. NOW I'M THE SHOP FOREMAN WHOO HOO!!!
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Just stumbled across this thread.
I'm self employed in the Retail Alcohol Industry. I guess that's a nice way to say I sell what people want. Pretty recession proof business also.
I currently am a package handler for Fedex Ground. I stand in warehouse, on top of a tower and look at zip codes and throw packages where they belong.

I'm also a communications major, working on my degree at the local community college.

I consider myself an entrepreneur, though. I do landscaping, construction, buy/sell/trade, paint, fix cars, or anything else I'm capable of doing for a quick buck.
What do I do? YOUR MOM!!! Zing! J/K- couldn't resist.

Seriously- I've been in the U.S. Air Force for 14+ years, as an Air Transportation Specialist with Air Mobility Command. What's that, you ask? Well, moving military cargo & passengers all over the world. We're kinda the combined United Airlines/Federal Express arm of the DoD. Currently I'm an airlift forecaster; much like a weather forecaster, I tell people what & how many airplanes are moving to & fro in the next few days. Yes, spent my fair share of time in Iraq & Afghanistan and other exotic sh**holes. But JOB SECURITY!!! What recession??? :thumbup:
NICE... i forgot about this thread and i am glad that it made a re-appearance

Add to my list that i am now a father.... best job i have ever had :)
Very nice thread, very talented and diverse group of people here.

Nurse Manager
Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory

We take care of people who are at risk for/or have cardiac problems due to avoidable and unavoidable risk factors and the potential complications that can follow. Recently, we added permanent pacemaker implants and endovascular procedures to our existing services.

So it's like this: A 65y/o man walks in to Nelly's ED complaining of sternal chest pain radiating to the back and left arm x2hours ago from home, Norm comes in and performs a quick and concise assessment of the patient while an EKG is being done which confirms he is having a heart attack. The patient is rushed to the cath lab, Tubes are inserted(catheters) up to his heart, dye is injected to view the blockage, pass a metal wire through the blockage, insert another tube with a balloon/stent, inflate the balloon (compressing the blockage, while deploying the stent), deflate the balloon and blood flow is resumed. Completion of heart attack averted, person continues to live another day to pay taxes to Uncle Sam. Everything must be done within 60-90 minutes upon entering the hospital.
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I fly captain on a Hawker800XP, Corporate Mid-size jet, for Flight Options Flight Options Jet Card and Fractional Aircraft Ownership Programs. I work 8 days on and 7 off. Most of our Owners/Passengers have in interest in one of the airplanes and pay a monthly maintenance fee per month or they can have a JetPass Card which is basically Charter. I been doing for about 10 years now.

Like many industries, General Aviation has really taking a hit during this Economic Climate. Everyday, I'm thankful I have a job.
Intelligence Analyst,
It's all about knowing the enemy, and predicting what they're going to do.
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I am a Contract Utility Lineman. YES YOU ARE ALL WELCOME FOR BRINGING POWER TO ALL THE GIZMOS THAT DEMAND IT. Lol. I travel around the country building powerline after storms, new builds in wind generation farms ect. Its a life that I love.
i'm a campus minister at the university of north carolina in chapel hill. best job i could ever hope to have. every now and then i dream of building tube amps, being a guitar tech or a motorcycle mechanic when things are frustrating. but then i remember how much i love what i'm doing.
I'm a maintenance foreman for the largest underground coal company in the US (until Obama shuts us down) MATT
Bugs, I kill bugs like ants, spiders and wasps plus weeds, poison oak & other brush.
Owner / operator of a Pest & Weed control company I started 22 years ago. We (my wife and I) have 3 full time employees plus us.
I am a working employer and really prefer to be out in the field instead of in the office. Enjoy living and working in the Sierra Nevada foothills but even more fun riding all the twisty roads.