Why are squids attracted to the Gixxers?

Aug 26, 2012
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Carrollton, Texas
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Hey guys, its been a long time since I posted but I'm Back!!! :Sport:

Anyways, its been on my mind for a while so I thought I would ask to see if anyone else would know the answer.

For the longest time now, ever since I started riding I've noticed that *most* squids ride Gixxers not to say that all GSXR riders are squid nor that squids don't ride other brands however; it just seems that 95% of the squids :squid:around here rides Gixxers. I live in the Dallas Ft. Worth area btw.

Its just... I don't know... there has to be a reason for this because from what I've notice here is the break down of the bikes squid rides.

1st - GSXR series *doesn't include the Hayabusa, those guys are in a class of their own.
2nd- R6 and R1
3rd- ZX Ninja series *by a narrow margin*
4th- CBR's

I'm not trying to bash on the GSXR because truthfully, they are great motorcycles but I will never be able to live with myself if I buy one because of the people that bike is associated with. :squid:

So yeah.. if anyone can enlighten me on why so many squids choose the Gixxer
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Tampa, FL here and I've noticed the same. So much so in fact that I've started to have this judgement of GSXR riders. I have noticed that the older gens seem to have less squids than the newer gens.

It may have something to do with the single headlight that attracts people with a certain taste. Or it may be that squids who ride GSXRs talk the GSXR up to their friends and also don't encourage said friends to get gear. OR it may be the millions of youtube videos containing squids stunting on GSXRs which attracts people who want to be associated with that crowd.

...In any case there are squids everywhere here so it isn't just the GSXR
They're fast, cheap, and they look cool.

They also happen to be pretty damn good bikes. Nothing beats the 750 in terms of price/performance and the 600 is the top choice in a lot of comparison reviews, so I can't really blame them for choosing either one.

If I were going to upgrade, a GSXR-750 would probably be one of my top 3 choices.
People detached from the motorcycle scene are unbiased.

Gixxers are probably the best overall buy.
Confession: I squid it up every now and then too... :$

But also living in DFW also, the Gixxer takes the top spot by far. But I see more CBR squids too. Gixxer's have the biggest brand recognition as far as street bikes go, and they typically have more "noticeable" coloring/decals relative to other brands.
Ok i'm going to bite the bullet and ask, what is a squid (sarcastic answers on a postcard please!)?

Ok i'm going to bite the bullet and ask, what is a squid (sarcastic answers on a postcard please!)?


From the Urban Dictionary:
A young motorcyclist who overestimates his abilities, boasts of his riding skills when in reality he has none. Squid bikes are usually decorated with chrome and various anodized bits. Rear tyres are too wide for their own good, swingarm extended. Really slow in the corners, and sudden bursts of acceleration when a straight appears. Squids wear no protection, deeming themselves invincible. This fact compounds intself with the fact that they engage in 'extreem riding'--performing wheelies and stoppies in public areas. Squids wreck alot. Derived from 'squirly kid'
Some say "Gixxers are like a-holes - everyone's got one and they all stink" - parts of this are up for debate, they're more comfy than the other sportbikes, IMO. And they're pretty cheap for the performance. That said, I doubt I'll ever buy one, mainly because I prefer buying used vehicles, and a used Gixxer is a terrible idea, primarily because it's been beat to s*** by a squid. I like my fork seals lasting more than 2 seasons and my transmission not dropping out of second.

Whatever you do - if you buy a Gixxer, for the love of god, get it in a color other than blue and white. They look sooooo good in red/black, yellow/black and black/black - after all - blue/white is the color all of the squids ride, so you can differentiate yourself!
Here is a pretty good squid example I caught..

Note that this one is lowered with an extended swingarm - a key sign of the squid - taking a beautiful race inspired machine and turning it into a one trick pony.

You can find the squid in his natural habitat going to bike night and having a few too many beers, or trying to race every civic it rolls up beside from stoplight to stoplight.
I have a confession! :(

I have raced a car on the street =(
It was a blue challenger SRT, I was on my way home from chipotle with food, I was hungry and as the light turned green the guy peeled out and thought I was racing him, I gunned it and won :D
Note about the Pic I posted, you may notice he is texting.. After the light changed he continued texting down the road.. a kid on another who was semi squiding it (only had a helmet on) did about a quadruple take and hauled a** away from him.

Edit: Also sorry about the big pic
We should ask one of our newer members; HER name starts with a V!!! :spank::spank: :BLAA: EDIT: Just waana add a J/K <<

No picture, but last Sunday's ride up on the mountain I caught up with two squids Gxxrs. On the real long straights Squid A would do wheelies at 75MPH. Me and Squid B just stayed the hell out of the way should he fumble! Anyway - me and Crisis caught them in the corners every time! :thumbup:
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also from Urban Dictionary:

An extremely rare animal with a short lifespan. Usually a new sport bike enthusiast with the reasoning of a lunatic, whom you might see thrashing on an R1 wearing sandals, shorts, and a tee.
When found lying motionless on the pavement, this creature transforms itself into a stream of blood, exposed flesh, and broken limbs. Hence the squid moniker.


... I have noticed that the older gens seem to have less squids than the newer gens.

The first sentence ofthe above explains why there arent too many older gens squids - they dont survive.

On a more serious note, GSXR seems to be a very popular bike for somebody looking for a fast-looking and fast-going bike - and the price is reasonable, hence the popularity
I have a confession! :(

I have raced a car on the street =(
It was a blue challenger SRT, I was on my way home from chipotle with food, I was hungry and as the light turned green the guy peeled out and thought I was racing him, I gunned it and won :D

It's okay. We've all done it. I raced a Ruckus from light to light in Seattle once. Almost didn't beat him.
One of our newest members rides a GSXR and she's a great rider. From day one when she met up with us she road as good as a lot of the guys I've ridden with. She's really smooth in turns and I always get the feeling she'll be one of the better riders I know.

She and I ride Zookies! :BLAA: